HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1945-05-14drown demo tea park, Larimer County, Colorado, VFW 14 1945 423 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the ._ ,14th A. D. 19. 45 at regular meeting hour. day of _. Meeting called to order by Mayor. Glen II. Preston Present: Mayor Glen H. Preston Trustees: C.E. Casey, Clarence A. Graves, R.H. Lindley, Paul J. Mos-o:an d Geo. H. Watson. Also Present: Lee H. Tallant, Gneral Supt. Maurice Cole, Supt. of Light & Power Verne H. Fanton, Town Clerk. Absent: Trustee S.M. R1rd. Minutes of the regular meeting held on April 23rd, read and approved as read. Trustee Lindley moved that the following bills be allowed and paid and that the Clerk be instructed to dneaw warrants for same. Trustee Watson seconded the motion; The Texas Co m , pp es Geo. Lambert, auppliea C.F. Hix, premium, W.A. Gray, services Preston Gara supplies Schwilke Truck, fuel Hatfield Chilson, services S.M. Hurd, services Estes Park Lumber, supplies Estee Park Plumbers, supplies Light & Power Dept., power General Fund, salaries, Water Dept. salaries Jess Poling, services Estee Park Trail, printing Colorado Blue Print, services R.H. Haverfied, supplies Mine & Smelter, Supplies Hendrie & Bolthoff, supplies Light & Power, Operating� Continental Oil Co., supplies 58.95 13.00 10.00 84.00 95.08 34.26 25.00 9.50 6.75 2.50 127.51 485.00 362.00 83.96 84.66 8.10 10.00 31.29 3.72 2159.66 58.11 Upon roll call said motion carried by the following vote: Those voting "Yes", trustees Casey, Graves, Lindley, Mo+. and Watz#n, Those voting "No", None. Mr. C.A. Kennedy and Mr. Carl Rohlf of Longmont appeared before the Board and ask Tor a =rbage contract with the Town. The expression of the Board being favorable, they were told to appear at the next meeting for final action. Mr. John S. Hanson, W.G. Jackson, F.T. Calhoun and F.E. Williamson appeared before the Board to follow up a petition presented to the Board at the last regular meeting, regarding a proposed change in the Auction ordinance. Following a detail discussion, the Board declared they would take action to regulate auction sales, ix the best possible method. by The Clerk presented a request from Mr. T.C. Jelse+&,, to erect a temporary corrigated iron structure, 11' by 16', on the premises back of Brinkley D Store. The Board declared this to be in violation of Ordinance No. 15, and therefore could not be permitted. 424 otim of tt atk, Larimer County, Colorado, , 19. Minutes of a _meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Lorimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of. A. D. 19 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present: Mayor Trustees: Letters were read to the Board from To Atborney, Hatfield Chilson, and M. Walter Pes , Lariu:r County Zoning Consultant, regarding the possibility of zoning the Town. The Board stated that they would like more detail in— formation and ask that Mr. Peun attend the next regular meeting. 40 4 Following a discussion reding future renewal of Town insurance policym ies yor Freston appointed 1. atees,;atson, Graves and Casey, to investigate the present polciies and report at the next meeting. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn. Attest: Town Clerk