HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 80-380 ORDINnN(t ho.- AN ot Iw:(,:.CALLING A 3P!CIAL ELECTIoN or mg U4LIFUD ELECTORS OP ‘TNt TON OP TS PARE P0k TUSDA ,11U NflET DaY JULY,A.0.1938,ND PRCWIDflO FOR ItE UB MI8st(Z TO A V0Th1 OF Th&DULY UALXFID JCTORS OF L1HJ T(N OF E8TSS PARE At &sID SP1Ot?L U.C?ICN ra;ctn:.rLuN or unr.mo mk HO LaD o’UTE1S OP 540 (YN TO SkLI.TO THE w;itso 5TT:OF ,RIG4 .‘QRTtM OF Th LgXDS OF STNLT PRZ T IW OF ESTS PARK,CCLO1LI)O. B.fl OkDI1D H!YH BC.RD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OP ESTES PRt,CtLCIU.t oon 1.Tkzt a ipocial eleotic*z of the qualified voters of the rown of ,stes -Coiort4o,ho have paid a prop&-ty tt therein dring he precoLng c1endnr y.ar,be oslied and aaid election is hereby Chll•d for Tuesday -,the nineeenth dLy of July, A.1).1938. eoticm 2.That iat said .laatlcn th.question of authori:inj the Uord at Trustec of said Town to stll and convoy Twenty-three und iirty-ni o Hundredths (23.39)acres,sore or lass,of the ltndu in Stanley Park owned by said Town to the inited states of America for the ass of Twenty—thrue 1Jtund:d ad Thirty-nine ($2339.00)Dollars,b.,and the same is hereby aubnitted to the qualified voters at said Town as have paid a property tax therein during the preceding aa1odr yetr,being the year 1937,for their detrtz1nuti Section 3.The qu.tion so submitted shall be voted on at said .i by the votrz tua.ifiod ae aforusaid at the Town Rail in said Town oi tes ?:.The voting shall be by ballot in the form her.inafter provid.sd nd a.4d oleotiun shall be in aU respects,as nearly as may be, held and conducted in the manner provided by law in ease of e1•eotlon for sznScipa1 oficra. SiCtf on 4.The bellote to be used i voting upon the question above subrnittd shall be prupared end 1rniehed by the Town Clerk to the o a jud.s oi th election,to b.by then furnished to th.voters and shall be in thi rolloing printo fern afli shall be deposited in a ballot box provided by the ?cvn Olerk for mich purpoSe: ‘CYtOIAL tALLO? For the Spaoit,L .1eotti’n to be held in the Tmn at stea Park Ofl _Tuçpday -,the nineteenth dy of Jaly,..1).1938. itostio subiaittoi: Shall the Board of trusts..of the Tn of stes ?ark be eathori:.d to sell to th luit.d States of Imericu Iweaty-thre.and 1L1nctredth3 (23.39)acres,mor.or lus,of the lands looeted in Stanley Park and owned by the ?n far the si at Tonty-thr o Hunthod and Thirty.nin.(339.OO)üollars? (The voter will plac.a cross (x)in the space op osite and to the rijit of the anaw r bel ebich Indicates his choice and thez deposit his ballot In th:ballot box provided for uch purpoee.) or the stie of lands to the United tnt.s of merica Against the sale of lande to the inits4 Stattis of iuerioa. The said baflets ehall be east by each voteF by marking a x’ oposita his ohoto.in the mazmer now provided by law for voting u.•on the amendnnts to the Ccrnstftutio of the Stat,of Colorado. Seotcn 5.Ho ballot for or a*.gainat si6 question shall be received by th judges unless the person offering the sane shall be a qualified voter of the fawn of ste Park and shall hav paid a iroperty tax therein during the prtilng calendar y.ar,being the year 1937. Sectixi 6.The tol1owin named prsonn ar hereby appointed as jIee of siL olecti 0 $otlc 7.The ot•at said eltiom on the ietioix aforesaid shall be ceias.d sad returned aM t)x return 2e end the result d.clared in the suma manner,ma niarly as may be,as provided b7 law for the canvass, return and d.o1rin of the result at Votes cast at an *lctLon of municipal officeru. Section 8.notica or the time and place of said special election e11 be publiihed in Th etee Park Trail,a nowapaper of’.nerml ciroultion printed in the L’ovn of etea Park,in the County of Larimar an1 tmts of Coloraia,at laiat fifteen (15)days beforo such election,and, also,a cody of such ntico eh1l be pasted at the place of’vatin at least fifteen (15)days b .fur auoh olcticm announcing the g.,pliic ed oJsot of th.o election ad the Clerk of the Tae is he.eby charged with the luty of effectuating this provision. Section 9.Ssd netie.shall be in substantially the following form,to-wit: I. —3— o kvaL;c oTXCr CF SI’CI.L LXflC(TO B UILD IS TH!TONS CF !S?s PRX C*IVESDAY,,TflT jINETE?’