HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1938-11-03162 ci C7) tri aro bu yr of 4E00 Park, Larimer County, Colorado,...NAMW 3.,19„38 . Minutes of all____Id,j.sxrned meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the, 3rd day of No v oullbDr , A. D. 1938 at ragulaxxonekisintrt W,7, 2 o'clock, P.M, Meeting called to order by Mayor Presprh Maypr G N, Rockwall. Trustees: Harry B. Boyd, Ronald. C. sarey E. Casey, s Brodie, C. Byron Hall, Gion. H. Preston. Clerk: Chau. F. Hia Absent: Trustee Silas M. Hurd. At this mooting the Movor imroduced. a proposed bud for operation,. of the Town. for the fdatal year beginning April.. 1 1.93,B and. anding March. 31, 1940, which budgnt was then road in full- There followed a aiscaazino. of the budgeti whereupon it waE regularly movad secondan and carried that the budget as submitted. bepassed and adopted. Motion unanimously' carried. TrusteeHal l.. introduced an Ordinance entitled , 'ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDISNANCE FOR,. THE FISCAL YEAR. aDTIMING APRIL 1, 1939 ADD ENDING MARCH. 31, u.y40."® Thm. Ordinance, was then. read 124. full- Ttustoe Casey moved and Trustee Brodie seconned tho motion. that tho said Ordinanos, entitlEd "Annual. Appropriation. Ordidanmo For Tha Fiscal Year. hEihhing April 1, 1939 And Ending March 31, 194T. "Bo passed and adopted„ that said Ordibant9 So nuhtered Na. 83, and that it ha pUblishad emocerding to law. UpOn. hddll, call aodn motion. was carried by tho following! vote.; Y034 Trustees Boyd, Brodie, Casey, Dail and. P1 stoo 004 aono. Whereupon the kalcIr declared. said motion carried and said 0.Hd11ance passed. and. adopted, Trustee Brbdie introdomed. tha following Resolution- E 0 L U T 1 0 N" it is tfa duty" of the. Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado, to mk.e the annual levy to pay" tha expenses of the Towm Government for the fiscal. yaar beginning Apr11. lat 19 NOW THEREFORE, Be. it resolved, that there ib hereby' levied on al1. the tawahle proporty within t1 e. corporate limita of the Toslin of EstsE Park, Colorado, formunicipal. patposes fOr the fi scal. yuar beginning April lut, 1939, and. e1 21116.:; March 31st, 1840 (the same. being 'based 00 the asseaded val- uation. madm tn the year 1938. and to be dollected. in the year 1)39), a total levyfor all purposes cT 18 mills oneach dollar of assessed valuation of said, property.' Whereupon Trustee' Boyd moved. and Trustee Casey" seconded ths, motion that said'. Resolution le passed and adopted. Upon, rail sail said motionwas carried, 0' the following vote: Yoh; Trustees 'Boyd, Brodie, Cuway, Ball and Preston, No,: none Trustee Brodie moved and Trustee fiala„. seconded the motigh. that the Boatdmake appldhation. for C.C.Camp for the imprnvem%nt of Stanley Park and appropriate 11. certain, amount of money for materials to start tho work, Upon roll oail said motion. was carrieb by. tha fallowing vote: Yob; Trustees Boyd, Brodie, Casey, Rail. and Prestorh,. NUr none. Thdre being. nb further business to come before the meeting it weE regoiblY nmved, seconded and carried. that, meeting adjourn - ,absgh stb -s8:14Bsc,, Clork Mayor