HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Community Development Committee 1989-06-08BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee June 8, 1989 Committee; Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chairman Dickinson, Trustees Barker and Garrett Trustees Barker and Garrett Trustee Aldrich, Community Development Director Stamey, Public Works Director Widmer, Second Wind Limited Representa- tives Marsh, Marsh, License, Webermeier, Blackhurst, Graham, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jungbluth, Clerk O'Connor Chairman Dickinson, Town Administrator Klaphake mLtina aofSe?^f rf Cha.i^man Dickinson, Trustee Barker called the p!m? g f th Coimnunity Development Committee to order at 2:01 ECONOMIC DEVELOPERS COUNCIL OF COLORADO lEDCC) CONFERKMCF - v:™JtYin?l™a?rcnnaatherree0dt05 the Ccittee on dance at the EDCC ConferenceUrhel9fl Cha:Lr'"an Dickinson's atten- subjects, the conference adie=^ ''arts"3?90; • Al"°n9 °ther trade. Following discussion i-hf n fundmg and world Stamey obtain an annual membershi n 0ri;iin:Lt^fe recoimnends Director Council, authorizing an expSndlture'^o/nJS? EC0n0mi° Devel°P^ts SECOND WIND LTD. - npoTimr. Second Wind Ltd •contracts with the Towi"toaLrforinaei^enaJ5nt advettising agency, with ethe0rcthambornofdCo1n!mierc'e tQ9Wind° contracts Ute the informational aUthor:Lze the Chamber to afstvlb. providedCansummary°ofCtheirCbackground?1^OW^n9 b0ard and Scott WebermeioT-Advertising Response Statistics Christmas Pageant x:atlstics Through May, the Town has noai• dvertising responses. Texas imiZedM u 1/4% increase in FC?lfaMhatVe Si9nifican«y' IncTeasS^hw5^?,' Indlana' and lorida, Mrchigan, New York a4d MCirsaorr?'hayhe1 decre^^^r"18' th°antCert1en3 anh„euaClhraSatg1’eaaSntPaLeanbt' commented thXePentSJLe ahads d:Sai?Ladadlti0nar«-' inatrdeathant9lpyerL°pse t®!P°"sibillty for futu°rre a -l^vice club to assuL ?hl that second wind might no/b9 a-bhre toMrschWeedbuTretiLr Peter Marsh 1988 Conversion Study National Magazine Program Sion Studytee3 suimnary report of the 1988 Co draws fro^^' a \%thhe; suffe-^ it -PPeLsTsterilri Identified a weaTneas in°m?he9rarL °ff h9""18*8' ThaeSs?a5b me area of "perceived" lack of BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee - June 8, 1989 - Page two activities. A ten-day "activities checklist" was prepared, and it is now included in each packet. The Committee also reviewed a monthly schedule of magazine placements for 1989. Suzy Blackhurst Public Relations Ms. Blackhurst reviewed the Colorado Press Service, reported a "photo library" has been initiated, and presented a copy of the official "press kit." Harry Graham Travel Shows/Conferences Mr. Graham advised representatives are now attending travel shows and conference in an effort to attract various groups to the area. This is the second year of this successful program. Maureen Marsh Television Advertising One-half of the sales tax revenues are received from the front range, therefore, the 1989 Television Program contains a $70,000 television budget. Due to the exclusive contract ^ith KCNC Channel 4, Second Wind is able to double the value of TV dollars. The Committee viewed an "animation" of the advertising logo which will be used on television, videos, etc. An Estes Park video is being prepared, it should be received by January, 1990. Terry License Newspaper "Insert" Program Purpose of Second Wind Ltd, The newspaper insert program is in its fourth year and covers a combined circulation of 170,000. Four inserts are developed each year. Mr. License stated the primary purpose of Second Wind Ltd. IS to increase Sales Tax revenues in Estes Park. /Xpressed their appreciation to those representa- qp^onriPw^SS t f0i a Vf^y lnformative briefing, recommending; (1) Second Wind supply a list of their board members, including their fork^1QtRlQn^' iV- ?econd Wind continue the Christmas Pageant for 1989, with additional discussion to follow. The Committee fur?her9InhJSced perhaPs the newspaper insert concept could be The Committee also commended the tremendous amount of volunteer hours expended by the aforestated representatives. IeSngbeatn93 = 3l business' Trustee adjourned the Vickie O'Connor, Town Clerk JUN 13 1989 TOWN OF ESTES PARK BOARD OF TRUSTEES