HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1986-03-25of 7gs a It, WrimerCounty, Colorado, March 25 , 19 86 Minutes of a ..... meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Lorimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 25th March day of , A. D. 19.§.6, at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor H. Bernerd Dannels Present: Mayor H. B. Dannels Town Administrator Also Present: Dale G. Hill, Town Attorney Gregory A. White Absent: None Trustees: Norbert L. Aldrich, Mark T. Brown, Byron L. Graves, George J. Hix, Paula L. Laing, Richard A. Wood Minutes of the regular meeting held March 11, 1986 were submitted and approved. Trustee Wood moved the bills, as presented, be allowed and paid and that the Clerk be authorized to draw warrants for same. (A certified copy of the bills presented and allowed are on file in the Office of the Town Clerk under this date, and made a part of the record of these proceedings by reference thereto). Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Aldrich, Brown, Graves, Hix, Laing and Wood. Those voting "No" none. Minutes of the Water Committee meeting held March 12, 1986 were read. Trustee Hix, Chairman of the Committee, moved the minutes be approved. In regard to the question raised by members of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District assessing the Town interest on their account, Town Attorney White reported the motion was defeated. Trustee Wood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Minutes of the Stanley Park Committee meeting held March 24, 1986 were read. Trustee Wood, Chairman of the Committee, moved the minutes be approved. Trustee Laing seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Wood moved Mayor Dannels be authorized to execute the Alsbaugh Rodeo, Inc. Agreement. Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Hix moved Mayor Dannels be authorized to execute the Rocky Mountain Miniature Horse Association Agreement. Trustee Laing seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Minutes of the Board of Adjustment meeting held March 14, 1986 were read. Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held March 18, 1986 were submitted. Trustee Wood introduced, and Town Administrator Hill read in full, the following Resolution and moved it be passed and adopt- ed: RESOLUTION 6-86 Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado, in accordance with Section 31-12-107 (1) (g), C.R.S. 1973, hereby states its intention to annex the area described herein. The Board of Trustees - March 25, 1986 - Page two Board of Trustees finds and determines that the Petition filed with the Town requesting annexation of the area described herein is in substantial compliance with Section 31-12-107 (1), C.R.S. 1973. The Board of Trustees further finds and determines that the Petition is signed by owners of 100% of the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys. The Board of Trustees further finds that additional terms and conditions will not be imposed on said annexation. Such area, if annexed, will be known as "SPRUCE LAKE ADDITION" to the Town of Estes Park, Colorado. Such area is described as follows: A tract of land located in the W1/2 of the NEk and in the NEk of the NW1/4 of Section 35, TSN, R73W of the 6th P.M., Larimer County, Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: Considering the North line of the NEk of said Section 35 as bearing N89°59'10"W and with all bearings con- tained within this description relative thereto. Commencing at the Na corner of said Section 35, as monumented by a General Land Office Brass Capped Pipe; thence along the East line of the NEk of the NW1/4 of said Section 35, S01°04'02"W a distance of 1,326.99 feet to the SE corner of the NE1/4 of the NW1/4 of said Section 35, as monumented by a Pin and Cap No. 6499, thence along the South line of the NW1/4 of the NEk of said Section 35, N89°19'43"E a distance of 48.31 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Larimer County Road No. 67 (Marys Lake Road), said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence departing from said South line and along said Easterly right-of-way line, S09°33'10"E a distance of 141.14 feet; thence departing from said Easterly right-of-way line, S89°03'24"E a distance of 254.49 feet; thence NO2°55'15"E a distance of 41.28 feet; thence N21°04'05"E a distance of 79.25 feet; thence N05°11'53"W a distance of 31.91 feet to a point on the South line of the NWk of the NEk of said Section 35; thence along said South line N89°19'43"E a distance of 315.01 feet; thence departing from said South line and along the East line of the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of the NE4 of said Section 35, N01°07'40"E a distance of 734.43 feet to the centerline of the Big Thompson River; thence Westerly along the centerline of the Big Thompson River the following six courses and distances which are resultant chords between points on the centerline of said river; thence S89°4240"W a distance of 49.23 feet; thence N75°08'32"W a distance of 229.91 feet; thence N67°21'17"W a distance of 258.95 feet; Board of Trustees - March 25, 1986 - Page three thence