HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1966-03-28taki!St II ES#rS Larimer County, Colorado, March 28 , 19 66 _, Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the___z$tk___day of _ _March_____, A. D. 19_66_ at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor_PrQ_Iem_Ronal d_G,_Br9die Present: Mayor Pro Tem Ronald Brodie Trustees: Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Also Present: Town Clerk Dale G. Hill, Carl Swanson, Harry Tregent Town Attorney Ernest G. Hartwell Absent:Mayor Clarence A. Graves Minutes of the regular meeting held on March 14, 1966, were read and approved as read. Town Attorney Ernest G. Hartwell explained the procedure for adopting the 1965 edition of the National Electric Code. Mr. Hartwell read the ordinance adopting the code. Mrs. Roberta Porter, Mrs. Klee Lyn Walin, Mr. Lloyd Duncan, Mr. Robert Dekker, and Mr. Ted Hackett read aloud the complete National Electric Code 1965 edition NFPA No., 70; ASA C1-1965, issued by the National Fire Pro- tection Association of 60 Battery March Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02110. Trustee L. Leo Martin, Chairman of the Public Buildings & Parks Committee, reported on a meeting of the Public Buildings & Parks Committee, as itemized in their minutes of March 23, 1966, and moved that the minutes be approved and adopted. Trustee C. M. Hunter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee L. Leo Martin introduced Mr. Floyd Reister, Architect, representing the firm of Phillips-Carter-Reister. Mr. Reister presented the proposed courtroom plan. Mr. Reister presented both the phase one courtroom plan and also the phase two long-range municipal building complex plan. After consi- derable discussion, Trustee L. Leo Martin introduced the following resolution and moved that it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the architect, Mr. Floyd Reister, proceed with the working drawings of the proposed courtroom building. Trustee C. M. Hunter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Town Engineer Paul H. Van Horn presented a proposed plan for a public rest - room to be located on the Buenna Vista Terrace property on Town -owned land adjacent to the Sieck buildings west property line. The Board instructed the Town Engineer and the Town Attorney to work together on the feasibility of the above plan. About 25 interested property owners from the Little Prospect Mountain Addition were in attendance at this Board meeting. Town Attorney Ernest Hartwell ex- plained the legal procedure to establish a sewer district for this area. Mr. Warren Hurd indicated he had received 13 written replies to his letter of invitation to this meeting. Twelve of the thirteen replies were in favor of a sewer district. A show of hands at this meeting indicated almost all of the property owners present were in favor of proceeding with the initial steps to establish the district. Trustee Carl Swanson introduced the following reso- lution and moved that it be passed and adopted: I if f (listrs Va* Larimer County, Colorado,_ _Marcb_28 _, Minutes of a __It_eallqr__„_ meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on tbe___ _2 ___day of March A. D. 1966 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor_Prnervaana_1411,-,BzlcmLie-- Present: Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: RESOLUTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Town Engineer be and he is hereby ordered to prepare full detailed plans for, and specifications describing the materials to be used in, the proposed sanitary sewer district for Little Prospect Mountain Addition to the Town of Estes Park, Colorado; that he prepare a map of said district; that he estimate the cost of the improvements in said district; and that he determine the number of installments and the time in which the costs of the improvements shall be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid and deferred installments, the property to be assessed for the costs of the improvements, and a schedule showing the approximate amounts to be assessed upon the several lots and parcels of property within the proposed district. Trustee Harry Tregent seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. The Clerk read the proposed contract between the Town of Estes Park and the Circle J Morgan Horse Association for July 8, 9, and 10, 1966. Trustee C. M. Hunter introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are authorized and are hereby directed to sign the contract between the Town of Estes Park and the Circle J Morgan Horse Association for a horse show to be held at Stanley Field on July 8, 9, and 10, 1966. Trustee Henry Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. The Clerk presented an application from Mr. J. P. Haller, dba Jax Snax, 