HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 114-47 & CERTIFICATE// Town of tes ParL,LariDler County,Colorado lectric Light and Power Revenue Bonds Series B,1947 .Dated september 1,1947 Laturing 1946 to1957,inclusive T111 IS TO C.JZ That I have xa:ind a certified copy of the record of the proceedirs of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Zstes ParL,Lariir:County,Colorado,taI:n pre1iz— mary to the issuance by said City of its lectric Light and Pover Revenue Bonds, erias 3,1947,in the principal amount of ç40,OCO; Dated September 1,1947; Consisting of 40 bonds in the denomina— t:cn of çi,ooo each,numbered 1 to 40, inclusive; Earing interest at per annum payable semi-annually on the 1st days of March september of each year,’and maturig H;-on September 1st as fc•l1o:s: S. 4,00O in each of the years 1946,1950 and the years 1252 to 1955,inclusive; 3,OOO in each cf the years 1949 aid 1951, ‘5,000 in each of the years 1956 and 1957; Said bonds being redeemable,in inverse numerical orJr,on any interest payment date to and mncr:the first day of Oepteriber,1952,at par,accrued interest, and a pr:ium of 5 of orincioal,and on any interest payment date after September 1,1952,at ar,accrued interest,and a preaium of 3 of princ:pa1; Principal and interest payable at the of fice of the Town Treasurer,in 2stes Park, Colorado. I have also examined Bond No.1 of said issue,and have found the same duly executed and in full conformity with law. It is my opinion that such proceec!ings show lawful authority for said issue of bonds under the Conttution and laws of the Stato of Colorado,that said cnds constitute valid and legally binding obligations of the Town of stes Park,Colorado, — MYLES P.TALLMADGE ATTORNEY AT LAW FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING DENVER,COLORADO October 21,1947 fage 2 — payable,principal and interest,solely from the stes Park Electric Light and Revenue Bond SIiiLIflF Fund”,which fund is pledged for the payment of te principal of and interest on said Series B bonds,after the payment of operation and main tanance expenses,the payments required by 0rirnce No.100 of said Town,authorizing the issuance of bonds dated Novem ber 1,1944,and the payments recuired by 0rdinnce No.115 of said Town,authorizing Electric Light and Power Revenue Bonds,Seros A,1947,dated September 1,1947,as provided by Ordinance No.114 of said Town,adopted on August 25,1947. - -t__ (‘E*J![ I: 0E0I%1JzI‘:3,HIHI1I01?4I0IC STATE OP COLORADO ) ) flF L:RIM TOWN OF 1TS PARK) The Board of Trustees of the Town of stes Park, Colorado,et in regular meeting,in full confornity with law end the ordinances and rules of seid Town,at the Town Hall,in said Town,beinr the regular meeting place of said oard,on Monday,the 25th day of 4uust,A.D.1947,at %Ooolook E.li., at which n.eeting there were present and nswering at roll call: Mayor:RonBid C.Brodie Trustees:G..Casey S.LHurd Clarence Graves kerl Moreheed ,. George H.Watson Verne H.anton __Ae J Thereupon Trustee ______________ introduced and there was read ir full te following ordinance,to—wit: K K i as. Town Clerk: ibaent: -1— 0RDINAN0 NO.‘1 AN ORDINANCE A’HOIZING TH ISSUANC! OF BONDS 011 TIt TOWN OF TS PARK) C’I.ORADO,IN A i’RWCIPAL AMOUNT OF ‘4O,OOO,FOR TB PURPOsE:OF IMPROVING AND ;TTDING TH 3LECThIC LIG AND POW!R SYST!M OF SAID TOWN,SUCH BONDS .‘NO Tfl INTiRT ThEREON T(B PAYABLE SOI.1ELY FROM TH N1T INCOM.F SUCH SYSTEM,fVID N FOR Tff PAY2T OF SUCH BONDS AND T1fl INTiST TH1RJON, AND DECLARING AN EMRGNOY. WRERAS,the Town of gtes Park has heretofore ac quired and is now operating a municipal electric light and power system (herein celled the “System”);nd WEEREAS,it is nooesary to improve and extend the System,end for such purpose to issue bonds payable out of the revenues to be derived from the operation of the Systa;and !IRiAE,by Ordinance No.100 at said Town,adopted and a’proved on November 4,1944,the Town euthorizci nd there were issue 25O,OOO of 1ectric Light and Power Revenue Bonds of the Town,dated November 1,1944,(herein celled “First Issue”) of which ;228,OOO re now outstanding;and WHREA$,by Ordinance No.Z1 ,of said Town,adopted and approved on August 25,194’?,the Town authorized the issu ance of 110,OOO of lectric Light and Power evenut Bonds,Ser ies A,124’?,therein called “Second Issue”),for the purpose of improving and extending the System;and ‘ILtREAS,the proceeds of said :i’Issue will not be sufficient to complete the improvement and extension of the System;end the lien of the Series B Bonds,authorized herein must be subordinate to the liens of the bonds of the First end Second Issues; -2 ::_ s’ •1 I II -2—./I NOW,THERFOR,B IT ORDAXNID B!THE BOARD OF TRVSTW OF PH TOt.OF EST8 PUU,LARI1R COUNTY,COLORADO: Section 1.The Town of stee Park,Colorado,shall improve and extend the System in accordance with plans and sped— fictions prepared therefor. Section 2.For such purpose it is hereby declared necessary that the Town of stes Park issue its revenue bonds in the principal amount of j40,000,payable solely out of the net income to be derived from the operttion of the System of said Town,after providing for payments recuired for the First and Second Issues,end that said Town pledge,irreooably,such in come to the payment of such bonds and interest thereon,the pro ceeds of such bonds to be used solely for said purpose. Section 3.For said purpose,1eotrio Light and Power Revenue Bonds,Series B,1947,of said Town are hereby au thorized to be issued in the principal aILount of 40,OOO. Section 4.3aid bonds shell be dated September 1, 1947,shall consist of 40 bonds in the denorainntion of $1,000 each,numbered 1 to 40,inclusive,ifld shall mature on Septem ber 1st as follows: 4,O0O in sachof the years 1948,1950 and the years 1952 to 1955,inclusive; 3,000 in each of the years 1949 and 1951; 5,000 in eaoh of the years 1956 and 1957. On any interest date to ad including the let day of September,A.D.1952,the Town ay redeem bonds then outstand ing by paying prlncipal,accrued interest end a premium of 5%of principal.On any interest payment date after the 1st day of eptember,1952,the Town y redeem bonds then outstanding by paying principal,accrued interest and e premium of 3 of prin cipal.Thirty thiys’notice of any redeiption prior to moturity shall be iv•n to o.ttobor &Co.,of Jenver,Colorado,and shell be published once in a newspaper of ionor’l circulation in Osnyar,Colorado,at least 30 days prior to the redemption date,and all redemptions prior to maturity shall be made In in— verse numerical order. Said bonds shall beer interest at a rate to be de termined by the Board of Trustees of the Town,not exceeding 3 per annum,payable semi—annually on the let days of March and September of each year.Said bonds shell be payable,prineipal end interest,in lawful ney of the United tates of xiierioe, et the office of the Town Treasurer,in 1stes Perk,Colorado; shall be neotiab1e coupon bonds payabl to ‘rer,shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer,and Rttested by the Clerk of said Town,with the seal of said Town of stes.Park affixed there to,and the interest coupons thereto attached shall be nuthenti— sated by the facsimile signature of the Town Treasurer. $eoUon 0.Said bonds and the coupons thereto at tached and each of tbei shall be in substantially the following form: No. _____ $1,000 The Town of stes Park,in the County of Larimer and State of Co1ordo,hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received,promises to pay to the bearer,out of the speciil fund hereinafter mentioned,end not otherwise, ONE ThOUSAND DOLLARS on the 1st day of September,A.D.1Q,and tr pay interest thern ot the rate of pr centum per annum,semi—annual ly on the let day of eroh and the let day of September,upon surrender of the annexed coupons and this bond,as they severs).— ly become due.Both prinqipal and interest of this bond shall be payable in lawful ney of the United Statos of ‘merica,at the office of the Town raasurer,in rnetes Park,Colorado. *Con any interest payment date,prior to maturity, to and including the let day of September,A.D.192,Town may redeem this bond by paying principal,accrued interest and a premium of 5%of principal,) **(Qfl any interest payment date,prior to maturity, to end including th let day of September,A.D.195,the Town may redeem this bond by paying principal,accrued interest and a premium of of principal.On any interest payment date,prior to iturity,after the let day of September,A.U.l52,the 2own may redeem this bond by peyiri’,prIncipal,icorued interest and a pramium of 3 of principal.) d - -. : STAT]OF COLORADO UNIT’D (?AWiRICA TOWN 0!3TES PARK iUC TRIG LX’I1’AND POWMn:vw BCND,SRI B,194’T COUNTY CF L.’IRIMER L —5— . Thirty days’notice of an redemption prior to niatur— it7 shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in Denver,Colorado,at least 30 days prior to the redemption date,and all bonds of this issue which are redeemed prior to maturity,shall be paid in inverse numerical order. Payment of this bond and the interest thereon shall be made solely from a special fund created by Ordinance Na.100, adapted the 4th day of November,A.D.1944,identified as ‘Estes Park Electric Light end Power Revenue Bond sinking Fund”,into which the