HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 17-1920.. _ Mct’+1’,1irir_— ______ I ORDIIIA1ICE NO •17. AN ORDINA1TCE IN RELATION TO LICENSES. ARTICLE 1. General Provisions. BE IT ORDAIITEI)BY THE BOARD OF TiJJSTES OF TIlE TOVI IT OF ESTS PARK: Section 1.All liconseswhich may be issued under any ordinance of the Town of ?stes Park shall be subject to the ordinances and regulations ;Irich may be in force at the time of issuing such license or which may be subsequently passed by the Board of Trustees of said Town;and ny person who iay have a license for any purpose and shall violate any Provision of any ordinance or regulation that may be in force at the time of such violation shall be liable to any penalty provided f or in such ordinance or regulation;end also the license may be revoked by the Board of Trustees and al money paid for such license shall be held as forfeited to the Town. Section 2.ITo license shall be granted at any time f or more than one year. Section 3.No license shall be assignable or trans ferable without permission of the Board of Trustees. Section 4.Any license issued without the payment in advance to the Clerk of said Town of the full sum required by ordinance for such license shall be void0 Section 5.All licenses shall be issued and signed by the Clerk,under the seal of the Town,pursuant to the order of the Board o±Trustees,upon panent to him of’the sun assessed therefor,and no person shall be deemed to be licensed in any case,until the issuing of the license in due form. Section 6..Thenever any person or persons shall apply for any license to keep any billiard table,pool table,bagatelle table,pigeon hole table,shuffle board,pin alley or ball alley, in pursuance of the requirements of the ordinances of the Town of Estas Park,the application shall be made in writing to the Town Board and shall state the place where such business is to be carried on. Section 7.An application for any other license than that provided for in the next preceding section may be oral or written and may be made to the Clerk. SectiOn 8.Upon the entry of an order of the Board of Trustees commanding the issuance of a license in pursuance of an application therefor,and the performance by the proposed licensee of what is recuired of him,it shall be the duty of the Clerk to prepare such license forthwith and issue the sane to such appli cant as required by ordinance. Section 9.Upon application for a license as exuressed in Section 7 of this ordinance and the performance by the licensee of what is required of him,it shall be the duty of the Clerk to prepare and issue such license forthwith,as required by ordinance. f O D ____ 7 Section 10.Every license shall be dated as of the date of its issue,and shall set forth its object,and the lenr;th of time for which the same shall be issued,with the words,‘UITLESS SOOllE REVOKi”,added after such designa tion of time. Section 11.The conviction of a licensee under any of the ordinances of the Town for violation of any ordinance in relation to the r’tanncr of carrying on his business under his license shall be a sufficient cause for a revocation of such license,and for such cause the Board nay order tiat the license be revoked,and upon service of vrritten notice from said Board upon such licensee or upon any person having the care or charge of the place of business of such licensee such license shall be revoked,and the arsha1 or any person doing police duty nay serve such notice. Section 12.The Clerk shall keep a license register in which he shall enter the name of each and o very person ii cnsed pursuant to the ordinances of the Town,the date of the license,the purpose for thich the license shall have been granted,the amount paid therefor and the time the same will expire, Section 13.flienever any license that may have been ordered to be issued by the Board of Trustees shall expire and the person licensed shall wish the license renewed such person may app’y to the Clerk f or such renewal,who sha]l renew the same upon the sane terms and upon the same coniderations upon which it was anted,unless any member of the Board shall have notified the Clerk not to so renew it,in which case the application may be presented to the Board,when in session for its action. Section 14.Unless a separate or different penalty be in this ordinance prescribed,zhoover shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one dollar and not more than three hundred dollars. _____ TOTALS. _ . LICEflSES ARTICI 2. Dogs. Section 1.Any person who shall own or keep a dog within the Town of Estes Park after the thirtieth of June in each year,without having a license so to do,in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance,shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars,for each offense,and costs. Section 2.Any person desiring to keep a dog with in the Town of Estes Park may bo permitted to do so by paying a license fee of two dollars per animal,for each male dog, and five dollars,f or each female dog so oroposed to be kent. Section 3.The Town Clerk shall issue a license to any parson desiring to keep a dog as aforesaid upon the payment in advance of the license fee,which licenses shall be numbered in the,order of their issuance,and