HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 129-51.40pH0Cl)4JC)t,.-P‘CDrci)‘CDIF-Cl4141C)F-i-Pci)ci)cIDF-i4)C)P41ciiF-iU)CDITiElC-P0ci)ro41c--IC)c)HP141F-iF-ici)ci)C)C)>CO-i-)010-PTi0E’lC)41F-i•-P-P41ci)CDC)C)-pCClP1,1_P4ZG)U)F-F--PC)41r1C)•r141CiiP1C-iCD-Pci)•dr_IriF-F--PC-_I41F-iF-IOf)c-C)•HF-i0Cj_IC_jr-lr_Ic—iCC)C)F-ci)[EJOF--iCIC+C)F-li0Cl-IrHCiiHF-CClci)4--HC)•CiiClF--:P-0C)-PCDC•t•cciCH-P01C)CDIF-ciicci41F-iC)41cci01iLEl’P1Cl)F-rU)41Cl)C)7jC,)C)F-1C)F-C)C)pF--iF-iElIF-iF--iC)ci)04Drrj(1)(I)F-C)41Ti1CD0F-F-iF-41F-1ciCl-i41-PCU)0Ti-P•-ici)•Hii1OF-CD-10-i-U)F-Cl-iCi0U)4141U)ClHF--‘cr2F-i41CIP1CI)F-irHF-0HF-F-iCOF-iCiiU)ClC)PU)HU)HiF-i,[DClr-flU)C)HF-Ij-H•CF-ci)41F-iU)-ci10flc41F-F-i0ClEi—I-I-’-r-lP4F-iElC))Cl—iCDHC-iPolL-H-H[-ICciici)Cci)•rI41CJ•H41F-0F-iFl0U)0EF—)-P4i—ic1U)c-ic-iF-iPr-1,-Cl—’P—ic-IF-ipti-ICiH-iiU)4)oCl-0U)ci)-IH0Cl-P00F-iCDi--I0F-iC)C)(J0-PtO-PHC)C)F-0F-iClOCDF-i0••C)F-iF-iF-roPC)ciH41-HC)Ti-PC)C)F-riOP-IF-iF)F-)0rC)0ci)-0)C)F-iClC)ci;U)Cl--PF-iFlP1‘)l>F-IF--iCl—PP‘0)C)U)Cl-icicciF-i0C)ICIC;CDE-F-i-rF-(‘10Cl4-’F-Q‘CDC)Cl—i00)00CDCI)DOHF-10F-i411C)CiiF-iF-U),S--C)41P1•r_ICll1OHOflCDHP10-c-iq-jF-i‘CD‘CDTi-P(1)(I)p.-njU)FEiE-lF-iHIEI—iC--I0ci-SF-F-0)Flci)-Pci)pnjp•Hci)CciciiLlElF-ClF-I)CF-i+‘P-0)C)-Pr-141CD-PCl-iF-F-Cl0141Fl0Ci1i—1PI)PClCDC)iF-iC)4C)F-i4-•t-iCl)0ci)U)C)U)-Pr1F-11CDC1C)F-HCL0CDCl)C)F-C)01--iF-o-Pci)HE_IC’-F-iF-i[Cr-lF-iC)F-i•HF-F-iC)F-i4-)C)Cj_jCl—i41co41iC-iP1>0P14-’0-PciF-i0Cl41i-ElClF-F-i00tH-Pi-1F-uiilF-;P1P101Cl)001P10)cc)ci)F-iF—iFD0HP1F-iF-iF-iC)F-F-iF-irjflCl—iCDF--pF-F-C)CO(1F-il]ICDFHF-iHP1F_I41F-41‘ti0)0F-cc)U)ci)00ICci)PI)CDHtI)--IHF-iH00)c-iC)U)cii-i-ITici)F-CD41•H•H0F-i01PIP1IHi—i1-IDEl-2F-i0C)F-iCT)H•r-lTiCl)-P4)F-iHi-)l[-IHI0)ci)F-C)U)C1_C)F-iF-‘CDC)C)Ti000U)P1CD41Cii41C’C)HC-02F-iU)C)F-Ei1-[11Fr1pI)P1H-F-•C’)TiU)0F--iC’)410-PF-41ClC)0)i-iHP1U)0(JF-rP1ciF-iCl-i0•--TiF-iCDc’]E-iCJpcIF-•r-IH-I-1F-•r-lCiF-F-iH0F-iCl-iU)F-0Ci)PcIF-i(—-iO0F-00r—’C;ci)0.F-CCU)C)1--IC-I--IC)C_Ir—iU)C)•r-l[-Ir1ci)41Of)F-F-iC)>c-HF-’iF-’-HF-iH-PF-i41C)4-’F-cciCl‘-P4-’F-iC)TiC)t’1F-FOCflpcF-]pLI00)001-PCTiC)ci)4141410)F-ci)U)c,4-F-ir-1e;F-IP1P1FHI;F-r]P1C)410141F-iU)F-iU)410‘U)jTIF-CD)P1E-ipl-iP1E--:U)ElC1CD0)El0ciiciiElC)C)C)ClU)F-ci)iiF-)F--F-j0Cr)0-PU)CDCDP-1ICC)4-’cci0)ci)COP1r-F-9CClJHIF--iF-F-IDci)ci)Cl0)41F-C--IHHCD-PC)Cl-iF-iC)U)F-4-’cici)H4)-POf)l;.ztC)F-1.i1ClrClP—iCDCi0C)Hci)lCtiF-QU)Fi<F-F-ClOc’-P1000)C)-Pcc;4-’-HCC)C)I>ClF-IDF-U)U)ClU)COTiF--i41Cci0F-Cl-i41)--PCl41CD-CD41C)C)F-iE-l4-’Ci:F-ClF-U)C)CiC)CDF-F-Ti0ClCD0c-I•i-lCl-iClCi41CiiCCIP1Cl-iF-Cl-iHP1CiF-0410cci-H-pClF-C)0ci50 a,9 S p Department and such other rates,rules and regulations as are not herein contained. Section 3.Receipts ad Deposits. The Town Clerk shall keep a correct account of all receipts,make out all bills for water rents and rsterials furnished to consumers,collect the same and deposit the pro ceeds so collected with the Town Treasurer to the credit of the Water Works fund of said Town,and in accordance with the di rection of the Board of Trustees of said Town. Section 4.Inspection. Whenever,in the judgment of the Superintendent,he deens it necessary,he nay inspect the premises of any consumer for t!e purpose of examining the conditIon of all pipes,motors, meters and water fixtures.He shall be vigilant to protect and remedy all abuses whether from waste or other improper use of water. Section 5.Rules and Regulations Governing Water Bates and Privileges and Penalties Thereunder. The foflovdng rules and regulations are hereby estab lished f?r the management,control a!’d protection of the Town Water Works.Said rules shall be considered a part of the contract with every person taking water supplied by the Town from its water works,and ever’person taking water shall be considered as having expressed consent to be bound thereby. RULE 1. Application for the use of water shall be made to the Water S’perintendent at hIs office.The application must be made by the owner or agent of the property to be benefitted, —0— C designating the location of the property and stating the pur pose for thich the water may be required; RULE2. Upon the