!Th DiY C’A.1).1938. Purent to 1a;*x)d Ordinance No.—of the Town of st*a Park,adopte4l Ltftd approved on ondy,the thirteenth day of Juhe, A..1933,;ublie notice is hereby ivon that a special eleCtion will b. held in the rcmz of Tuesday nineteenth dy of .haly,;..1938,at which special •1eot n there wifl be aubrnitted to the voters of the Town of Estee Park who are tax puyete uandr th.law th.following queation: ‘SsU the o3rd of Truites of the Town of ut.s Park be athorizd to sell to th United ..-tt,s of 1merica iwonty—threo and Thirty-ntno Thmdredths (23.39)acres,mor’s or 1s,of the lends located in stanley Park nd owned by the 1own for the m.ia of Twenty-three Utandred and Thirty-nine ($2339.00)Do1lara?’ rh.terw tnd conuidertion of the proposed sale ar embodied in a Oertan wrltten agr,ement which is in words and fluree as to1low: —4— 0 1JND PURC)LE CONTRACT TLI&CCflTLCt,made this 13th day of June 1938,in pursuance of the eat of J me 17 1902 (32 tt.,88),and acts anendatory thereof or sup1entary thereto,an.ticil r1y the act of August 9,1937 (Public No.249 75th Con reas,lit session),betw.qtb.!1NI?S?:s OF AH’:If, erein.tr styled the Jnlted Ztates,by R.F.Walter Chisf ngineur,Bureau o Roclamaton,thereunto duly authorized,sad subject to the a.proyal of the ;z’p r mapirvisory of fleer thiroof,end the TYN OF STS P.:,•municipal corporation a atini by ‘4rttte of the 2aws of the tto of Co1orao,subject to approval by election of its e1ectorwe,‘a provided by the laws of such St to,and pursuant ordinance of the Town Board of Trustees,hereinafter styled Vendor, 2,!TNlS3TH,Thitt ror and in consideration of the sutual agr..aents herein contained,the parties hereto do covenant un1 agree as foflowa: 3.The Vendor ad1 sell and by ocd and sufficient General erzanty deed,convoy to the United States,free of U.n or encuabrunce, th fallow scrib.d ra I estate which is its prp.rty,situetnd in the County of Larimer,tate of Colorado,to..wit:a tract of land lying wholly within the M of oetian 30,T.5 N.,R.72 N.BeLzmin at the eatablihe4 center corner of ectLon 30,.5 U.,IL 72 W.which beers 8.89 degrees U :inut .for a distance at 2606.52 f?t from the west corner of Seetion 30,f.5 .,.72 .;th.ne.N.2 degrees 00 ninutes 30 asoands W.for a distance of 380 f..t to hub No.1;thnce .22 degrees 32 miartes •for a distance of ?73.5 feet to State Highway on South LO.J •line of Colorado State Highway flo.7 (known as the North St.‘1mm Highway);thence ?.60 decrees 19 minutes U.for a distanc,of ua .3 teat to U.S.Bureau of Public Toads ..‘.•marker an th.junction of the south R.C...line of Colorado State ]iihwuy No.7 (known as the North o t.rain uiaay )und the east R.0.7.lin,of Colorado State rnghwsy No.26 fknoim as the eouth t.1jrin Kighway)theRe,to the 1ft, southwesterly,on curve of radius 156.68 feet for a distance of 369.17 test to U.S.Bureau of Public Roads R.O.I.marker on the east R.O.. line of Colorzda State Highway o.26 knawn as the south st.Vram Highway); thenoe S •34 degrees 38 minutes .tar a distance of 1236.34 feet to hub No.2 a point on the aet line of Colorado State Highway flo.26 (known as the South t.Vretn flighway)nd also on the south line .t th fl of S.cton 30,T.5 II.,R.72 W.;thence 5.89 degrees 11 minutes J. for a distuca of 49044 feet to the point of beginning.aid tract of land bo contain 23..j9 acres ocro or less,tegther with aU appurtenances thcto b.lon;L.j. 4.U;O recipt of notice that this contract h e been approved on beha).t oi the rureftu of Reclaaatiuu,the vendor shall,without cost to ihe Jnited states,prnptly furnish a ociaplote abetruct of tiU covering the said property,which shall laiter be .xtenü4 by the Vender to inelwi each instrument subsjucntly rocordod in connection hereüth,including th conveyance pursuant to this contract:irovided,thab it the Vendor fails or refuses to furnish such abstract of title within sixty days after notice that this contract ha been approved,such abstrct y be )rocurad by the United Stut s at the exponse of he Vendor and the cost thereof dsdaottd fron the purci1am ric of said proporty.if the United States ha.aviieblø •ithr a fall or rtiaI tract of titi.covering maid proporty,Uio siuae Iill be utilised under this contract without char• to thj Vanor. 5.The Vundor sa1l procure and have racarded without cost to the United $tatee all assurances of title and affidavits which the Vendor y be diaed by tho United tatee ara necessctry and proper to siow in the Vendor conpltte fee simple unenouered titL to said property,•n4 the time spent in procuring,recording,and transmitting thi wmo to thu t%ite4 (D - -r- ttt*s and in fiirnihing or s.cring abstract of titi.,shall be added to the tI.Unit of hi contract. 6 •The Juited :tatas shall purchase said property on the terms herein expressed,and upon execution and delivery of the deed provided in Article 3 and the sinin of the ueul Gavormerit vouchers theiotor,sad their farther approval by th.proper Government officials,it shall czse to be paid to the Vendor as fail purchase prie and fail payment for all dmee ror entry u;on the said property end the construct ic;,operation, and swintenanee of r.olaimation works therson ander said act,the si of Two thou-eM thr e hundred thirty-nine dollars ($2,339.00),by U.S. Tr:a8ury wr ant or fisad officer’s check. 7.liunt or encumbrances existing against said property *y, at the opti0n of the united tetts.be roved at the time of conveyance by reserving from the jiuroha pric,the sm:znt necossry,end discharg1n the an with he sney so r.aervcd,tsit this provision shall not be c:istrumd to atioriz-the incurranos of any liin or encumbrance as agains. this oottraet,nor as en usuimptin of ‘the ems by the United States. 8.Pram nd aftor the execution hereof by the V.ndo the proper officers and agents of the United Sate6 shell at all timsa have unrt3 striated acoeso to survey for and coastruot reciamatiun works,tolepono .nd el3etrioai transmission lines,and other atructuros nd eplfances incident to said reclamation works,free at any claim for damag.or compensation on the p.rt of the V,n.ior. 9.This contract shall bcome effective to bind the United Stat:to purchasi i -i--jroperty isui.di*tely upon its aproval by the prupr supeTvis-x’y oflioer of the Bureau of eclamat1’n,and shall terminate by l1aitti :n .t the exirtLon of six (6)*anths tram its dt4t rnless oidod za sbor.provid1,and shell inure to the benefit of and be binding tpon (h hairs,e.cutor,adminietrutors,end assigns of the Vendor,and the zucc.sscr and as4ns of the United tetas. -7- 10.Vihera the ope’at ions of this contract .xtexid beyond the current fiscal year,it is understood that the contract is made continut upon Gangreas imcin the necessary apropriation for expenditures there— under after aoh current yew has expired.In case such appr prietion as may be necessary to carry out thin contract in not sad.,the Vendor he..by releases hs United tsten from all liability due to the feilu ot Conr.ss to rauke such rr1 .:. U •The Vendor warrants that the Vendor has not eiaployed any person to solicit or secure this contruct upon any agreement for a commission, p.re.nta,,brolesrage.or contingont foe.Jroach of this warranty shall iv the Govrnment the right to annul the contract,or,in its disret1cn, to daduot from the contract price or consideration the emonat of such consiasion,p.ro.nteo,brok.ree,or continent fses.This warranty shall nat ep,ly to ooaiasions yble by contractors uon contracts or sales seoured or made through bona tid.established coLimercial or soUin,agencies maintained by the Vendor for the purpos.of securing business with others than the o,rnant. 