HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 94-41——0 0RDINANCi’IUJiLiR 94 Annual ropriation Ordinance For the Pical Year aeginning April 1,1942 and hnding arch 31,1943. be It Ordained Iy The Board of Trustecs Of The Town of .stes Park,C1orado: Section 1.That out of the moneys and revenues to be derived from the collection of general taxes during the year 1942 and levied by the board of Trustees of the Town of stes Park,Ooiorado,on all taxable property ithin the corporate limits of said Town for the year 1941 in the total amount of 19 mills on each dollar of assessed valuation of aid property,which collections ere estimated t $16,127.?;, and from the oney cerved ro the ;eneral and iscei1aneous revenues •UTifl the year 1942 and estinated at $6,75.00, wing a total estimated amount t be derived f roLl taxes, eTeral and miscellaneous revenues and cash on hand in the sum of $22,702.71,there is hereby aproprited for the fiscal year beginning A.ril 1st,1942 and ending ilarch 31, 1943,the following amounts for ti fol1oin resy OCtiVS pur:oses,to—’t: General Fund: General Government 6 1,635.00 iolice cpart.ent 3,200.00 Health 2O.00 ienittion 725.00 Highways 7,O0.00 Contingent 5,017.71 Parks iiiblic i.ado’s.2,100.00 Capitol Fund 167.00 Total 22,702.71 3ection 2.That out 01’the :oneys and revenues to be derived from the operation of the Town of Ostes Park unicipu1 Vater ystem during the year 1942,estirated at .16,800.00,there is hereby appropri.ated the fo11oin amounts for the following respective purposes,to—vits alaries $2,400.00 Wares 1,000.00 Office xpense 900.00 iupp1ies &aterial l,L03.13 JLutouobile !.xne 00.00 iond Interest 3,’i96.37 Plant Investnent 2,000.00 lIond ede1lption cC1O - Total 1,800.00 U)U,a,-HC)a)4.’c..-H-Ha)a,C)a)U)-Ha)-,a)4-)0U);U)-4-H4-)o4.).tj.4.)oa)a,£r-4E4a)0-HU)4-’‘i)oØria)4.’a)Ia)U)-Hc-Ia)a)0a)4-,040rta‘cia)U)U)0.tia)‘0C,C)‘004.’frA•‘.•*4.’fi_400C)•tl4a).,j0a)çc04-’ca.10a,4.’c-I-HC)r4+cii-404a0004U)-ciC)0ür4.rtC)‘c-I.0H—_i,0•c-1C>‘0a,a),.1—,-+‘4-’U)U,r4_I.rI040-rI-4)c-I0Cia-HC)U>d3-’4.’a)U).--HU);i4-’a)a)U)‘0a)c:‘-s-.1C)C)04aa)a)>to‘3-’4-’-lC)a)0-H•&-:I°‘00a)U)0‘0cii-Hiz:U)a)a).c::.c:a)a)4.)4.34)-c-IU)4_j‘ci0Ci;--E-c-Ic-Iaaa)p03-,C)230“S‘U4-)C.’j-H4-’•..•••‘4r;:-S-•--p—‘—.-——.4.‘-z_-L4a••_,.-•-.,---.••--•4•.-•....—-•.•.--•-.•—•7-.—/-----::.-:-.---•.:.-..:•-.-:-•.:r’-.---1•‘.-‘-••i.——2-•--•:••**.—*_*‘__*%‘_S7___.—•-*7*_•.-&-*-**—--*-*-a-•••.7..,—)-..)‘••4.-.--.5’——S.Ai------,.3.---•••-.-t.•4-;-I••5-•&-.7—.4 :(N ‘ :e1 ?S jt tA? AbSOLUTION •t1ba-.n.t .Pt .,ç..a . jr.r*et.•‘.