Town of stes Park covenants to pay,from the revenues to be derived from the operation of its electric 1iht and power systea,after provision for ll reasonable expenses of operation and maintenance as rrovided in said ordinance,and for the payment of the principal of and ntereet on leotrio Light snd Power Rev enue Bonds of eid Town,dated November 1,1944,and Series A Bonds of said Town,dated September 1,1947,suns sufficient to pay,when due,the princIpal of and interest on the bonds of this Series B,of which this is one,and to create and maintain rea sonable reserves for such issues,and the Town of Estee Park agrees with the bolder of this bond and with eaoh and every per— son o may become the bolder hereof,that it will keep and per- form all the covenants of the ordinances authorizing the iesnce of all of said bonds. This bM is issued for the purpose of providing funds to improve and extend the electric light and power system of said Town,and is issued in strict compliance with the Gon— stitution and Laws of the State of Colorado. It ía hereby certified that all conditions,acts and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Colorado,to exist,to bave happened and to have been performed, precedent to and in the issunco of this bond,exist,have hap— 6 pened,and hare been performed,and that the issue of bonds of which this is one,toetber with afl othor indebtedness of said Town of stes Park,je within every debt and other liidt pre soribed by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Colorado. J I35 WtRO!,the Town of ates Park,o1orado, has caused this bond to be signed by its ayor and Treasurer, sealed with its oorporte seal,attested by its Clerk,and the coupons hereto annexed to be signed with the fscaini1€signature of the Town Treasurer,this 1st day of Septeber,A.194’?. -V.--- V-— S A L ) ATTS: oCS?k *febis clause to appear in bonds maturing in 1948 to 1952,in elusive.) f These cl’usea to bo inserted in bonds maturing in 1953 to 1957,inclusive). ____ •V VV V ibyCr V V —7- cV V4r *VV!Vj V: *V (orLL of Coupon) No. roh, On the let day of September,A.D.l9..,unless the bond to which this coupon is attached has been called for prior red.pUon,the Toxn at .stes Park,in the County of Lan— men end state of Colorado,will pay to the bearer lierof, DOLLARS in lwful money f the United tetes of fmenicri,•it the office of the Town Treasurer,in stes Par,‘olorado,such paynient to be made sole].y from the fund designated in said bond,being the semi—annual interea on its leotnic Light and Power evenue 3ond,Series ,1947,dated september 1,194’?,bearing No. _____ VVF • .V•V :V’VVVV.. VVVV;..•k -VV V VVVVVVVVS 4. ••4 V •VV VV: • V V VVVVV• .1 V V•V Section 6.Said bonds shili be sold for cash end the proceeds thereof shell be deposited in a speciol trust ac count and shall be applied on orders of the Board of Trustees of said Town,solely in improving end sxtendinfz the municipal light and power system of said Town,but neither the purchaser of said bod nor any subsequent holder of an of them shall be re’uired to see to the application of the proceeds thereof. Section 7.The Board of Trustees of said Town shall establish,intain nd enforce such rates for srvioes rendered by the System as shall create &n income sutfiøient to pay all reasonable expenses of iaintenanoe and operation end create a net revenue which shall be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the First and Secon Issues and ti.is ‘aries B,194? issue of bonds,promptly as the same become due,1 to ecoumu— late esorvo Funds for each of said issues ond series,and it shall be its duty to establish,inta1n and enforce audi rates continuously until all of the bonds of the First and coond Th— sues,and this Series B,1947 issue and the interest on all of said bonds have been fully liquidated. Seotion 8.After settiz aside the amounts required to be paid Into the Operation and Maintenance Fund,as provided by said Ordinance No.100,there sbrll be placed in the stes Peri Electric Light kind.Power evonuo Bond sinking Fund,the amounts reruired to pay principal of,interest on and a reserve fund for said first nd Second Issues,as provided by the Ordi nances authorizing said Issues,end in addition thereto,in monthly installments,amounts which shall be suffici’nt proihptly to pay the interest on and principal of the Series B,l47 bonds, 4 I (Th C - —. C C C C’C II —9— (:1’ herein authorized,as the same become due end payable.Also, there shall be placed in said Bond Sinking Fund,not loss than 6OO per year until there shall beaccuu1ated therein as e Re serve Fund,an amount sufficient to pay in advence one year’s