S35°02'23"W a distance of 285.90 feet; thence S07°13'59"W a distance of 216.87 feet; thence S83°21'35"W a distance of 229.14 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Larimer County Road 67 (Marys Lake Road); thence departing from said centerline and along said Easterly right-of-way line the following four courses and distances: thence 193.64 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Northeast, said curve has a delta angle of 18°33'14", a radius of 597.99 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S33°39'33"E a distance of 192.80 feet. (The PC of said curve has a radial bearing of S65°37'04"W); thence S42°56'10"E a distance of 223.15 feet; thence S21°38'10"E a distance of 88.12 feet; thence S09°33'10"E a distance of 18.75 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described parcel contains 14.26 acres more or less, and is subject to all easements, agreements and rights -of -way of record. It is further resolved, that this annexation plat is referred to the Planning Commission of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado, for the review of said annexation plat and, also, to make said property subject to zoning of the municipal code of the Town of Estes Park, pursuant to the provisions of Section 31-12-115, C.R.S. 1973. Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Wood introduced, and Town Administrator Hill read in full, the following Ordinance and moved it be passed and adopted: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, THE SAME PERTAINING TO COMPENSATION OF THE MAYOR AND THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO Trustee Brown seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Aldrich, Brown, Graves, Laing and Wood. Those voting "No" Trustee Hix. Whereupon Mayor Dannels declared said Ordinance duly adopted and ordered it numbered 8-86 and published according to law. Trustee Laing introduced, and Town Administrator Hill read in full, the following Resolution and moved it be passed and adopt- ed: RESOLUTION 7-86 Whereas, the Town of Estes Park maintains a policeman's pension fund pursuant to Article 30, Title 31, C.R.S. 1973; and Board of Trustees - March 25, 1986 - Page four Whereas, the Town desires to appoint the ICMA Retirement Corporation as Agent for the Town for the purpose of investing the assets of said policeman's pension fund; and Whereas, the ICMA Retirement Corporation has indicated its desire to be appointed Agent for the Town pursuant to the terms and conditions of an agreement between the Town and ICMA Retire- ment Corporation, a copy of which is attached hereto. Now therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado: 1. That the Agreement between the Town of Estes Park and the ICMA Retirement Corporation is hereby accepted and approved. 2. That the appropriate officials acting for the Town are hereby authorized to execute said agreement, which agreement pertains to the investment of funds from the policeman's pension plan. 3. That the appropriate officials of the Town are hereby authorized to transfer the assets of the Policeman's Pension Fund to the ICMA Retirement Corporation pursuant to the terms of said agree- ment. Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Wood moved the Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License Renewal Applications, including extended hours, submitted by Mountain Man Restaurant and Stanley Restaurant and Lounge be approved. Trustee Aldrich seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Hix moved the "Lonigans" Tavern Liquor License Transfer of Ownership from R. Bruce Crowley and R. Allen Arms Partnership to Roadside Productions, Inc., which includes extended hours be approved. Trustee Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Laing moved the "Beaver Point Market" 3.2% Retail Beer License, Off Premises Transfer of Ownership from Edwin and Wanda Davis Partnership to Edwin Davis be approved. Trustee Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Louis O'Riordan addressed the Board of Trustees regarding his complaint filed with the Board against the Municipal Judge. Mr. O'Riordan acknowledged receipt of a letter issued by Mayor Dannels concerning the Mayor's findings of "no fault" with the Municipal Court or Judge. Mr. O'Riordan served a district court order to Town Attorney White regarding the subject traffic violation case. With regard to the Sales Tax on food, Mr. O'Riordan requested the constituency be allowed to vote on the issue. Mayor Dannels reported the Board of Trustees will stand on the legal opinion obtained from Sherman and Howard whereby the Town could not initiate a Food Sales Tax Exemption due to the prohibited impairment of the contractual obligations contained in the Tax Increment Bonds for the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority. Mr. Louis Canaiy stated the sales tax is the fairest tax assessed and that repealing said tax would be a horrible mistake. Mayor Dannels presented "Certificates of Appreciation" to Trust- ees Graves and Wood for their years of service to the Town as both Trustees were not seeking reelection. There being no further business, the mee * ...... Town Clerk Mayor