HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROCLAMATION Garden Club Week 2000-06-04QEte art,oorabo
W’MR”l,5rdzn Clubs id in thg protRetion nd
consRrvtion of thR nturl rgsourcgs of thR sttR,
improv civic butg,ncourgø th improvmgnt of
rodsidRs nd perks,promotR horticulture nd dv8ncR
thR finR rt of grdRning nd lndscpR dRsign;nd
WtR1,th Cotordo f’RdRrtion of rdn Clubs
promots .duction in horticultur,consrvtion nd 1ndscp
dRsign through gift scholarships;nd
our communitg is grcRd with bRutiful flor&
displgs,both in public perks nd t privtR homRs;nd
W1111,th Colorado dRrtion of rdn Clubs wilt hold its roth
convention in estRs Perk t th tiolidg Inn nd ests Perk ConfRrRncø
Cntgr on ]unR 9th,]unR 10th,nd junR 11th;
NOV?,I11RORe’,i3E’IT Re’OID\7,that thR Igor nd i3ord of
TrustRs of thR Town of estRs Perk proclaim thR wk of ]un 4th through
JunR 10th 85
eN EUi3 we’t
In witng33 whrRoJ hvR hrRunto wI mg hand
nd cu3d this g&to b JJxRd.
John 8udRk,M8gor
‘lit t cst:VOJt.
t68g 15,2000
in thR Town of estgs P8rk,Color8do 8nd &l citizgns invited to t8kç
spRci¬ieR of thR mng lovAg g8rdns within our communitg.
995 -Munpol Awo0 Conpon Honce6e.AL (205)352.9365