HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1954-04-26'Colon of statO Park, Larimer County, Colorado, April 26 , 19----s Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the. 26th day of April , A. D. 19 54at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Clarence A. Graves Present: Mayor Clarence A. Graves Trustees: Ronald C Brodie, Henry Dannels, A.G. Fisk, Charles Herzog, Jess Poling, George Watson. Also Present: Verne H. Fanton, Town Clerk Hatfield Chilson, Town Attorney. Minutes of the regular meeting held on April 12, and the special meet- ing held on April 13, read and approved as read. In accordance with the results of the bond issue proposal at the reg- ular Town Election, and in accordance with the Notice of Sale, the follo- wing representatives appeared before the Board, to bid at auction, for the purchase of $ 45,000.00 of Town General Obligation Bonds; Coughlin and Company, Garrett -Bromfield Company, Boettcher & Co. to- gether with Bosworth Sullivan Company, and Cruttenden & Company. The different representatives having agreed upon the rules of the auction, Mr. Chilson proceeded to conduct the bidding, with the result that Cruttenden & Company was the successful bidder, with a net interest cost to the Town of 1.951.%. Whereupon, Trustee Poling moved that the low bid be accepted and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract for the sale of the Bonds. Trustee Herzog seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion carried by the following vote: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Brodie, Dannels, Fisk, Herzog, Poling & Watson. "No" none. The Clerk presented proposals and inquiries from six local business operators, asking that the zoning of the Quasebarth Resubdivision be changed from C-2 Restricted Commercial, to C-1 Commercial, in order to permit their respective business operations to be moved and located at this location. The Clerk also presented a proposal, recommended by the zoning commission, that Block 12 together with the Birch ad- dition to the Town of Estes Park, be zoned C-2 Restricted Commercial. Trustee Poling moved that both proposals be advertised for public hearing, according to law. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion unanimously carried. An application from Mr. Vernon Eiker, for the installation of a min- iture golf course, on a portion of lot 5, Manford Addition, was pre- sented to the Board. The Board declared the application to be con- sistant with the existing C-2 Commercial Zoning for the area and unanimously approved the proposal. As a result of a call for bide for the erection of a grandstand at Stanley Park, a contract was presented, drawn by the Town Attorney, signed by the low bidder, Prange & Mason Inc. of Ault, Colo. The con- tract was reviewed, whereupon Trustee Herzog moved that the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. Trustee Watson seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion carried by the following vote: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Brodie, Dannels, Fisk, Herzog, Poling & Watson. Those voting "No" none. The Clerk presented a bid from George Noyes for the installation of 1500 feet of 2" water line to serve Stanley Park in the amount of $ 2400.00 for a winter line and $ 1250.00 for a summer line. Also a bid from Cliff Fulton for $ 2475.00 for a winter line and $ 1125.00 for a summer line. No action was taken on the matter. In discussing further improvements at Stanley Park, the Stanley Park Committee agreed to present plans and estimates for the construction of stalls, and Trustee Watson agreed to present estimates on wiring and flood lighting, at the next regular meeting. Trustee Watson reported on the monthly meeting of the light & power committee, including the proposal to change the method of pay of Carl Baily from a hourly basis to $ 440.o0 per month, and Dale Hill to $ 390.00 per month, which the Board approved. Trustee Watson also proposed and moved that the Town proceed to sell the diesel fuel oil bulk tank, located at the power plant, for a sum of $ 450.00. oloma of Ogtm Sark, Larimer County, Colorado, 19 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of , A. D. 19 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present: Mayor Trustees: Trustee Poling seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion unanimously carried. Trustee Dannels reported on the monthly meeting of the Water Dept. Trustee Herzo§ reported on the meeting of the Parks and Public Build- ings committee. Actions and proposals of the commitees were approved. Mr. Ivan Thomas and Mr. A.A. Quatebarth appeared before the Board and offered to each Rd dedicate a strip of land 201 in width, between the So. St. Vrain road and Stanley Ave. for a 401 public street, to be known as Camanchi Court. The Board stated that the proposal would be accepted. Mr. Ray Moutoux appeared before the Board, and presnted plans and explanations of a proposed amusement and exhibition area to be de- veloped along the So. St. Vrain Highway, consisting of about 20 acres. In answer to Mr. Moutouxr;s questions, the Board stated that tbttX it would be desirable to have the area incorporated within the Town, and if so Town water would be available. The Town could not furnish fire hydrants. The opinion of the Board is that the area could be zoned in accordance with the proposed operations, however, this would be subject to the results of public hearing. Mr. John Ramey appeared and ask the Board how water tap applications were to be decided on numerous different locations in the area. The Board stated that each seperate application should be made to the Water commitee and a decision would be given. Mr. Paul Van Horn appeared, and informed the Board that he had leased the hay land at the West end of Lake Estes from the Bureau of Reclamatii for the pest 3 years at a price of $ 115.00 per year, also that he controlled the water to irrigate this land, and ask to negotiate a lease with the Town for the next three years on the same basis. The Board approved the proposal. The Clerk was instructed to advertise for bide for lease of the hay land East of Olympus Dam, on a one year basis. Also to advertise for bids for the concession for recreation on and around Lake Estes. Ronald Brodie, Chairman of Stanley Park Committee, ask the Board to establish a policy regarding the use of Stanley Park. The Board declared that the Park was available for any local organization, and that any and all profit, from the use of the Park, must be given to the Town. Mayor Graves presented a proposal from Mr. Earl Hope, owner of Olympus Lodge, asking the Town to annex his property in order that he might be issued a liquor license. the Board rejected the proposal. Mayor Graves reported on the actibities of the police department for this year, with comparison figures for the past 4 years. The Mayor also reported on the meetings he has been attending for the past 3 weeks and the work being done by Northern Colorado cities, in an attempt to interest the Government in locating a multi million dollar air shhool in Colored. In discussing the planing commission proposed by the Chamber of Commerce the Clerk was instructed to invite Mr. Walter Maitland to attned the next meeting. &tun of ago Vark, Lorimer County, Colorado, 19 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Lorimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the. day of , A. D. 19 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present: Mayor Trustees: A letter from Mr. Hans Gartner, asking consideration for a restaurant liquor licese was read to the Board and ordered filed. A letter from Mr. Erv. Kleineider, asking for a 3.2% Take out, beer license was read to the Board. No action was taken. The Clerk reported that the Town would receive delivery on a new fire truck about June lot, and that the Company furnishing the truck had asked permission to display the truck at the State Firemen's con- vention, before delivering it to the Town. The Board approved. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned. Mayor Attest: own Clerk