the Clerk shall furnish a metal plate or tag with each license bearing the number of the license and the year of the issue of the sane,which metal plate or tag the owner shall have attached to a collar to be worn by the dog so licensed. Section 4.All dog licenses shall expire on the 20th day of June each year,and it is hereby made the duty of the Liarshall to make coanolaint to the Police agistrate or Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction against all persons who fail to comuly 01”who violate the provisions of this ordinance,that they may be tried and fined as horein provided,and said !Iarshall shall,upon learning of any dog inning at large or otaying in said Town,whose owner or keeper is uLlmown to him, forthwith post two notices,one at the office of the Town Clerk and one at the Post Office in said Town,in which notice so posted he shall give a correct descriation of said dog,and if no person claims said dog and takes out a license for it,if it is subject to a lie nec,within four days from the posting of said notice,it ;all be the duty of said Larshall to kil].said dog,and cause it to be buried at the expense of the Town. Section 5.The iZayor is hereby authorized and empowered, whenever in his opinion it is necessary for the safety and wel fare of the public,to require the owner of any vicious dog or dog supposed to have been exposed to a rabid dog,to nuzzle said dog,or confine it in some secure place,for such time as he may direct,and any person failing or refusing to comnly with such order of the Liayor shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ai.upon conviction thereof shall he finod not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. .. PYPPNIR AflflhINT PflflV LIC 3ES ARTICLE 3. SHOWS A1 E1I3ITIONS Section 1.It shall not be lawful for the keeoor of any theatrical or other exhibition,motion picture theatre, show or amusement,to exhibit or cause to be exhibited with in this Town any such exhibition,picture show or amusement, wjti.OUt a license therefor first obtained according to the Provisions of this ordiance. Section 2.For a license to exhibit a theatrical exhibition,concert,musical entertainment,motion picture show,exhibition of rope or wire dancing pugilian or any other show or amusement,there shall be paid the following licensefees; Fifteen fç)is.oo)dollars,for four months. Five (,5.OO)dollarz,for one month. Tvio and 50/100 f2.5O)dollars,for one week. Two (20O)dollars,for one day; and license shall be made to exPire accordingly. Section 3.No license shall be rciuired for any ex hibition,show or amusement given by the citizens of the Torin f or benevolent,educational or charitable purposes or for the iurpose of aiding some benevolent,educational or religious organization. Section 4.ihoever sball violate or fail to complywithanyoftheprovisionsofthis!rticle shall be deemedguiltyofamisdemeanoranduponconvictionthereofshallbefinednotlessthanfivedollarsnormorethanonehundred dollars. lift i-T 1• 1L ARTICLE 4. Section 1.No person,firm or corporation shall for pay,hire or reward carry any person or ncrsons,in any auto— mobile or other riotor vehicle of any kind or description uron any of the streets or public iiihways of the Town of 2stes Park;nor shall any person,firm or corporation engaged in carrying passengers in any automobile or other motor vehicle of any kind stand or stop such vehicle on any of the streets, highways or alleys of said Town for the purpose of hire,trade or business or for the purpose of soliciting trade or business; or engage in the business of a carrier of persons or msongors, unless,he,they or it shall first secure a license from said Town as hereinafter iJrovided so to do. Section 2.There shall be paid to tile Town by the nerson,firm or corporation applying for each such license the following fees:By each person,firm or corporation operating an automobile or other motor vehicle for carrying rassenr.ors, the sum of --FIFTY -dollars,rer annum,f or each automobile or other rioter vehicle used by the applicant for such license in the conduct of said business. Section 3.:iach applicant for a license under this - Article shall make such application in writing to the Clerk and pay the proper foe therelor.Said application shall state the name and address of the applicant,the number of automo— biles and other rioter vehicles for thich license is desired, the make,name of manufacturer and inanufacturerts number,to— gethor with the State license number,of each,snd a general deeriotion of the kInd of work in v:b1cl1 each is to be engaged, or so much of said information as is applica.hle. Section 4.Any nerson,firm or corporation anplying for a license wider the provisions of this Article shall exe cute a bond to the Town of stes iark in the penal sum of five hundred (;5OO.OO)dollars with two or more sureties,or with ii Q r EVPNIQJ Aflrr1IMT DC’r”7 one surety,if a surety company,to be aQproved by the Clerk, conditioned that the party so licensed shall faithfully ob serve and keep all the ordinances passed and to be passed during the period of such licneso,relating to the businoss in which such licensee is engaged under the wovisions of this Article, and will pay all damages that may accrue to any