HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1961-12-11I f gistrs Minutes of a re Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the _day of_ December , A. D. 19 61 at regular meeting hour. Clarence A. Graves Meeting called to order by Mayor Larimer County, Colorado, December 11 19 61. r meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Present: Mayor Clarence A. Graves Trustees: Henry Dannels, William Grove, John Ramey, Andy Jones, Richard Snart Also Present: Verne H. Fanton, Town Clerk; H.F. Miller, Town Attorney Absent: Ronald C. Brodie Minutes of the regular meeting held on November 27 read and approved as read. Trustee Dannels moved that the following bills be allowed and paid and that the Clerk be authorized to draw warrants for same. (A certified copy of the bills read and allowed are on file in the office of the Town Clerk under this date and ic-de a part of the record of these proceedings by reference thereto.) Trustee Grove seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion unanimously carried. In accordance with previous action of the Board, the Board proceeded to receive bids for equipment for the proposed new light and power sub —station. Plans and specifications were prepared and delivered to all interested bidders by the Town's consulting engineers, Miner and Miner of Greeley. Mr. William Preston representing Miner and Miner and Mr. Leon Sweetland representing the Town were present. The following bids were received, publicly opened and read by the Town Clerk: Com*. General Electric Co. Westinghouse Corp. Maloney Electric Co. Allis—Chalmers Co. Pennsylvania Trans. Co. General Electric Co. Henry & Bolthoff Mine & Smelter Co. Hamilton Ass. Peterson Company Graybar Elec. Co. Representative unt O. Y. Powell $ 19,291.00 $ 112,681.00 H. Fluckey R. M. Hendee 111256,427:::: E. R. Glazier $ 125,148.00 Wallace Anderson $ 119,291.00 A A6 All bids having been opened - with the approval of the Board, Mayor Graves announced that the bids would be delivered to the consulting engineers for study and recoeiendation to the Board. The Mayor announced that the Board would meet in special session on December 21st and consider the engineers recommendations. The Clerk presented the Liquor License Application of the Elkhorn Lodge for renewal. Trustee Snart moved that it be approved. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion unanimously carried. In accordance with the recoil+ ndation of the present Estes Park Horse Show and Rodeo Committee, Mayor Graves appointed the following persons to serve on the Committee in 1962: Mrs. Loretta Hart 'jack Schlendorf Orville Thomas Bill Finlay Dale Ver Straeten Jerry Brownfield Bill May The Board unanimously approved the appointments. Clifford Johnson George .ibert Dwight Adrian Dr. Curry Meyer Glenn Prosser Mrs. Bonnie Martin Robert Dekker estzs n ark Larimer County, Colorado,December 11 19 4— Minutes of a . re_g.tqa_r __ meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the.. __day of. meeting hour. • ex ., A. D. 19_6_1_ at regular re Meeting called to order by, Mayor. Clance A. Graves Present: Mayor Also Present: Absent: Trustees: The Clerk together with the Light and Power Superintendent presented a new contract for the purchase of power by the Town from the Bureau of Reclamation. Mr. Sweetland reviewed the contents of the contract. In accordance with the decision the Light and Power Committee made at their special meeting held on ' November 10, 1961, Trustee Snart introduced the following Resolution and moved that it be passed and adopted; RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado that the Mayor and Town C1e:rk be and that they are hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado the attached contract for electric service with the United States of America which contract was duly presented to the Board of Trustees and which contract is hereby approved. Trustee Ramey seconded the motion. Upon. roll call said Resolution. was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. Those voting "yes" Dannels, Grove, Jones, Ramey, and Snart. Those voting "no" none. The Clerk presented and read. a proposed contract between the Town and the Summit Rodeo Co. to contract the 1962 Rodeo at Stanley Park, Trustee Ramey moved that it be approved. Trustee Jones seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion unanimously carried. The Clerk presented and read Ordinance No. 224. Trustee Ramey moved that said Ordinance be passed and adopted on second and final reading. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon, roll call said motion unanimously carried. In accordance with previous discussion of the Board, Trustee Jones introduced the following Resolution and moved that it be passed and adopted. 'OUJTION WHEREAS, under the tame United. States of America loans to public agencies construction of specific of said Public Law 345, the has authorized the making of to aid in financing the public projects: Now, therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado that Verne H. Fanton be and he is hereby authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, United States Government, for a loan to aid in financing the construction of a municipal incinerator, that Verne H. Fanton, Town Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the Housing and Home Finance Agency may reasonably request in connection with the applicationwhich is herein authorized to be filed. Trustee Grove seconded the motion- Upon. roll call said. motion passed, and said Resolution adopted by the following vote: Those voting "yes" Dannels, Grove, Jones, Ramey, and Snart. Those voting uqlo,1 none. GI=itesit'S Park? Larimer County, Colorado Dec er 11 61 , 19_ . Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the___11th _day of ae.cember , A. D. t9 61 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Clarence A. Graveu Present: Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: Trustee Snart reported on new state legislation relating to the Town's Firemens Pension Fund. Following a review and explanation and in order to keep the fund active, Trustee Snart moved that, the Town General Fund contribute $841.36 to the Firemens Pension Fund. Trustee Grove seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion unanimously carried. Trustee Snart reported that the Estes Park Fire Department agreed to contribute $500.00 to the, Firemens Pension Fund. With the approval of the Board, Mayor Graves announced that Ronald C. Brodie, Town Treasurer, Clarence A. Graves, Mayor, and Richard Snart are to constitute, three members of the Estes Park Firemens Pension Board effective until April 9, 1962. The Clerk presented an application for ambulance service license. The owner being Hunter Funeral Home of Loveland, Colorado and the operator to be Neoma L. Baker. The application being in accordance with the Ordinance, the Board unanimously approved the application. Trustee Jones presented a proposed schedule of rates to be charged all persons using the Town Dump for 1962 including all properties located within the corporate limits. All members of the Board not being in agreement with the proposal, Mayor Graves announced that the proposal would again be considered at the January 8th meeting. Trustee Darnels reported on a committee meeting held on November 30 and outlined a proposal to license all contractors and building trades operating within the Town. Trustee Dannels agreed to conduct a public meeting of all interested tradesmen on January llth regarding the proposal. In accordance with previous action of the Board the Town Attorney presented an Ordinance providing for the keeping of horses within the Town and making provision to regulate the same. M ers of the Board suggested several corrections to the Ordinance and the Town Attorney agreed to present a corrected Ordinance at the next meeting. The problem of sewer service in the Country Club Manor area was discussed by the Board. The Town Attorney outlined the proceedure to be followed in order to create a special improvement district for sewer service. The Board agreed to invite the property owners of the area to meet with the Board regarding the situation on January 22nd. There being no further business it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn. Attest: tstzPark, Larimer County, Colorado, 19 , Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the_.._day of_ meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present: Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: A. D. 19 at regular