1.2.o 1enber of or )alegete to (on,or Resident Goauia;ioner, 0 after his election or pointment or oithir ifore or after be has :ua1ifiod and urini his continuanee in office,and no ofCiocr,agent,or .mploys of the Gcverni.ut,ahaU b admitted to any share or part of thin ccutrut or aren3nt,or to any b.netit to arise thou n.Uotld.ng,howove, herein contained shall be construed to extend to any incorporated company, ‘thoro sich contrat or agreement is mad.for thu general bonsfit of ich incorporatin or conpLuIy,as provided in isotion 3J4 f the act of Congress approved arob ,1909 (3 Ltut.,1109). i WIS8 •fl1ROF the parties have bertc aiped their names th.day and year first above written. THg Uflit’O ST?;S 0?ATZG, .,Julter Chief ninoor tureen of Ro].tion TU O ESS ?ARE (COL0NiDO) i3y_L..Lackaii tyor 0 ?.0.Address 0. Town Clirk. fl Th question •o subnitted will b voted on at said speoa1 leotion by the qualiried waters of the Town of stes P.trk who shall hevj paid a proporty tax therein during the preco1in ct1endar year of l97,said voto to be oaet at the Town Uall in said Town. ho ofla will b.opened at the hour .f _s even o1clack ...i.and will ru;a.in open continuously and will be closed at seven oOloCk P.U.of said day. Tha ballots to be ued in voting upon the question abov-• ubitt.d will be furnished to thu voters by the jud.a of the election to be &oited in the ballot box which will be provided for tIzit purpose. The el.otjon will be hal .L end tcoI,a narly as may be, in the ner scribed by law in the caso of election of municipal offjcovc;. t said election only such voter of the Town of etea Park as shall have paid a propirty tax therein durinL,the preceding 1 ‘ calendar yur .t 1937 will e parsitted to vote upon th.question sub mitted and each elector offering to vat,at aai election must be registered ccraing to Lw. ru ifU ;ii i..CF,the Board of Tzttees of the Town of Sates has canaei his noticu to os published and posted as roquied by law this enty-fourth y o June 0 1938. s.F•JiX: Town Clerk. 4opte6 end nppr’ed this thirteenth day at June,.0.1938. Approv.d C.N.Rockwell Mr Chas.F.lix Town Clerk. —9— ‘1I,V4VV•VV.VVVV VVVV•VVVVV0VV:VV;VV,V•._VVVVV_VVV1!0dV • PUBLIC NOTICE OF BP :CLL LCTIcN TO BE HELD IN TEE TOVflI OF EBTS ?4JilC ON _________________, THE nineteenth DAY CF July ,A •D.1938. uraucnt to law and Ordinance No.O of the Town of Estan Park,adopted and approved on Monday,the thirteenth day of June, A.D.1938,public notice is hereby given that .special election will be held in the Town of Estea Park on Tuesday ,the nineteenth day of July,A.D.1938,at which special eleCtin there will be submitted to the voters of the Town of Estos Park aho are tax payers tinder the law the following qiestion: ‘Shall the Bord of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park be authorid to sell to the United StLtes of America ont,—thro and Thirty—nine Hundredths (23.39)acres,more or less,of the lands located in tan1ey Park und owned by the Town for the sum of Tnty-thres Hundred and Thirty-nina f $2339.00)Dollars?’ Tho terms and consideration of the proposed sale are embodied in a certain written agreement which is in words and figures as foliows o LAND Ft3RCHASE CONTRACT Tf IS CONTRACI’,made this 13th day of June,1938,in pursuance of the act of Jane 17,1902 (32 btat.388),and acts amendatory thereof or euplomntary thereto,and particularly the act of August 9,1937 (Public No.249 —75th Conyese,let Seaslon),between the UNITED STAT’S OF AMERICA, hereina;tr styled the United StaLes,by B.F.helter Chief Sngineer,Uureau of oclumation,therea nto duly authorized,and subject to the approval of the proper sup rvisory officer thereof,and the TCY.VN C’ ESTES PARK,a municipal corporation existing by virt.e of the 1aw of’the State of Colorado,subject to aprovcAl by election of its electorate,as provided by the laws of such Stte,and pursuant ordinance of the Town Board of Trustees,hereinafter styled Vendor, 2,WITNSSETH,That for and In consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained,the parties hereto do covenant and agree as follows: 3.The Vendor shall sell and by good and sufficient General Warranty deed,convey to the Jnited States,free of lien or encumbrance, the following-described re.l estate which is its prp.rty,situated in the County of Laririer,State of Colorado,to-wit:a tract of land lying wholly within the NY of Section 30,T.5 N.,R.72 J.Beginning at the established center corner of Section 30,T.5 N.,R.72 W.which bears 8.69 degrees 11 minutes E.for a distance of 2606.52 fact from the west corner of Section 30,T.5 N.,R.72 W.j thence N.24 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds W.for a distance of 360 feet to hub No.1 thince N.22 degrees 