336 East Elkhorn Avenue, Estes Park, Colorado, for a renewal of a Retail Fermented Malt Beverage License for sale of 3.2% beer only. The Clerk also read the Police report submitted by the Chief of Police in regard to the above mentioned establishment. The Board of Trustees discussed the desirability of a business of this type being located at its present location. The Town Attorney advised the Board that under the present statutes of the State of Colorado they could not refuse the renewal of the above mentioned license for a reason such as this. Trustee Carl Swanson moved the beer license appli- cation be approved, Trustee L. Leo Martin seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "YeS" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Lain II Qistes Nitre Larimer County, Colorado,-_--- March 28 , 19 66 _. Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 28th day of March,_._.__.. A. D. 19_66_ at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor., Pro _Tem ..Ronald .-.C_,.Brodie_____........ _....__......._ Present: Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: The Clerk read a letter from Mr. George Cramer, Attorney at Law, represent- ing Mrs. Ella Marie Lehman. This letter advised the Town, The Estes Park Sanitation District, and Mr. Hans Gartner that Mrs. Lehman will not permit the construction of a sewer line across her property until such time as Mr. Gartner negotiates and executes a proper right of way through Mrs. Lehman's attorney. Town Attorney Ernest Hartwell advised the Town to not become involved in this right of way dispute. Mayor Pro Tem Ronald Brodie reported the Chamber of Commerce had contacted him and wanted the Town to endorse the Chamber of Commerce's complaint that the entrance fees through Rocky Mountain National Park are too high and deter travel to this area. The Board of Trustees decided to have the Chamber of Commerce furnish them with all of the facts and figures before making a decision. The Board also decided to contact Mr. Novak, Superin- tendent of Rocky Mountain National Park. The Board instructed the Clerk to so notify the Chamber of Commerce of the above action. Mr. Ted Shanks, one of the owners of Lone Pine Subdivision, appeared before the Board of Trustees to explain to them his need for permission to erect non -conforming signs on a ten foot strip of land on the south edge of Lone Pine Subdivision. Mr. Shanks was instructed to appeal the Building Inspector's refusal of a sign permit to the Board of Adjustment through the Town Clerk. The Clerk read a permit enabling Dr. Schroeder to build a covered passageway over a utility easement located in Lots 10 and 11, Grand Estates Addition to the Town of Estes Park. Trustee Henry Dannels introduced the following reso- lution and moved that it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are authorized and are hereby directed to sign the permit authorizing the construction of a covered passageway over the utility easement located in Lots 10 and 11, Grand Estates Addition to the Town of Estes Park, Colorado. Trustee Call Swanson seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Upon completion of the reading of the 1965 edition to the National Electric Code, Trustee C. M. Hunter introduced the following entitled ordinance and moved it be passed and adopted on first reading: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND CONTROLLING ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS AND EQUIPMENT IN- STALLED IN THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, WITHIN OR ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BUILDINGS AND OTHER PREMISES, INCLUDING YARDS, CARNIVAL AND PARKING LOTS, AND INDUSTRIAL SUBSTATIONS, 28 II� Sf>r8 park, Larimer County, Colorado,_.__,March_ �.�. _,W w 19_66 Minutes of a _ Regular_ ... _. meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the..... 28th_..__day of .., _ . March A. D. 19S6 , _. at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Pro Tem _RonaldC. Brodie. Present: Mayor Also Present: Absent: Trustees: AND ALSO THE CONDUCTORS THAT CONNECT THE IN- STALLATIONS TO A SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY, AND OTHER OUTSIDE CONDUCTORS ADJACENT TO THE PREMISES, AND ALSO MOBILE HOMES AND TRAVEL TRAILERS. ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1965 EDITION. AMENDING SECTION 11.5 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO. Trustee Harry Tregent seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none, Whereupon Mayor Pro Tem Ronald C. Brodie declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted on first reading, ordered it numbered 296, and published according to law. There being no further business, it was regularly moved, seconded, and carried that the meeting adjourn. 2 Mayor Pro Tem Attest: