HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1952-12-22202 Maur of Onatg Park, Larimer County, Colorado, December 22 19--0 2 Minutes of a ..regalar____-meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of De_e_ember , A. D. 19-.52._ at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Clai eft LA± Graves 22 Present: Mayor Clarence A. Graves Trustees: G.E. Casey, Henry Dannels, Bert J. McConnell, Jess Poling, George H. Watson. Also Present: Lee H. Tallant, Supt. of Works Verne H. Fenton, Town Clerk Absent: Truetee Charles L. Herzog Minutes of the regular meeting held on December 8, read and approved as read. Mr. Duke Shenhals and Mr. Joseph Andrew, operators of the El Rancho restaurant, appeared before the Board end made application to transfer their restaurant liquor license from El Rancho to a location on the So. St. Vrain Highway known as Davies Tope in Eats. Details of the operation, lease and finances were discussed. Mr. Schanhals and Mr. Andrew informed the Board that when they received the license to operate El Rancho, they admitted liability for the outstanding accounts ageinst the El Rancho at that time, that these accounts had not yet been paid off, but that they hereby re -affirm this liability and will do so in writing. Upon this understanding, Trustee Poling moved that Public Notice be published regarding the transfer of liquor license, according to law. Trustee Casey seconded the motion. 'Upon roll call eeid motion carried by the follwoing vote: Those voting "Yee" Trustees, Casey, Dannels, McConnell, Poling and Watson. "No" none. Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Lehman of Estes Park, appeared beofre the Board and stated that in their opinion the Towne proposed purchase of Lot 51 in Buenna Vista Subdivision for public parking purposes was not a good investment. As an alternative, they proposed that Stanley Park be made into a perking lot and transportation buses be operated be- tween Stanley Park and the business section to accomodate the public haet to and from the parking lot. No action was taken on the proposal. Correspondence between Mr. R.T. Davis, Mr. Hatfield Chilson and the Town was read to the Board. The Board agreed that if they purchased Lot 51, B.V. Terrace Subdivision, and if a public improvement district was formed for sewer purposes in this area, they would leave lot 51 within the district. The Clerk read a Memorandum of Understanding and a Lease Agreement, relating to the recreation administration of Lake Estes, as submitted by the Bureau of Reclamation. The Boerd suggested two changes in the proposed leas. Trustee McConnell moved that the Town proceed to en- ter into a lease, subject to the Towniat Attorneys approval.' Trustee Poling seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion carried by the fol1w ng vote: Those voting "Yee" Trustees Casey, Dannels, McConnell, Poling and Watson. "No" None. Trustee Poling reported that he had talked with Mr. Lee Byerly and Mrs. Carrol Brockman regarding yellow lines in front of the hotels, but neither gave him a definite request of their needs. Trustee Watson reported on the meeting and activities of the Light and Power Committee. The Clerk bubmitted a letter from Miss Mae Bond and one from her Attorney Mr. Herman Seaman regarding annoyance caused by a dog in the neighborhood. Since the Police had investigated the complaint, and no other complaints had been received, and existing Ordinance appeared to be adequate, and relief was available thru Police Court, the Board took no action on the matter. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the meeting djourn. Attest: Town Clerk .Mayor