•.:. VflMthaS,it is the duty of the £oard of Trustees of The Town of Katos tat,Colorado,to make tin;animal levy to pay the ny-eases of the Tan Gave ntent for the fiscal year beginning s.;r±1 1st,1942; No.1 Z!ttYufl,BE IT Ri,&LVD that there is tacro levied on all the t&n.blo property withls the cor;nte Units of the Town of !stes Frk,C ‘lortdo,for LuniciprAl purposes fir the fiscal year beginning ..‘sil 1st, 1942,tnt!en mr Utach 31st,1943 (the sane uein based a the ssesse6 vL1uti3n riMe in the year 1941 aM to be collected in the ,ear 1962),a total levy for cU purposes of 19 nifls on each dollar of assessed valuation of said property. Passed and adopted this 27th day of October a.D.1961. approved; ayor attflti • Cler ICC’HH40CCt0H<ICLiaCHifsS(‘3Cz2;p4..,._%1”S‘HISCt1stCHH0eqSto4‘apWI‘aH‘3tJ0tO‘a%%Q‘a0.I•IHitsc‘t0HIDH091.ISCttsaamC9’‘-1I-’“-4<Ht:Cto0‘13CmCte,c:øttCF3’Ct’CHCCatiH,,!C?HinInCC)oz:r:oH0C;3çiCttlHHHactson•<aSinHaa4Czr4c;Cmam‘-HWC.HSH0S9’I-,-‘wSCCkiCrn<-imv-PI-CtaC4-1I—iCF-’rHU,Ct4*H‘01\)ow*1C.)inat-%oHa‘3LICaHr:HoHCtSHHC)COin9’Hits“-2C,C‘Ii‘-4&‘aC,t-1L.t-l*41fl‘%?‘%J’4’‘%_‘(N.,00to0a_‘30Hto4’-‘30’toI-ciH-p3,SA-•:-:.(:••;,p3.•A5,’3’C.“4(ILU’J-HI‘3!0“3fs)C)r“3U’H*041—IIWI4*4**0I)NC)H‘0-citotoC’Cbo00tosfl-’torU’0-‘3-s00‘aI••%-2‘“‘ ?tnr OF ET;S P2JIL,CoLtz{aDc———rnC,eL YtAR :CGINI;iNc n fliL 1,1942 cIiedu1e I —1.Gencrti.GDvwrnment City Clerk $600.00 J2twurL::ce e Corapensation 300.00 AuditIng &CfficjaI’,Donis 85.00 City ..ttor:cy 200,00 PrInting &Publishing 300.00 uffice xpcnse ________ total Qeneral Gov’t.fund 1,635.00 11.frotection of Persons &itoperty Police Department 3,000.00 Fire Department 200.0O_ Total roflce Dep’t.i-und 3,200.00 In.llelth cith OffIcer 25,00 nr aas apec on _________ ot&l Health Fund 25t,00 1Y,•anItatIon ttreo.t C1aning 225.00 CIty Dunp 1300 .00 Total 3anitUon Fund ‘72.00 V.Ihwcys City .ngineor 200.GV Streets &Alleys 6,oOO.oo Ltreet Ligbtinj 1,300.00 I ital Eihway Fund ,,5DO.00 VI,Lisceflaneous_CQntin.cnt AdvcrtI3Ir &Fulicit7 4,275.00 Contlntcnt Fund 1,342.71 Total D;ntn;,;cnt 5’,6l7.7l C —Public Service Enterprises ‘iter ep’t.——perating 5,03.13 ater Dep’t.—int itiun ,900.0O iot4 tuic 3irvice ntr:rses D -Bond &Interest Fund %eistcred garrints titer Interest Funcling——Interc 3t Funding e—ikmding,rater ___________ oti.dond &ifltCTSt Fund B —?arks end Public Buildings :uY22ing .ttnley ark Library 2otal P&rk &Bldg.Fmd $ 600.00 i00.GO 2,100 •00 7,3.l3 500.0O 3 ,9%63.7 75400 1,000.00 5,000.OQ_ rnd Total nditurs 39,%C2.?l CV flUQ 3 FU) Taxes (19 ii11s) I.ss 2,..;ounty Treas.!ee Rirht;&riviIges une Licenses errdts ranehlse.k:rivilecs ines &Forfeitures 1ice C,urt (rants &Lnat1ns Tot1 Generci l’und $16,127.71 1,100.00 4,500.00 350.00 ub11c rvce nterprscs •ter und orercii1 evenues Iee11.neous evenues Tot1 dater Pund 16,000.00 (.00.00 TuN 01 &Ti PARK,CL0RAD0 ehedu1e 2 -stkiatod Revenue 1assied b unds &Cources 16,456.85 22,702.71 125.00 %0O.OO 0rnc1 ot41 1evenues 39,02.1