HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 35-1925Cr DrY.YE hO.35. crDIhY2 :.:A:IhG APrR(RL’h ICES FOiL TEE 1LPEE5E3 ED L ?ILITIE2 OF THE TC Z OF STE3 PFI,FOR TiE FIAL YEAR LEI+rEING AEIL FST,..L. 1925. BE IT CRDAEED DY ThE BOAFD OF TRUSTEE3 CF TEE TCJE C?ES1E3 rR::, ccjcPh.DO. Section 1.That for the nurcze of defring the expenses and 31itioo of thc To:n of Estes Fib,Coloreo,for the fiscal year heginniig AIril 1st,1925,the fo11ovinp named sums are hereby a.ro— ïriatod cut of ho revenues of said town,for the ;ur pose Lcre •cJtor designeted,to—nit: STREET AED ALLEY FLED:Three Thousand Dollars (3,OCO.OC) for maintenance,repair and iaprovernont of the streets,alloys,avenues and ditches of ti;e Tom an:for the payment of the sJary of the street supervisor and other emp1oees of the street deartment. ER FU::D:Four Thousand Dollars (4,COO.OO) or such an amount as shall ho found necessary for he moantenance ar irove.eat of the sener nd for the sayment of interest and nrinc ical on out standing s enor bonds. -/ /(q ICST C.FFDIL fliED::elve Pundrod Fifty Dollars ——--(1,25O.CO) cr euch-amount thereof n zhc.ll be foauc necessary for the maintenance an imprcvement of the Post Office. DCiEEGET fiElD:Thent:-—:hroe Hundred Dollars —————(,3OO.OQ) for the pur ccc of paying any exp:ace or liability of the io’:.’n of Estes Park,not l’ierein other toe rovided for,provided that if the entire nnount of this contingent fund shall not ho required for such purpose, the remainder thereof sii.].]be 1aced to the credit of any other fund or funds as tony be deemed neceer3%r’r in the discretion of the board of Trustees of the Tom. FrnE DEFAFTEDET FE::):Cne TI ousand.hollars (i,ooo.oo) for the pureose of purchasing fire equipment and maintenance of equipment o this derartmexrt Section 2. bill for the next tEL ordinance is health and safety o V., This ordinance is hcre’by trrned to be the annual appropriation fiscal year,coecicncing on tin first day of pril,1925,and necessary for the iinediate preservation of the public peace, and in the otaica of the board of Trustees an emeriency exists; __- — t r . betwe,n said town ad the holder from time to time of each of said bonds and the interest coupons thereto appertining. Section ‘7.Thi.o!difl&flOe shall be irrepealable until the indebtedness herein provided for,and the bonds issued as herein provided, shall have been fully paid. Section 8.This ordinance,&fter its passage,shall be reoorded in a book kept for that purpose,shall be authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and Town Clerk,and shall be published in The Estos Park Trail, a newspaper published within the limits of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado. Section 9.That the 1eaa,floating indebtedness of said tow to be redeemed and paid upon the issuanc.of said funding bond.bears a rate of interest higher than the rate prescribed for the said funding bonds.Therefore,an em.rgsaoy is hereby declared to exist and the adoption of this ordinance is declared to be necessary to the immediate preservation of the public place,haltk and safety,and it shall,there fore,take effect and be in foro•upon the expiration of five days after it has been so published. tDCPTED AD LFFR)VED this ________ day of %ril,A.D.1Q25. ATTEST:Oa.- f-_____-—--——--.——-c TOWI LEfiL