principal and interest on said bonds,Series B,1947.Any sur plus remaining after the payments specified in this eotion 8, may be used or applied as directed by the Board of Trustees of said Town. Section 9,Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed in such a rnner as to prevent the issuance by the Town of 1stes Vrk of additional bonds payable from the . income derived from the operation of the ystem and constituting a lien upon the said revenues superior to the lien of the bonds herein authorized;provided,however,that before any such additional bonds are authorized or actually issued,annual earnings derived froa the operation o the System for the fiscal year preceding the date of authorization and issuance shall have been sufficient to pay the average animal cost of operation and maintenance and in addition sufficient to pay an amount repro- sented by l75 of the following:f a)a sum sufficient to pay the maximum amount of principal and interest on the xvenue bonds of the Town,dated November 1,1944,and said Series A bonds,dated September 1,194?,becoming due during any ensuing fiscal year and (b)a sum equal to the average amount of prin—- cipal and interest falling due in any one year on the additional bonds proposed to be issued.In determining whether additional bonds may be issued as aforesaid,consideration shell be given to any probable reduction in operating or maintenance expenses that will result from the expenditure of the funds proposed to be de— V C4” —10 — rived from the issuance and sale of said bonds.Nothing herein contained shall be so construed to prevent the Town of stee Park from issuing bands other than those hereby authorized,payable from the annual revenues of the 3ysteiii but constituting a lien interior to the lien created for the payment of said !onds, dated November 1,1q44,end the Series A end Series B Bonds, dated september 1,194’?. eotion 10,All of the terms,provisions,covenants and agreeients set forth in said Ordinence So.100,for the bane— fit of the owners and holders of said bonds dated November 1, 1944,and in 0rdiranee No,/3 for the benefit of the owners and holders of said Srios A Bonds,shall so far as the same may be appliosble,reein in full force and effect for the benefit of the owners and holders of said bonds,Series B,1947,so lone as any of them remains outstanding.3ubj eat to the superior rights and remedies of the owners and holders of the First and -eoond issues,the owners end holders of said bonds,series B,1947, shall hare the same rights and remedies with respect to thejr bonds as are conferred on tne omiers and holders of the First and eoond Issues by the ordinances authorizing said Issues,and the Town of stes Porx hal1 be subject to the same duties end liabilities with respect to said series B bonds as it is to the Bonds of the First end 7econd Issues, ¶ection 11.All ordinances1 or parts thereof,in conflict with this ordinance,are hereby repealed.After seici eries B Bonds have been issued this ord1mnae shall be irrepeal— able until said Series B Bonds and the interest thereon shall be fully paid,satisfied and discharged in the nner heroin proviced. Section 12.By reason of the fact that said Town and its inhabitants are not adequately or properly supplied with -11- electiic light and power,it is declared tbat an emercncy ax— lets,that this ordinance is necessary to the immediate prserva— tion of the public peace,health and safety,snd that it shall be in full force and effect five 1nye aftr its publication. ADOPTED AND APROVD,This 26th day of August,A.I). 1947. fsAL) ATTEST: 1. fi Mar -12 — it was then moved by Trustee __________ seconded by Trustee that all rules cr this Board,which unless suspended,uight prevent the final passage ad opt.ion of this ordinance at this meeting,he and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the final pas sage and adoption of this ordinance at this Leeting, The tuestion being uron the adoption of said ot1on and the suspension of the rules,the roll was celled with the fol1oing result: Thos,voting AYE: Trustees:G,E.Casey S.k.Hurd 1arence trrg ken orohead George H.‘Vatson Those voting NAT: ________________ —_____.u__ members of the Board of Trustees of said Town hoving voted in favor of said motion,the presiding officer de— dared said iotion carried and the rules suspended. Trusteeap}/WAfle,1then moved that said ordi nanoi be passed and adopted as read. Trustee ____________ seconded the motion. The question being upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance,the roll was called with the following result: Those voting ATE: Trustees:G.i.Casey .. Clarence Graves Marl orebead ul George H Watson t 1 Those voting NAT —13 — fSAL) ‘. %.4ç• .,-‘ -•._.Q --,,•f_ S 1: The presiding officer thereupon dec1tred that 4 Trua1eea having voted in favor thereof,the saLd motion was car ried end the ordinance duly passed i adopted On motion duly adopted it was ordored thut said ordinance be pub1ishid and reoordd according to law. me’etlng eI 3vuh ayor ATiT 2 i* —14 -, I . I .,. 