32 minutes E.for a distance of 773.5 feet to State Highway on South R.0.i.line of Colorado State Highway No.7 (known as the North St.Vram Highway);thence N.80 degree.19 minutes W.for a distance of 1196.8 feet to U.S.Bureau of Public Roads R.O.J.marker on the junction of the south P,Q.j line of Colorado State Highway No.7 (known as the North 0.. St.Vram Highway )and the east R.O.W.line of Colorado State Highway No.26 (known as the south St.Vram Highway)tbnce to the left, eouthwesterly,on curve of radius 156.68 feet ±or a distance of 369.17 feet to U.S.Bureau of Public Roads R.0.Y1.marker on the east R.0.W. line of Colorado State Highway No.26 (knn as the south St.Vram Highway); thence 3.34 degrees 38 minutes S.for a distance of 1236.34 feet to hub No.2 a point on the east R.C.W.line of Colorado State Highway No.26 (known as the South st.Vram Highway)and also on the south line of the NW of Section 30,?.5 N.,R.72 V.;thence 8.89 degrees 11 minutes S. far a distance of 490.74 feet to the point of beginning.Said tract of land to contain 23.39 acres more or lose,together with all appurtenances thereto be lonin,, 4.Upon receipt of notice that this contract hs been approved n behalf of the Bureau of Reclamation,the vendor shall,without cost to he United States,promptly furnish a complete abstract of title covering the said property,which shall later be extend•d by the Vendor to include each instrument subsequently recorded in connection herewith,including the conveyance made pursuant to this contract:Provided,That if the Vendor fails or refuses to furnish such abstract of title within sixty days after notice that this contract has been approved,such abstract may be procured by the United Stat a at the expense of he Vendor and the cost thereof deducted from the purchase price of said property.If the United States has available eithr a full or partial abstract of titlo covering said property,the Same shall be utilized under this contract without charge to the Vendor. 5.The Vendor saull procure and have recorded without cost to the United etates all assurances of title and affidavits which the Vendor may be advised by the United States an necessary and proper to stow in the Vendor omp1ote fee simple unencumbered title to said property,and the time spent in procuring,recording,and transmitting th same to the United —o States and in furnishing or securing abstract of titi.,shall be added to the time limit of this contract. 6.The United States shall purchase said property on the terms herein exprossed,and upon execution and delivery of the deed provided in Article 3 and the signing or the usual Government vouchers theretor,and their further approval by the proper Government officials,it shall cause to be paid to the Vendor as full purchase price and full payment for all damages for entry upon the maid property and the construction,operation, and maintenance of reclamation works thereon under sdd act,the sum or Two thousand thre hundred thirty-nine dollars ($2,339.00),by U.S. Trasury warrant or fiscJ officer’s check. 7.Liens or encumbrances existing against said property may, at the option of the United tatus,be removed at the time of conveyance by reserving from the purchase prioc the amrnt nece8ary,and discharging the sama with the money so reserved,but this provision shall not b. construed to authorize the incurrence of any lion or encumbrance aS against this contract,nor as an assumption of the sme by the United States. 8.From and after the execution hereof by the Vendor the proper officers and agents of the United States shall at all tims have unrestricted access to survey for and construct reclamation works,telephone ud electrical transmission lines,and other structures nd ap4iancea incident to said reclamation works,free of any claim for damage or compensation on the part or the Vendor. 9.This contract shall beoome effective to bind the United State to purchase quid property ixediately upon its approvs.l by the propor supervisory officer of the iuraau of Reclamation,and shall terminate by limitation .t the expiratIon of six (6)months from its date,unless extended as above rovidoi,and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs,executors,administrators,and assiis of the Vendor,and the successors and assigns of the United States. 