HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1958-12-01n Of etittO er County, Colorado, DgcgMb5..17 , Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Tarn/ter County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 15t day of Decvuber , A, D. 19 58 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Charles Herz° Present: MayorPro Tem Charles Herzog Trustees: Henry Dannels, Willi Grove, John Ramey, Richard Snart Also Presnet: Verne H. Fenton, Town Clerk, Walt Colwell, Robert Crabtree, Town Engineers Absent: Mayor Clarence A. Graves and Trustee R. C. Brodie Mayor Pro Tem Charles Herzog called the meeting to order and stated that the express purpose of the meeting is to receive and open bids for the enlargement of the Big Thompson Water Treatment Plant. Mayor Herzog proclaimed the time to be 7:30 P.M. therefore, in accordance with legal publications, the Board proceeded to open and read the following bids: W. F. Burke, Littleton, Colorado $62,089.58 Hensel Phelps, Greeley, Colorado $55,422.00 Nielsen Dougan, Denver, Colorado $52,549.00 At this time (the time being 7:35 P.M.) there was placed upon the table another sealed bid submitted in the name of F. W. Wolpert of Estes Park. Mayor Herzog stated that the filing of this bid might be irregular and asked the Board of Trustees if they wished to accept the bid. Trustee R4fiey moved that the bid of F. W. Wolpert be received and opened. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion carried by the following vote: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Dannels, Grove, Ramey and Snart. Those voting "No" none. W " UPON said bid was opened and read in the amount of $43,120.00. The Board together with the Town Engineers discussed the proposals WHEREUPON Trustee Snart moved that all bids received be turned to the Town Engineers for review and study and that they e a recommendation to the Board at the next regular meeting. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, it was regularly moved, seconded, and carried that the meeting adjourn. Mayor Pro Tem. Attest: