HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1938-04-14135
Catlin of Coto Park, Larimer County, Collorado, April 14, .09 35
Minutes of a,..rog_ular. meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer
County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the . eleventh
day of April o A. D. 19 35 .at regular meeting hour.
Meeting called to order by Mayor_ 0.L kwe.11
Presenh Mayor C. N. Rockwall Trustees: H.B.
C. Byron Hall, Silas M. Hurd, Glenn H. Preston and E. R
elect Ronald C. Brodie. Clerk. Chas. F. Hix.
yd, Garrey E. Casey,
. River*. Trustee
Minutbs of a regular meeting held March 14, 038were read and approved as
Trustee Casey moved and Trustee Hall seconded the motitn that the following
bills be allowed, and paid and Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for same%
Lee H. Tenant, Salary Mar.lst to April. let.
Lee H. Tallant, Salary April let to 15th,
Wallace Merrick, Salary
E. E. Holton, Salaryn,14A. -.1st to April let.
Louis Hubbell, Wages
g. W. WN11 cb, Surveying
Carl. Bailey, N.R.S. Office
Bert Sloan, Salary
Carl. Hyatt, Salary
Ray Hurt, Salary
Petty Cast -Revolving Fund.
City of Fort Collins, Blue Prints
gstes Perk. Bank, Payment of Bond. end interest
Estes Park Bank, Semi-annual interest- ater nd
Roger Low, Election Judge
Ethel. Fulton, Election Judge
Beulah J. Wright, Election Judge
H. D. Hubbell, County Clerk. Recording fees.
Fort Collins Abstract Company, Information.
H. W. Moore Equipment Company, L.wn. 'alb
E. C. Gooch, Dec. Acct,
Chas. F. Hix, Insurance on Town garage
Brinkley Drug Company, Light Bulbs
Estes Park Bank, Safety. Deposit Box rental
Estes Park. Trail, Publishing
Estes Park Trail, Printing & Publishing
Preston's Garage, rch Garage Aoct.
Preston's Garage, Uarch Garage Acct.
Cardwell Blue Print al:. Supply Co., Tr cing Cloth
Hendrie Belthoff Mfg. & Supply Co. Us eriele
Hardware & Electric Shop, Supplies
Hardware dt Hlectri.c Shop, Supplies
Public Service Co,., Service
Dean Gillespie & Co., Repairs
Eates Park Lumber Co., Materials
Buda Engine Parts Company, Repairs
Denver Oxygen Co., Supplies
The Texas Company, tupplies
National Park Auto Co., March Garage Acct.
National Park Auto Co., March Garage Acct.
Rocky Mt. Motor Co., ,o 1 & Freight
Upon rollcall said motiOn was carried by the following vote. Aye,
Trustees Boyd, Casey, Hall, Hurd, Preston and RiVerS. Nay, none,
State application for liquor -restaurant license of Phillip Vacceri
was presented to the Board for approval. Mr, Frank Service came before the
meeting and asked that Mr. Vaccari's license be given favorable consideration.
There followed a discussion of the matter, whereupon. Trustee Caeey awved and
Trustee Rivers seconded the motion that the State application of Phillip
Vacarri be approved by. the Board of Trustees, of the Town. Upon rolicall said
notion was: not carried as a result of the following. votes, Me, Trustees
Boyd, Casey, Hall, Hurd, and Preston- Yee, Trustee Rivers.
Colon of Cotes Path, Larimer Couniy, Colorado,
, 19
Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Lorimer
County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the
day of , A. D. 19 at regular meeting hour.
Meeting called to order by Mayor
Present: Mayor Trustees:
Clerk. Ches. F. biz administered the oath of office to the Mayor and. six.
Trustees. elected. at the Town. election on April. 5, 1938 as follows; Mayor,
C. N, Rockwell, Trustees Harry B. Boyr Ronald G. Brodie, Garrey. E. Casey„
C. Byron a11, Silas M. Hurd and Glenn. H. Preston.
Trustee Preston, moved! and. Trustee Hall seconded the motion that retiring
Trustee E. R. Rivers be given. a, vote of appreciation for. the fino service. he
has given to the community during hie many years as a member of the Board of
Trustees of the town. Motion unanimously carried,
Trustee Hall moved and Trustee Hurd seconded. the motion that Chas. F. Hix,
be reappointed as on Clerk. Upon, rolleall said motion was carried by the.
following vot e ; Yes , Trustees Harry B . Boyd , Garry E. Casey, C.. Byron. Hall
Silas M. Hurd and Glenn H. Preston. No none.
Trustee, Hurd moved and Trustee Preston serond ed the met is! n that Lee. H,
Tallant be appointed to: the office of Superintendent of Public Works. Upon
roll said, motion was curried by the following votes Yes, Trustees Harry.
B. Boyd, Garrey E. Casey, C. Byron. Ball, Silos M. Hurd and, Glenn H. Preston,
No, none.
The Mayor submitted. the following appointments for the approval of the
13oard.1 Street t. Alisy Committie--Ginn Preston. and. C. Byron. Hell,
Custodian -Public Buildings 1 Equipment Committie--Garey Casey. and
C. Byron. Hall and Ronald Brodie,
Municipal Parka Committio--C. Byron Hall, Glen Preston 66 Ronald
Building Committie--S. M. Hurd, H- B. Boyd, and Garrey E. Casey.
Se . ers1 Disposal. Blunt Committie--H„B.Boyd, S M. Hurd, and.
Ronald Brodie.
Water Committie--5. M Hurd„ Gorey E, Casey and C. Byron Hall,
Troasurer--C. Byron. Hall.
ayor Fro-Tom--Clenn. H. Freston,
Attorney -- Hatfield Chilsont
Health. Officer -- Dr. Roy Wiest.
Marshall -- E. E. Holton
Fire Chief -- Garrey. E. Casey.
City! Engineer -- Ed. W. Wallote,,
Thereupon Trustee Bali moved and Trystee Boy'd. seconded. the motion that the
appointments Commeitties and. other offices ae, submitted by' the Mayo.r he and are
hereby. approved. Upon rollc .11 said motion. was carried. by the following vete;
Yes, Trustees H. B. Boyd, Ronald Brodie, Garrey Casey, C.. Byron Hall„ Silas M.
Hurd and Glenn. H. Preston. No4 none,
ilr T. C. Joisema and Mr. R, R. MoDonald came before the meeting asking per-
mission. to move a store building situated on lots 9 and. 10„ Block 5„ fronting on
Elkhorn Avenue, for the purposeof widening the sidewalk in front of said build-
ing and alley. on the west of said, building, Thereupon Trustee Preston, introduced
the fnllewing resolutiont
" hereas R, R, McDonald representing Jessica C. McDonald, owner of building
on Leto 9 and 10, Block. 5, fronting on Elkhorn! Avenue, is desirous of widening
tho sidewalk i:n front of. said Building and of widening the. all ey between. (mid
building and building on. Lots 11 and. 12, Block. 5, belonging to T C. j le ema
and. whereas 11,, R. McDonald. and T. C. jeleeme hays acknd. for permission to move.
the McDonald building net exceeding 3 feet to the South and 8 feet to the East
for the purpose of widening the sidewalk, in front of said building and the
alley on the West side of said building.
Therefore be it resolved. by the Board of Trustees of the Town! of Estes Park
-that said persons :.;11a1.1 have the right to move said building not to exceed. 3
feet to the South and 8 foot to the East."
Thereupon Trustee Hall moved. and !Trustee Casey seconded the motion that said
r es el ot i on be passed. end adopt ed.. Upon, sai.d. notion was carried. by Vas
follewi ng vote: Yee Trust es H. B. Boyd , Ronald. Brodie , Garrey Casey, C. Byron
Hall, Silas 13. Hurd, and 131enn H. Pr -eaten. No, none.
CrotunofeoteslOark, Larimer County, Colorado,.
, 19. .
Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer
County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the
day of , A. D. 19 at regular meeting hour.
Meeting called to order by Mayor
Present: Mayor Trustees:
Mayor Rockwell hrougtt to the attention of the Board for diocussion. the
matter of liquor licenses to be issued for the year 1938. Whereupon. Trustee
Hallved and Trustee Hurd seconded the motion that no other liquor licenses
be iesued for the year 1938 except those approvedby. the Board at a. regular
meeting held on. November 8, 1937. Upon rolloall said motion was carried by the
following vote: Yos, Trustees Harry. B. Boyd„ Ronald. Brodie, Garrey E.. Casey,
C. Byron Hall, Silas M. Hurd, and. Glenn H. Preston. No, none.
It is with profound. sorrow we record. in these minutes the death of Ab H. Romans'
on Thursday, March 31st, 1938..He was Town Attorney continuously sis April llth,
:1921. The Mayor appointed the following committee to write a letter. of condolence
to Mrs. Romana and Mr. Hatfield Chilson; Chas. F. Hit, Glenn. H. Preston and
C. Byron Hall.
Trustee Hall introduced a piet of ground. entitled Nocassin Addition. to the
Town. of Estes Park, Lorimer County, Colorado,' said plat being signed by more
than two-thirdn of the property ownerson land described in the, plat, anit.. which
lend. is described as follows; 'Beginning at the N.W. corne.r of the, N.W. quarter
of the S. E. quarter of Section. 25, T. 5 N., Range 73 r. of the 6th P. M-, thenme
Bast along the Borth line of said 40 Acre tract to the N.E. corner of said tract,
thence South along Bast line of said tract a distance of 727.0 feet, thence N 73'
48"W a distance of 271,6 feet, thence N ., a distance of 2.51.0 feet, thence
S. 8' ti a. distance. of 199.1 more or less to the center of the Big Thompson River,
thenne in a Westerly direction along the center line of the river to the West
boundary line of the above mentioned 40 acre tract thence North along said.
boundary line a distance of 250.0 feet more or less to tte. place of beginning"
Tbaredpon Trustee Preston, moved and Trustee Casey seconded. the motion that the
Town limits be end are hereby' changed. to include the property. contained in said
plat of boccae:Ln Addition to the Town of Estes Park, and. that theaame be cede a
part of the Town of Estes Park- Upon rolloall said motion. wee carried. by the
following vote: Yee, Trustees liarry. B. Boyd, Ronald Brodie, Garrey E. Casey, C.
Byron. Hull, Silas M. Hurd and Glenn. H. Preston. No, none.
The matter of auditing the Books of the Town was discussed. Whereupon,. Trustee.
Casey. moved and Trustee. Boyd seconded the motion that Frank M. Homes, C.P.A..,
be notified by the Clerkto make the, audit as soonas possible. Upon. rollcall
said motion was carried by the following votes Yee, Trustees Harry B. Boyd,
Ronald Brodie, Garrey. E. Casey, C. Byron. Hall, Silas M, Hurd. and. Glenn H. Preston
No, none.
There being no further business to come before the meeting it was regularly
moved, seconded and. care« that mbeting adjourn.
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