person by reason of any iraud,deceit or miscOnduCt in managing said usiness. Section 5.Upon the issuance of any such license as provided for under Section 2 hereof the Town Clerk shall deliver to the licensee one tin or metal license tag for each automobile or motor vehicle covered by said license,which tag shall at all times during which said automobile or other ye— - hide is in service be conspicuously placed thereon;and upon the revocation of any such license the said tags shall be r turned to the Clerk or ©therviise properly accounted for. Section 6.lb license issued hereunder shall be aigned or transferred without the consent of the Clerk and no license shall be for a period less than one year. Section 7.Any person using the streets,highways or alleys of said Town for the purposes provided in this Article shall at all tines be wider the control end subject to the rules and regulations of the Liarshall or other person doing police duty,and shall occupy such parts of the streets,highways or alleys in soliciting business as shall be allotted by such Ijarshall or person doing police duty. Section 8.Any chauffeur,driver or other person en gaged in the business provided for in this Article,without such license as is herein provided,shall be fined not less than fifteen (l5)dollars,nor more than three hundred ft300)dollars. I U -jiJ1 A. Month Ending, LIC 1HSES PEDDLERS. ARTIClE 5. . IQO Section 1.Ho person shall carry on the business of peddler within this Town without a license therefor first obtained according to the 1)rovisions of this article. Section 2.For a license to carry on the business of peddling there shall be paid for one day the sum of two (ç2.OO)dollars;for one weok the sum of ten flO.oO)dollars; for one month the sum of twenty-five (25.OO)dollars. Section 3.Whoever shall violate any of the pro visions of this arbicle shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor,and upon conviction thereof,be fined not less than five (ç)5.OO)dollars nor more than twenty-five (25.OO) dollars. Section 4.No provisions of this article shall be construed to apply to aiv person or persons bringing food products to this Town for sale either in bulk or by retail from house to house,provided said lood products wer,e own 01’raised by the person or persons so having them for sale, and are products.of the State of Colorado.AnT iedd1er with in this Town having procured license as required by section IoneofthisArticleshall keep said licenso constantly in view and in such position that it can be readily seen while he is engaged in the business of noddling. . EXPENSE ACCOUNT BOOK. T T’tTQT SUIDRY AV0CAI 0115 ARTICLE 6. Section 1.It shall not be lawful for any person to conduct any street pop corn stand or to carry on the business of keeper for gain or hire within the Town of any billiard table,pool table,pin alley,shooting gallery,or any tablo on which snes are played with balls,without a license therefor first obtained according to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 2.Ior a license for twelve months to keep one table of any kind mentioned in section one of this article one pin alloy,one ball alloy,one shooting gallery,ten (;l0.0O)dollars shall be paid for twelve months;for license for each additional table or alley,two and 50/100 f2.5O) dollars for twelve months;for license to keep one pop corn stand ten fçiooo)dollars shall be naid for twelve months. -k J II .. Month Ending,190 LICEJSES ARTICLE 7. Section 1.If any section,paragraph,clause,sen tence,obrase,or iart hereof of this ordinance is for any reason hold invalid,such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the renaming portions of this ordinance.The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park hereby declares that it vrould have passed this ordinance,and each section, paragraph,clause,sentence or phrase thereof,irrespective of the fact that aiw one or more of the other sections,para graphs,clauses,sentences,or phrases or parts hereof be declared invalid. Section 2.Any and all ordinances and parts of or dinances in conflict herewith are hereby renealed. Section 3.This ordinance is necessary for the iime diate preservation of the public peace,health and safety and in the opinion of the Board of Trustees an emergency exists; -therofore,this ordinance shall take effect irediately after its final passage and publication. Section 4.The reasons why this ordinance is thus necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety are that it is intended for the purpose of regulating and controlling certain lines of business within said Town,which if not regulated and controlled would be detri mental to the public peace,health and safety,and for the pur pose of providing revenue therefor. day of_— Attest: --- ierk and flecorder. IITR0DUC,PEtI,1ASSED and AL0iTED,this — A.D.1920. ------- Liayor. II TOTALS, I,CHJ.RL3 F.fIX,Clerk and Recorder of the Town of Jstes Park,Colorado,do hereby certify,that the above and foregoing 0rdinnce vas duly nublished by posting copies thereof,on the —day of A.1.1920,in the three public places desi ated by resolu tion of the ]3oard of Trustees adopted Juno 11th,1917.Given under my hand and the seal of said Town,——, 1920. and Recorder. . U . 15 29