HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1939-11-28Colon of Coteo Pack, Lorimer County, Colorado t i,rauerrsltt . .....__m..m l 9w.... C• CFI Minutes of a..._....._g:, 'ix.. 0?•.r.....mmeeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Lorimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the._.22J h day of. d.itgggllattf................... A. D. 19:K..... at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor__ mv.. i...i.14wa+Jttr Present: Ma or• f ac'Ico L. Harry'B. Brodie, `aAE. Gasey Fs cePreston. 1tly,aaatahw. V','r"malt c-arrfia enraat <,,.i,:fe.., M. Hurd, At thvi meeting the r was tatlrou up. '6 "hnrry'u. motion. thazti;, the 1:°ec L 1 effect December 31, 193. dug vpte. Yes) Trustees The matter of ra.Twiao u pum. ➢ 'qa,, t ee Presto) aa:nto.rn i:sc rtfrlae 1,°uu.Bfr.a. to h1we , Ffi. call i. srt was c;ar a rraf by i.le Casey atl,.ay. Prosten4 No: none. a'1i. rrr rcJr l f,O'ruar"➢.tl . Byron Hall Clerk c ated CJ°bob aarrzra°rrr'ier°1 tisi .ptaluf. auo°u.ri. i s.aaauf ) x the U;:4 t':, Brodie meurarerruala.^tt tale+ r;aal;_w o`. Clerk. k as of PJa mu.aaaur„r 2, 19 °wival vete. Yes: l"uruur h,v:,es V o r.a.a'Lr e, N:r1,die moved and Trustee Preston seconded the me aAC appoint vt committee to compose a letter of appreciation t.a Ciaa.a p f « 11:t 'o . COMM e'ri? 1.n, him for his 1.otg and faithful service to the Town. Nrnd ua,k°.°& am r;ia'P::,iy rat this letter be in u'r` 'portdC'Red in the minutes. Upon roll callcallsaid. motion .was?, t1raaa:r.':ltraou1^y:4.y carried, 13r1 Mayor appointedthereupon. Preston, oy. E. Caney and. Rena "Id. Brodie on the committee, Thee pmposedthe fok.:W ¢swa1.`ru. letter. "Mr. Charles F. Hix, City Clerk Village of Estes Park, Colorado Dear Charlie: It is with reluctance and regret that we accept your resignation as City Clerk of Estes Park. For twenty two years your official presence before the Estes Park Town Boards has been in the oapaoity of a conscientious public servant. In the Village of Estes Park the past my two years have constituted an era of progress and gr with attendant o.+r rla .. ty problems such as few communities, comparable to size to Estes Park, experience in the course of a century. The various Town Boards that have tried to solve these coca+, aity probl a:s and handle the city business in a bus- iness manner have been fortunate, indeed, to have had your loyal 000peration, intelligent foresight and inspried leadership throughout this long period. In practically every Estes Park o*eaunity betterment that has past twenty-two years is to be found some tangible evidence of toward the instigation and completion of that o.uounity improv ken place during the he help you have given ent. Every one of the undersigned are grateful for the privilege of having had your wise counsel and assistance as City Clerk during our term of office :, we know this sentiment is the oonoensus of opinion of all past Town Boards and every one of us regret the loss of your continued public service. Most sinoerely yours, (Signed) C. N. Roo;x11, Mayor Glen H. Preston, atsyor Pro T R. C. Brodie, Counoe G. E. Gasey, Counoelmee There being no further business to oome before the meet seconded and carried that meeting adjourn; motion r_xi " C. Byron 11, Treas. H. B. Boyd, Councelman S. M. Hurd, Counce Lee H. Tallant, Supt. Works ng it was regularly moved, ously oarried. ffa°wtt.. Mayor