1*: 53AT 0!COLORADO COT]TY OF LARfl(.R TOWI OF PARK) as. i X,Verne K.Fenton,the Town Clerk of the Town of stes Park,Qoloredo,do hereby certify tlwt the foroin copy of O:dinanoe No.iY has been compared by me with nd is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Ordinance No.as du ly adopted at and appearing among the otfioii1 minutea c.f thø regular meeting of the I3oard of Trustees of said Town of stes Park,Oolorado,held on the 25th day of August,.4,D.1947; that said ordinance has been duly ;iublih,ed e required by lew, and that said ordin3nce baa been du17 recoIei in book k*pt for that purpose in my offioe. IN WITNiSS WBgRZO!,I hare hereunto set my hand and the offioial seal of said Towi,this ____ of iGc’i, A D.194?. fsAL) —l — I - 4_’ :-::* aoh of the undersind,being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 1.That they are,respectively)the.?ayor,Clerk and Treasurer of the Town of Estes PCTC,in the State of Colo rado, 2.That said Town w’s duly incorporated in the year ____ and that there is no litigation threatened or pending con— earning the validity of such incorporation,or the ri.ht of any of the officers of said Town to bold hi respeetivc position. 3.That fron the 25th dy of Mwust,A.J.1947, up to and including the date of this certificate,be fo1iowin have been and now re the duly elected or appointed offiners of . said Town,to-witt Ron.1d C,Brodie G.L Casey ;..Hurd. Clarence Drvea Men Iorehead -J.ASO 9-i--’t7 George H.T’etson Towp Clerk:Verne H.Fnnton Treasurer; 4,rp on the dey of A.D.1947, said Town delivered to of ______________________ its :lectnfc Light and Power Revenue Bonds, Series B,1947,da1ed Septeaber 1,14?,in the principal sum of $40,000,coiitin of 40 bonds in the denomination of lOOO STATE O COLORADO ) ) COUNfY OF LARDER ) TOfN OF ESPES PARK) 85 ayor: Trustees: -4- —17 — each,nnd said Town acknowledges receipt of the purchase price therefor;that the proceeds of said bonds hae been deposited in a specinl trust account in the Bank of ,&‘7s /%,GLUAo ,for the sole and only purpose of proiin funds to improv’and extend the lipht acid power systs*of said Town,that at a mnoting of the Board of Trustees of said Town,held on dy 194?,said Boerd determined that aiid 9ond’should bear interest at t,io rate of per annum. 5.Th9t there am no liens or eno brancea of any kin’or deeeritiop th siectrie light nd power system of sid Town,or the revenuis to be deriv tharetroa,except the first liens prescribed in Ordinnce No,100,of said Town, adopted rind r’ro’’on the 4th of Nove.be:,and in Ordinance No.)L adot-an’provd on the 25th day of August,l4 nd tha aoon4 lir jresorbc6 in Ordinance No. ____ adopted and npproved on the 2th dy or Au:ust,l47. 6.Tbt there in no iitiotion thruatened or pend— in re1tin in any wa to th Talidity of said 1ectric Light and Power Revenie ro1s,rion B,194?,or any of theru,or the right n eai Town to iarrove and extend its electric iiht and powor yateu with the freed13 of E3ti bon,or to collect electric 1it and power renuo oit of which said bonds and the interest therson hal1 be psid. town reaaur Sub5erihed and separately sworn to hf:i’ ____ dy of 1’).‘947. My oomznie sion expiresfcLL.. S L ) I i -18 — rtTRIt I,the undarigned _____________ of the __________ Bank of —,Ooloredo,do hereby certify that I ai prsona11y aoouainted with ______________ ,nyor, with ,Town Olerk,and with ___ ,Town ?reasurer that I know th above ient1oned offIcials held their respective positionri on the date of the exocutton and delivery of that certain issue of Bonds of the Town f .stes Prrk,(olo— rado,bearing date September 1,194’7,designated “leotrio Light and Power Revenue Bonds,Series B,I4l7,consiating of 40 bends in the denodnation of 1,00O each,numbered 1 to 40 inclusive, maturing serially in the years 1948 to 1957,inclusive. I furthr certify that I am acquainted with the sig natures of said officials and know that the signatures appeerin on each of said bonds are the sin ures of said officials re spectively,and tht said officials have to this certificate at tached their respctive signatures s follows: - own ream ___ - Signed end certified this day of __________ fl. * I I 1947. —-.-—--—-——.-— Bani of Colorado. —19 —