HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1992-10-13Edon o ark, Lorimer County, Colorado, October 13 , 19 92 Regular Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Stes Park, Lorimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park 13th October 92 on the day of , A. D. 19.... at regular meeting hour. H. Bernerd Dannels Meeting called to order by Mayor Present: Mayor H. B. Dannels Trustees: George J. Hix, Mayor ProTem Norbert L. Aldrich, David Barker, Robert L. Dekker, Also Present: Stephen W. Gillette Gary F. Klaphake, Town Administrator Gregory A. White, Absent: Town Attorney Vickie O'Connor, Town Clerk Absent: David Habecker, Trustee Mayor Dannels called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M. Tim Petersen/Estes Park Jaycees expressed his appreciation to the Trustees for their support and presented the Town with a framed photograph of the 1992 Fireworks Display. Mayor Dannels welcomed Boy Scout Troop 10 and presented each member with a Town pin. PUBLIC INPUT. Lou Canaiy commented on including funding in the 1993 Budget for the Board Room sound system; notification should be provided to all adjacent property owners for changes in land use; and suggested public comment also be allowed following the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Town Board minutes dated September 22, 1992. 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes: A. B. C. D. E. Special Events, September 24, 1992. Administrative, September 28, 1992. Light and Power, October 1, 1992. Community Development, October 1, 1992. Public Safety, October 8, 1992. 4. Liquor Licenses: A. Resolution #11-92. Coyote Moon Nightclub, 800 Moraine Ave. B, New Tavern Application. Resolution setting public hearing date of November 10, 1992. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Aldrich) the consent calendar be approved, and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS. 1.A. 1993 Action Plan. Ass't. Administrator Widmer reviewed the 1993 Action Plan as recommended for approval at the Administrative Committee meeting September 28, noting that Goal #3 was not amended to include potential changes that may occur should the TABOR Amendment be passed. Board of Trustees - October 13, 1992 - Page 2 Administrator Klaphake withdrew all four "action steps" from Goal #13-Encouraging a Strong Cultural Arts Program pending additional discussion/review by the Community Development Committee. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Gillette) the 1993 Action Plan be adopted as presented, and it passed unanimously. B. Intergovernmental Agreements with Upper Thompson and Estes Park Sanitation District. The Administrative Committee recommended approval of both Agreements which will allow access to the Town's metering records to both Districts. It was moved and seconded (Dekker/Hix) the Mayor be authorized to execute both Agreements as presented, and it passed unanimously.. C. ICMA Trust and Adoption Agreement. To maintain compliance with changes required by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, and all current federal laws and regulations of the IRS, it was moved and seconded (Dekker/Hix) the Mayor be authorized to execute said renewal Agreement, and it passed unanimously. The management contribution will be reduced from 10.2% to 10% to match contributions made to PERA. D. Town Administrator Employment Contract. Town Attorney White presented the Administrator's 5-Year Employment Contract which provides a 2% increase in 1993 plus a 2% deferred compensation. For 1994-1997, the Administrator will receive the same percentage adjustment as the average annual employee. It was moved and seconded (Aldrich/Dekker) the Contract be approved as presented, and it passed unanimously. 2.A. Christmas Scene Restoration Contract with Lynda Vowel. The Light and Power Committee recommended approval of a revised contract in the amount of $6,973.72 with Ms. Vogel. It was moved and seconded (Aldrich/Hix) the Mayor be authorized to execute the Contract, and it passed unanimously. 3. Automatic Response and Mutual Aid Agreement - Volunteer Fire Department. The Public Safety Committee recommended approval of the aforementioned Agreement between the Fire Department and Larimer County. Said Agreement defines the Department's boundary and authorizes response outside Town Limits. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Aldrich) the Fire Chief and Mayor be authorized to execute the Agreement, and it passed unanimously. 4. Resolution #12-92 Dry Gulch Water Tap Moratorium. Pursuant to action taken during the Public Works Committee meeting September 17, 1992, Attorney White read in full a Resolution declaring a moratorium on water tap applications on the 12" water transmission line presently being proposed for construction in Dry Gulch Road, until February 15, 1993. It was moved and seconded (Aldrich/Barker) Resolution #12-92 be adopted, and it passed unanimously. 5. Ordinance #9-92 First Amendment to the Loan Agreement with Colorado Water Resources and Power Authority. Public Works Director Linnane briefed the Board on said Ordinance, which will allow a realignment of the $3.3 Million of the original bond issue to be allocated to other related facilities. It was moved and seconded (Dekker/Hix) the Ordinance be adopted, and it passed unanimously. Whereupon Mayor Dannels declared the Ordinance duly passed and adopted, numbered 9- 92, and published according to law. 6.A. Boundary Adjustment of Lots 1 and 2, Canaiy Subdivision, 1650 Big Thompson Ave., Mark Brown/Applicant. It was moved Board of Trustees - October 13, 1992 - Page 3 and seconded (Hix/Aldrich) the Boundary Adjustment be continued to October 27, 1992, and it passed unanimously. B. Boundary Adjustment of Lot 40 and the East 90' of Lot 41. Grand Estates Subdivision, Mae A. Tilev/Applicant. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Aldrich) the Boundary Adjustment be continued to October 27, 1992, and it passed unanimously. 7 1993 Budget. As required by State Statute, staff introduced the preliminary budget for 1993. Ass't. Town Administrator Widmer noted that the budget will be reviewed at the Administrative Committee meetings scheduled October 19 and November 2--these meetings are open to the public and everyone was encouraged to attend. Finance Officer Vavra read the Introductory Resolution and reviewed revenues and expenses. 8. Town Administrator's Report. No report given. 9. Stanley Historic District/EPURA Road Project. Administrator Klaphake briefed the Board on the conclusion of negotiations with Frank Normali/The Stanley Hotel for the aforementioned project, stating that the Town is a party to the agreement as the Town will be the recipient of a public roadway. EPURA will continue friendly negotiations or, as a last resort, could possibly use the right of eminent domain to complete this project with additional affected property owners. The current roadway through Stanley Village to the Hotel will be realigned and become limited access. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Aldrich) the Mayor be authorised to execute the Contract for the public street within the Stanley Historic District, and it passed by the following votes: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Hix, Aldrich, Barker, and Dekker. Those voting "No" Trustee Gillette. 10. Public Service Company (PSCo) Natural Gas Franchise - First Reading of Ordinance. Town Clerk O'Connor confirmed that PSCo provided Proof of Publication information verifying PSCo published a "Notice of Application for Franchise by Public Service Company of Colorado" September 25, October 2 and 9, 1992. Town Attorney White reviewed proceedings and read the proposed franchise agreement in full. The second reading is scheduled on November 10 and at that time, the Trustees will either approve or disapprove said Franchise Agreement. Following completion of all agenda items, staff requested an Executive Session to discuss matters that may be subject to property negotiations. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Aldrich) the Board of Trustees enter Executive Session, and it passed unanimously. Mayor Dannels adjourned the meeting at 8:49 P.M. to enter Executive Session. Mayor Town Clerk