application for a new tap and servIce connec tion by any consumer,the Superintendent shall,before making such tap and connection,require payment to the Town Clerk of the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00),to cover the cost of the corporation cock,expansion joint,curb box and tapping saddle.All necessary pipe,fittings,valves,shut off,trench— ing,bach filling and installation of the tap must be at the expense of the applicant and under the supervision of the Water Superintendent.Tapping must be done by a licensed plumber,and a standard corporation cock and expansion joint, furnished by the Town,must be used. RUlE 3. It is required that each service tap shall not be more than five—eighths (5/8)inches in diameter unless special permission is given for a bigger tap,and all plumbing through which water is used shall be installed by a licensed plumber. RULE 4. Should the owner or the occupant of the premises desire add!Sional service or fIxtures,or to apply the water for a purpose not stated at the tine of the original applica tion,perrission must be obtained therefor.When additional fixtures are added and not reported,sanie shall be charged at double rate for such time as said fixtures are in use,in addition to a Five Dollar (t5.00)penalty for such violation to this rule,to be collected as other fines and penalties are collected. -3— I - RULES Owners or consumers desiring to discontinue the use of water for any special purpose,whether for closets,bath tubs or other fixtures,must have faucets removed,supply pipes to fixtures disconnected,and tust file tritten notice with the Superintendent before a reduction in rates for the next succeed ing period will be made. RUlE 6. Should it be desired to discontinue the use of water, written notice thereof shall be filed with the Superintendent and all arrearages paid. RflE7. Viater rates must be paid annually in advance at the office of the Tot Clerk on the first day of July of every year. If not paid on or before the 20th of the month,they become delinquent,and f not paid on or before the last day of the month,the rater may be turned off.Should the obcupant of the prwises turn on the water or cause it to be turned on after it has been shut off at the curb cock,it will be turned off at the main and a charge of Ten Dollars ($10.00)to the owners of the premises made for the expense of turning it off and on,to be collected as other rates are collected. RULE 8. Two or nore prenises cannot be supplied fro!i one and the sane connection unless provided with separate shut-off cocks, located in the street. RUlE 9. No consumer shall be ‘perritted to conduct water pipes across lots or buildings to adjoining premises without the per -If- mission of the Superintendent. ]TTT I /iu. Service pipes must he laid at least four feet below the surface of the round. RULE 11. The Tovn shell not be responsibl for the service pipes end fixtures.ll owners,at thoir ova-i expense,must keep service pipes from the Town main and all their apparatus in good working order and properly protected from frost and other disturbances.No claim shall he made against the Town on account of the breaking of service pipes or apparatus or for failure in the supply of water.No re’uction in the regular rates will he made for any time that service pipes or fixtures may be frozen. RULE 12. Consumers shall not use hose larger than three-fourths (3/1+)of an inch in diameter,end sprinkling without nozzle or from a nozzle larger than three-sixteentbs (3/16)inch opening is strictly forbidden,and any person who violates this rule is subject to having the right to sprinkle revoked for the balance of the season. PTTTr’1 D - Customers shall nrevent unnecessarcT waste of water and keep all water outlets closed when not in actual use. Hydrants,urinals,water closets,bath tubs and other openings must not be left runming for any wurpose other than the use for which they were intended,and for any unnecessary waste of water the Town reserves the right to cut off the supply and assess - / •1 a penalty of flve Dollars ($5.00)vthich shall be p’aid before the water