10.Yhere the operations of this contract extend beyond the current fiscal year,it is understood that the contract is made contingent upon Conross king the necessary appropriation for expenditures there und•r after s.ch OuTrent year has expired.In case such apr priation as may be necessary to carry out this contract is not made,the Vendor heLeby releases th tinited tatee from all liability duo to the failure of Congress to make such a liropriation. 11.The Vendor warrants tt the Vendor has not employed any person to solicit or secure this contract upon any agreement for a commission, percentage,brokerage,or contingent fee.Breach of this warranty shall give the Government the right to annul the contract,or,in its discretion, to deduct from the contract price or consideration the amount of such connission,percentage,brokerage,or contingent fees.This warranty shall not apply to commissions payable by contractors upon contracts or sales secured or made through bona fido established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the Venior for the purpose of scouring business with others than the Government. 12.No Member of or Delegate to Congress,or iesidont Coissfoner, after his election or appointment or either before or after ho ha cualifted and during his continuance in office,and no officer,agent,or employee of the Govornmnt,shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or aL;roement,or to any benefit to arise thereupon.Nothing,however, heroin contained ehailbe construed to extend to any incorporated company, where such contract or agreement is made for the general benefit of such incorportfn or company,as provided in section 116 of the act of Congress approved March 4,1909 (35 Stat.,1109). IN iITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto sinod their names the day and year first above written. THE UNI7D sTA’r;s OF A)LtCA, witnesses: fly R.F.Walter _____________________________ chief gineer Bureau of Roolamati on P.0.Address T4N OF ESTS m (CoLoRADo) ATifi’ST;ByC.N..Roøkw.1I Mayor ChLs.P.HiX Town Clerk. The questfon so submitted will be voted on at said special election by the qualified rotors of the Town of Ustes Ptrk who shall have paid a property tax therein during the precedit.g 3alendar year of 1937,said votes to be cast at the Town Hall in said Town. The poiis will b ojenud at thu hour or seven o’olock A.U.anu will remain open contiw.wusly and will be closed at seven uCloOk P.U.of said day. The ballots to be used L voting upon the question above submitted will be furnished to the voters by the judges of the election to be deposited in the ballot box which will be provided for that purpose. The eloation will be hell and conducted,as nearly as may be, in the manner prescribed by law in the case of oleotion of municipal offj.oers. At said election only such voters of the Town of stes Park as shall have paid a property tax therein dur1n the preceding calendar year of 1937 will be permitted to vote upon the question sub mitted and each elector offering to rote at said election must be registered aocorIing to law. IN ISS iIIE.OF,the Board of Trustees of thc)Town of Istes Pu’k has caused clue notice to ce published and postedac required by law this _________________iay of -_,A.D.1938. Chas.F.Hix - Town Clerk. dopted and approved this thirteonth day of June,A.D.1938. 2own \Clerk. Approved: —9— STATE OF COLOR DO,) )as. CcUNTY OF LiUiIc.) I,Chas.i.Hix,do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted at a rogular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Iatea Park,Colorado,held on June 13,1938,and that said Ordinance was thereftor published in The Estee Park Trail,a newspaper of general circulation pu1iehed in Estee Park,Colortdo,in its isu• of 17th ,1938. Town Clerk. ..