HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1989-09-26fun of 7, 1;sties Path, Lorimer County, Colorado, September 26 ,19 89 Minutes of a .. _rPg1,11Ar meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Lorimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 26th day of September , A. D. 10.9.. at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present: Mayor H. B. Dannels AlsoPresent: Gary F. Klaphake, Town Administrator Gregory A. White, Town Attorney Vickie O'Connor, Town Clerk Absent: Norbert L. Aldrich, Mayor Dannels called the meeting of the order at 7:32 P.M. I. Bernerd Dannels Trustees: David Barker, Milan A. Dickinson, Polly Garrett, David Habecker, George J. Hix Trustee Board of Trustees to CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Town Board minutes dated September 12, 1989. 2. Bills. 3.A. Longhorn Liquor Mart, Retail Liquor Store License, 1640 Big Thompson Avenue - Renewal. B. Akron Diesel Sales and Service, Inc., dba ROCKY MOUNTAIN DRIVE IN LIQUOR, Retail Liquor Store License, 350 West Riverside Drive - Renewal. C. The Villager, Tavern Liquor License, 1230 Big Thompson Avenue - Renewal. Trustee Hix moved the consent calendar be approved. Trustee Dickinson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: 1.A. Minutes of the Community Development Committee meeting held September 14, 1989 were read. Trustee Dickinson moved the minutes be approved. Trustee Garrett seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. B. Minutes of the Public Works Committee meeting held September 14, 1989 were read. Trustee Barker moved the minutes be approved. Trustee Habecker seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 2. Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held September 19, 1989 were submitted. A. The Board of Trustees acknowledged receipt of the applicant's request to withdraw the rezoning petition for Lot 26, Twin View Subdivision. B. Acting upon the applicant's request, Trustee Habecker moved the public hearing to consider Special Review Request #89-3 for the Stanley Condominiums be con- tinued to October 10, 1989. Trustee Garrett seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Board of Trustees - September 26, 1989 - Page two C. Mayor Dannels opened a public hearing to consider an amendment to the Estes Park Downtown Redevelopment Program (Plan). Town Attorney White read the proposed resolution. EPURA Executive Director Anderson pre- sented a memorandum dated September 26th, with an accompanying photograph exhibit. Director Anderson reported he had conducted a "blight survey" on the proposed inclusion of approximately 20 acres bounded on the west by Stanley Avenue, the south by Dunraven Street, and Highway 7 on the east, including the U. S. Highway 36/State Highway 7 Intersection traffic islands. The legal requirements for the necessary finding of blight were clarified by Director Anderson as he noted existing conditions in the area. In a memorandum dated September 26, 1989, Director/Planner Stamey confirmed the Planning Commission found the proposed modification in conformance with the Estes Park Comprehensive Plan. Both memorandums were acknowledged and part of the record of these proceed- ings by reference thereto. Public testimony was given by: Jerry Knutson/911 Dunraven, who stated he was in favor of the conference center; however, he did not receive written notice of the proposed inclusion of his property into the EPURA Boundary, private meetings with the affected property owners were not conducted, how will EPURA affect the rights of the property owners (potential cloud on the property), and what is the benefit to those affected property owners to belong in the EPURA Boundary? Bill Watson, Jr., who questioned portions of the proposed resolution pertaining to eminent domain. Bill Watson, Sr., who questioned the procedure which would be followed should EPURA elect to acquire the property in question through eminent domain. Bus Schageman, who requested the Town clarify conditions of sale and purchase of property due to rumors and confusion surrounding this proposal, and relocation procedure. Zora Thorns, concerning increased traffic and economic impact. There being no further testimony, Mayor Dannels declared the public hearing closed. Mayor Dannels, Administrator Klaphake, and Attorney White responded to those issues raised, confirming the Town has no intention to purchase any of the affected property; a future Town Board could amend this decision; however, it could only do so under "friendly negotiation", or an additional Plan Amendment with associated public hearings. Paragraph #1 of the "First Modification To The Estes Park Redevelopment Program" was amended to read as follows: "area boundaries. The Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority shall not exercise its power of eminent domain to acquire any property within the area described on Exhibit A." Concerning traffic, Administrator Klaphake reported that funding for a traffic study for the entire area will be included in the 1990 Budget. Resolution 22-89. Trustee Barker moved the resolution modifying the Estes Park Downtown Redevelopment Program to include additional real property within the redevelopment area, finding the existence of blight therein, and the need for the development, redevelop- ment and rehabilitation of said area be approved. Trustee Garrett seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. D. Trustee Hix moved the modification of signatures on the Amended Plat of Lot 3, and a portion of Lots 1, 2, and 4, Reclamation Subdivision for the Mount Calvary Lutheran Church be approved. Trustee Habecker second- ed the motion and it passed unanimously. Board of Trustees - September 26, 1989 - Page three 3. At the applicant's request, the Change of Ownership for a 3.2% Retail Beer License application submitted by Hanks Enterprises, Inc., dba BOB & TONY'S PIZZA, was postponed to October 10, 1989. 4. Resolution #21-89. Trustee Hix introduced, and Town Attorney White read in full, an "Intent to Annex" Resolution for the Seifert Addition, and moved it be passed and adopted. Trustee Dickinson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The annexation plat was referred to the Planning Commission, with their zoning public hearing scheduled October 17th, and the Town Board public hearing concerning annexation and zoning scheduled November 14th. 5. Town Administrator Klaphake presented the architec- tural agreement for the proposed conference center. Using a team approach, the local firm of Thorp Associ- ates will team with C. W. Fentress and Associates (Denver Conference Center). The proposal contains 17,314 square ft. of conference center space, with an associated cost of $2,500,400. Administrator Klaphake also reviewed the financing plan. Public Works Director Widmer advised the standard architectural agreement contained a not -to -exceed fee of $198,100; 11 separate subcontractors are being included. Town Attorney White has reviewed the agreement; however, additional review/approval is required by the bond attorney. Construction documents are to be completed by mid -March, 1990. The Town has received permission to use the names of both primary architects for marketing purposes. Trustee Habecker moved the Mayor be authorized to execute the Architectural Agreement between Thorp Associates, C. W. Fentress and Associates, and the Town for a not -to -exceed fee of $198,100.00. Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. There being no further business, nor comments from the audience, Mayor Dannels adjourned the meeting at 8:57 P.M. . . . . - Mayor gAx-.44,1 Town Clerk