is turned on again. RULE 14. During all alarms of fire the use of hose and all outlets there a constant flow of water is maintained is posItively forbidden. RULE l5. Any service nay be metered,then in the judgnent of the Board of Trustees the sare is necessary or beneficial. RUM 16. No occupant or owner of any building into vthich water is introduced will be allored to supply water to other persons or families.The water department agrees to furnish water for a certain specified sum.If,therefore,consumers furnish other people or supply water for animals or for sprinkling,washing vehicles or for building purposes,or perrdt it to be taken without the knowledge or consent of the water departient,it is a violation of contract,and consumers so offending will be required to pay double the price of water so used,and the Town reserves the right to shut off the supply for abuses of water privileges.When tbe water has been turned off for violation of the Rules,the water department will withhold it until all dues and penalties have been p!id,incl’ding the further sum of fifty cents for turninc the water off. RULE 17. In case there shall be any water rent delinquent and the supply has been turned off,the rater shell not be turned on again until all such delinquent water rents have been paid. —6— Q S.9 RULE is. The Town reserves the right,upon reasonable notice, to shut off its mains for the purpose of making re?airs,or extensIons,or any other purpose,and no•claim shall be made against the Town by reason of the breakage of any service pipe or service cock or from any other damage that nay result from shuttinz off water fnr repairing and relaying mains,hydrants or other connections. RUlE 19. No deductions will be made from the rates on account of any of the fixtures not being used.If they are not in use and not wanted,the owner shoul’i have a plumber disconnect them and serve written notice on the Superintendent,and the charge for their use will cease. RULE 20. The Town Board,by resolution,nay,in case of water shortage or scarcity,make such restriction of sprinkling and irrigatIng use of water as ma;be prescribed by such resolution, and for such period of tre as the resolution may set forth. Use of water outside the corporate limits of the Town shall be subject to the paraount rights of users within the corporate limits,and in case there shall be insufficient water to trovlde for users both vihin and without the corporate limits of the Town,the Town Board may reduce,curtail or shut off the users outside the corporate li”dts during such reriod of water shortage or scarcity. RULE 21. Whoever shall by himself or by any other person -.7- acting under authority,use or take atcr from any part of the water works foresaid without a license or perait,or without authority fro said water dei;artment,open or hitch to,take out,curb over or remove any fire plug or hydrant, stop cock valve,valve box or other fixture aertaining to said water works,or shall lot on or shut off water into or from any water pipe and/or wherever situated,shall,on conviction therefor,he fined not less than Pive Dollars (5.QQ)and not more than Fiftr Dollars (%Q.OO). OTTT fll water rates shall he charged against the property on which it is furnished and against the oner thereof,d if from any cause any sums owing therefor become delinquent,the water shall he cut off and in no case shall it he turned on to the same property until such delinwnaacies shall have been paid in full.Change of ownership or occupation shall not affect the arplication of this section.This ruls shall he deemed to include watar users within or outside the corrorate limits of the Town. RTJLE 23. ll accounts for water shall he kent in the name of the owner of the property cad not in the name of any tenant,and the owner only,or his legally autnorazed agent,scall he held responsible for water rects;provided that lDarSonS holding under a lease may he sunolied on their own account where it is im practicable to keep the account in the name of the owner,and in such case the Town may reqaire a deposit,of at least one annual estimated