-o ORDINANCE No.80 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION OF TilE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TCYNN OF ESTES PARK FOR Tueda ,THE nineteenth DAY OF JULY,A.D.1938,AND PRCWIDING FOR THE UB NISSION TO A VOTE OF THE DULY QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF ESTEE PARK AT SAID SPECIAL LECTION THE QUESTION OF AUTRORIJNG THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 0?SAID TOWN TO SLLL TO TUE UNITED STAT IS OF aMERICA PORTION OF TUE LANDS OF SThNLEY PARK OMNED BY THE TGJN OF ESTEE PRK,CCWRADO. B I ORDtNED BY TU BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOVIN OF EST$PARK,COLORADO Section 1.That a special election of the qualified votors of ho lown of stoa Park,Colorado,Who have paid a property tax therein during ho proceting calendar year,be called and said election is hereby called for Tuesday ,the nineteenth day of July, .D.1938. Section 2.That at said election the question of authorizing the Board of Trustees of aaid Town to sell and convey Twenty-three and Thirty-ni e Hun4redths (23.39)acres,moro or less,of the lands in Stanley Park owned by said Town to the United States of America for the sum of Twenty-three Hundred and Thirty-nine ($2339.00)Dollars,be,and the same is hereby submitted to th.qualified voters of said Town as have paid a property tax therein during the preceding calendar year,being the year 1937,for their determinati n. Section 3.The question so submitted shall be voted on at said election by the voters qua.ifiod as aforesaid at the Town Hall in said Town of Estes ?ak.The votin.shall be by ballot in the form hereinafter provicLd and uid election shall be in all respects,as nearly as may be, held and conducted in the manner provided by law in case of elections for municipal officers. Section 4.The ballots to be used in voting upon the question above submitted shall be prepared and furnished by the Town Clerk to the / —1—‘\ judges of th election,to be by them furnished to tho voters and shall be in th folloving printed form uni shall be deposited in a.ballot box provided by the Town Clerk for such purpose ‘OFFICIAL BALLCYT For the Special Elsction to be held in the Town of stes Park øii Ti,iasday - ,the :,iet eL dy of July,A.0.1938. uestion submitted: Shall the 3mird of Trustees of the Town of f’5tes Perk be authorized to sell to thu United StateB of Mnerica Tvrnty-ithroo and Thirty—nine Hundredths (23.39)acres,more or lee,of the lands located in Stanley Park and owned by the Town for the sum of Twenty-three Hundred and Thirty-nine ($2339.00)Dollars? (rho voter will place a cross fx)in the space op;oeite and to the ribht of the answr below which indicates his choice und then deposit his ballot in the ballot box provided for such purpose.) For the sale of lands to the United States of America. Against the sale of lands to the United Statea of Lmerioa. The said ballots shall be Oast by each voter by marking a ‘x” apposite his choice in the manner now provided by lew for voting upon the amendrnrnts to the Constitution of the State of Colorado. Section 5.No ballot for or against said question shall be received by the judges unless the person offering the same shall be a qualified voter of the Town of stas Park and shall have paid a L’roperty tax therein durin the preceding calendar year,being the year 1937. Section 6.The follow1n named persona are hereby apointed as judea of sdd e1uctin: () Section 7.Th.vote at said election on the question aforesaid shall be ca sed and returned and th return made and the result declared in the same manner,as nearly as may be,as provided by law for the canvass, r.iturn and declaring of the result of votes cast at an election of mun’o..pal officers. Section 8.notice of the time and place of said special election siall be published in The 11nt.e Park Trail,a newspaper of general circulation printed in the Town of Estea Park,in the County of Larimer and St&te of Coloraio,at least fifteen (15)days before such election,and, also,a coy of such notice ha1l be posted at th.place of voting at least fifteen (15)diys before such election announcing the time,place and ojoot;of the olaction and the Clerk of the Town is heeby charged with the duty of effectuating this provision. Section 9.Said notice shall be in substantially the following form,to-wit: -3-