HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 26-1923HI.0* ORDT!ANCE 110.2. AN CEDrIANCE :AK:::G APPR0P2IATIoTS T EXPTSE3 AID LIABILITIES OF THE TO1!OF ESTES PARK,FOR TH.FISCAL YE\R B G’!G APRIl FIRST, .0.,1923. BE IT ORDATTD BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TI TO’OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO. Section 1.That for the purpose of defraying the expenses a:liabilities of the T;n of Etc Park,Colorado,for the fftcei ‘oir rin,:ing April 1st,l23,the fol1o’iing na.sums are hereby appropriated out of the vem:of said tovm,for the puçooes hereinafter designated,to—v:it: STREET AND ALLEY FD:twey—five—hundred Dollars (2,5o.Q for n:ain-Lenaco,repair and injorovement of the streets,a’ieys,avenues, and ditches of the Town and for the payment of the salary of the street supervisor and other ur;lorees of the strt department. SEJEr.FUND:fjftee’hundred Dollars (1,5OD.OO) or ,1uc’l ar amu:t thereof as shall be found necessarr for the rai— tonance and ‘iprovenent o the sewer system and for the p:ovt of n+,eres and principal on out ancir sewer honds. 71 /1cc POST OFFICE FUTD:one thousand ±ey:—eve0ollars (‘lO27.1 ) or such an amount thereof as hall b fund necessa’y for the r’in— tenance ad improveont of the Pc Office. CoETrIEIIT FT]Im:to thoueand Dollars 2,coo.QQ) for the purpose of paying any expen :r liability of the Tovm of Estes Park,not herein otherwise ‘provied that if the entire aouiit of this c:itingent fznd &a1 I not 1e req rd for r: pui’pse,the reiaiider thereof shaji.be p’aced to the ‘red±t of an other fund or fmds as may be deemed necessary in the discrct5on of the Board of Trustees of the Tows:. FIRE DEPAR’ET FflI’Dtwo thousanc’Dollars for he purpose of rchasin fIre eqai;ent ar’inenacce of --_______ -e.’ent of this deart-ont. Section 2.This -inanco is hereby teziod to be the a arrjation bill for the next fIscal rea,cnmiiencin on the fIrst day of Ap’il,1922,n:-:is o’itance is neceesar:for t:’e Inunedir.t reservation of the pnhlic health and safety and in the n -ii f the BocrJ f Tr;te an exiet;t’eefre,his cd11ce -ll ta!:o effcc-t irr-:ediatDly afte’its fin1 :asaze and publication. Section 3.T3 reasons tn;orc;nance is tus nece:ary a’e that it ±intended to provide for th expenses cf maintena’.ce of said Town wd to provide for the protectori of the peace,health and safety of the inhabitants of the Town. lTflDDUCED,READ,PASSED A!rn ADOPTED,hi th day of Apr2.,A.fl.1223. AYOR ATTEST: Clerk. I,Ghas.F•Hi:,C1ok o the Tj’:::f Etes Park,Co’:“do,do hereby c’ify that tho above and f ooin Ordi-a’.c duly published in the Estee Parh Trail,a ar u’iishc an’in enora1 3irclIaUcn ‘:rithin the corporate limits of the said town of Estec Park,on the 13th clay f Ari1,1923. Given under my hand and the seal of teid Town,on the 13th day cf Ap’i1,A.D.1923. I .. — I -.[ C AhEDUE1IT TO ORD 1dCE ::o.8 TILED “AI ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FIr LIhITS L2i CC::ci:r:o FIRES AD TH PRE’JliTIO Thk:-EOF ‘JrTHI::SUCH i1:.::n HD ITHI::TIiL TO OF ESTES PABK,11 PASSrD AND ADOPTED S)TlkkR 10,1917.- E IT ORDI1D hY THL LOARO OF ThUST]IS OF UN?TOiN OF ESTS PAF, CULORAD(. First:That Section 1 of Ordinance No.8 of the town of Estes Park, Co1ora1o,entitled an ordiance etab1ishing fire limits and concerning fires and the prevention thereof ;it:Ln such limit and within the Town of Estes Park •.d nd dcpted September 10,1917 be and the seine is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1.All that portion of the Town of Estes Park embraced within the folloIn:c]eecribec 1mits shall hereafter be known as,and hereafter be,the Fire LL:its of said Town of Estes Park,viz: Blocks 1,2,3,4,5,6,t/, ,9,and 11,Lot 27 of Block 10,and that piece of land known as the ParS\and also that unnamed p1t of said Town lying east of Block 4 and of B1ock 11 extending from said Blocki:east to the Town Limits and 1yin on both sides of khorn Av enue. Irtrodued,read,passed,adopted and ordered Uuhlished this 8th day of October,A.D.1923. ::or. Attest Clerk:Recorder. L,Cnas.F.Li.x,Cler:anc Recorder of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, do hereb;certify that the above and foregoing Ionendment to Ordinance Ho.8 was duly published ±11 The :ctes P r Trail,a newspaper published and in gen— eral circulation within the corcorate limits of the Town of Fetes Park,on the _________day of October,A.1).1923. Given under my hand and the seal of said town ig• — Recorder -j