water rental,which.deposit may be forfeited to the Town at any tia when the water rental becomes delinriuent C, Q 0 and a nw deposit required before further service is rendered. LJL2 2+. The Superintendent or other officers of the Tova shell he neruitted at all times to enter the rremises or huild— ings of consumers to examine the water pipes an fiwiures and the manner in uhic the water is used,and in case of fraud— uleut representation on the part of the consumer or wilful or unreasonable waste of water,said consumer shai.l forfeit any payment macIc and the Voter Department may cause the water to he turned off and assess the damages to the nromisos. LULE 25. The $n’)eriptendent of th Pater ‘Thrhs shall have power,subject to anpreval by the Board of Trustees,to maLe and enforce such cihor rules and regulations governing service, tap connections,plumhipg requirements and regulations as are not herein provided.It is specifically w’evided that all plumbing and plumbing fi:tures,wherever used,shall be of standard maLe and construction,and shall be installed in the first instance by a licensed plumber,and any plumber altering, changing or adding to any nlumbing,shall i!nnediately report the same to tha 7ater Superintendent,end his failure so to do shall subject him to revocation of his license and a fine not to exceed Teeiy-five Dellers ($25.00). ETTLE 26. In each and every violation of the rubs end regula tions establis’ad by this Ordinance,the offending party shall be subject to a fine of not less than hive Dollars ($5.00)nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00),unless ofherwise provided herein. _0_ SCiULE CF ‘VLTER RATES Section 6.All rates and charges for water use shall be on an annual basis,for the period fron July st of each year to June 30th of the following year,and there shall be no reductIon in rates or charges or any rebates thereof for use for less than the annual period. The following annual water rates shall be payable annually,in advance,by water consumers. The water cnnsuners shall pay t’ie follouing ann’zal base rates: BASE RATES Residence,apartment,cottage or do’2est±c unit $10.00 Cotwrorcial establishment,or place of busIness not itemized below 12.50 Restaurants,per cbair or counter stool based on matnun seating capacity .95 Hotels,per room,based on every room on the prerilsos 2.85 laundry,corercial 150.00 Laundry,self-serve,per machine 6.00 Barber Shop 20.00 Beauty Shop 20.00 Croamery 100.00 Photograph eeveloping 20.00 Garage,publIc 20.00 Livery,connercial 20.00 School,publIc,por student enrolled .10 —10— —— - a ADDITIO!At PtSES In addition to the above base rates,water consumers, except hotels,shall pay the foilo?thig annual rates: For each bath tub or shoer,private 5 3.75 For each water closet or toilet, prIvate 3.75 For each sInk,domestic 3.75 For each be.th tub or shorter,public 7.50 For each water closet or toilet, public 7.50 For each urinal 7.50 For each sink,commercial 3.75 For each automobile wash rack 25.00 For each soda fountain or bar 17.50 t1IT it flTTj’.La Section 7.Unlawful taking of Water. any person or persons who shall take or use water from the rater works in excess of or for a dIfferent purpose or purposes than is provided for in the customer’s perrat,or to takes and uses water ithout a perDft,upon convictIon thereof shall be subject to a fine of not loss than Five Dollars ($5.00)or more than One Hundred Dollas (5100.00),and for failure to pay such fine and costs,ray be imprisoned from not less than one day or more than ninety (90)days. Any person convicted of violating any part of this ordinance or any of the rules ane regulations prescribed herein &iall,upon conviction,be fIned in any sum not to exceed One Hundred Dollars (.00.00)and costs,and for frilure to pay such fine and costs nay be imprisoned not to exceed ninety (90) days. -11- 0 Section 2.This Ordinance shall become effective on the Jirst day of July,1951. Section .Ordinance No.0,passed and adopted June 107 l29,is hereby repealed as of the 30th day of June, 1951. INTRCDnCEr.R1AD,PASSED and J0PTED this day of Narch,.I).1951. Nayor. -12-