HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1940-09-09Colton o Minutes of a .1940 Jar, Larirner Couniy, ColoradoSept., , regularmeeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larirner County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 9 day September A, D, 4°0 regular meeting hour Meeting called to order by Mayor.... Rockwell Tr,00,,,,Guy W. Albright, preswth mcamC.N. Rockwell Ronald C. Brodie, G.E. Casey, R.H. Lindley, Glen H. Preston, and George H. Watson. Absent: None Minutes of the regular meeting held August 26, the adjorned meeting held August 27, and the Special meeting held Sept. 5, read, and approved as read. Trustee Brodie moved and trustee Watson seconded the motion that the following bills be allowed and paid, and the clerk be instructed to draw warrants for same: Harry Langston, supplies $ 7.25 E.P. Hardware, supplies 10.38 S.J. Knight, supplies 10.36 Dirkes Lumber Yard, supplies 6.60 C.C. Morris, supplies 26.80 E.P. Lumber, supplies 21.47 Griffith Lumber, supplies 11.79 R.W. Brand, services 100.00 Paul K. Smith, wages 108.00 Lynn F. Sloan, wages 83.00 Carl Hyatt, wages 62.50 Lee H. Tallant, salary 87.50 Bert Sloan, salary 90.00 E.E. Holton, salary 190;00 E.O. Banks, salary 125.00 Verne H. Fanton, salary 100.00 Ray Hurt, slaary 135.00 Garnet Church, wages 104.25 Linde Air Products, supplies 1.10 Continental Oil Co., supplies 67.62 G.E. Hunter, supplies 11.65 Hendrie & Bolthoff, supplies 27.00 E.P. Plumbers, supplies 6.50 Carroll H. Coberly, services 283.00 Thompson Manufacturing Co., supplies 14.39 Gillette Publishing Co., 3.00 Emmon's Cafe, .20 Raymond Hurt, supplies 3 .85 John Griffith, gravel 21.30 Y.M.C.A. 500.00 Lee H. Tallant, salary 87.50 Telephone Company, service 8.75 C.F. Hix, agent, premium 4.95 Edw. Sealander, rental 28.00 E.P. Laundry, service 7.15 Ray Corson Machinery Co., supplies 2.91 Public Service Co., service 140.95 E.W. Wallace, service 47.00 Johnson Garage, service 5.00 E.P. Trail, publishing 33.15 National Park Auto, supplies 1.00 Orville Heck, wages 2.50 Rocky Mountain Motor Co. freight 1.75 Preston Garage, supllies 2.00 E.P. Hardware, supplies 3.63 Calm of Coto Park, Larimer County, Colorado, Minutes of a .meeting of The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of , A. D. 19 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present: Mayor Trustees: Upon roll call said motion was carried by the following vote Yes, trustees Albright, Brodie, Casey, Lindley, Preston and Watson. No, None, Mr, W.A. Seery, J.I. Poling, C.F. Hix and E. Gooch appeared before the board in. regard to the possibility of oiling a street through Al Fresco Place. The expression of the board being favorable, the matter was turned. over to the street and. alley committee for final arrangements. In accordance with molgdimgxtm the auditors report, the question. was brought up of what to do with a tax certificate now held by the Town. The clerk was instructed. to contact the town attorney as to the best way to dispose of this certificate, Mayor Rockwell offered the possiblity of giving the night marshall two nights a month. off duty. Theexpression of the board was favorabe, and Mayor Rockwell reported he would arrange for it. Lee H. Tallant and Carroll E. Coberly reported on the ways and means of proceeding on the Glacier Cree Water Line. After some discussion, they were eutar'::'''. tri instructed to proceed with the construction of the head works on Glacier Creek. There being no further business to come before the meeting at this time, it was regularly moved, seconded andcarried that the meetingadjorn until. 5 o'clock, Thursday, September 12th.