HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1936-08-10Co II...arOmer County, Co0orado„...II9..__3.6. Minutes of ..uur®et ng of ihue IElcreird o Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, IL&Viimroer County„ Co0oirado. Ilv0eetirog knead 'in the Town Hal0 'uro said Town of 0i"stes Park an, the.,..__... day c6.,.......Augan.4.t...._.....---.._..,......, A. D. requuller meetuuug (Four. Meeting ca00ed to order by Mayor__..0 Nr...Roakige .l_ Presents (Mayor C. N. ir. k 11 Trustees: , hl rry B. Boyd, G. E. Casey, C. Byron Hall, S. M.• Hurd, annd Glen H. Preston. Clerk, Ghee. F. Eix. Absent T'rux.tee, E. R. Rivers. u as read. egular m ing held Judy 27th, 1936 were :read a nap ved Mr. Julian Hayden cane before the Boar 9 in regard to the rel+tying of ei 't r main to the Broadview' Addition, Southwest of Town. ptfr. Hayden also expl in that verbal. agreement was ade with the a:ates Park Water Co pony in regard to eup,plyinf; the water to the Broadview + star system, owned by the Hayden, Realty Compang Sin.can: the Toe bought the Estee Perk "rater Co pan. system the To had continued the terms of this agree. ent, and he asked that at this t.raue a written agreement sae mad in plac • of 'verbal. agreement. Mr. Hayden agreed that he would pay the To et the rate of fifty cents per foot for relaying of the water auai.n groom the end of the present two inch mw,in on th Rae p*uhdivisa.ou to the Ftreadvieww tank, a distance of approximately 1,610 feet. Mesa matters ma re discussed and 'kt:fn. T -ale t, the 'Water Super- intendent, was instructed to have this improve en t made, and that the To Attorney be instructed to d the He Teen ayste a a i,th up e written agreement between the Town ny Co pony in referent to anap,ply1ng the Broadview water Trustee Casey moved and Trustee Hall seconded the motion' be allowed and paid and Clerk b h d ucted to draw warrants or same: T..°Taanhglia, Salary 0. F. :Barber, flages F. 0, Stanley, d Ray Hurt, Salary advance C rl Hyatt, Salary E. 1. Methenoy, °�fimg a Dane Ducat, Wages Leroy Mundt, Wages Harry E. MCc *an, 'gages E. E. Holton, Salary L. B. La ann. Salary Carl C. .Bailey, Wages W. T. Tamog.:0..ia, Salary D➢aymond Hurt, Salary R. D. Hubbell, County C1eark., Recording fee Joseph Sella, P. U., Revenue stamp Doauantaiva. States Tel. & Tel. CO., Telephone Public „Service Co. of Colo., Electricity Tribune -Republican n Publieht.ng C. . , Pull:list Estee Park her Company, 7xterial United Staten I'. & , Co.., Premium on bond "etty• Ca haEa:rl Gaineforth, gages Clu�.as . Robbins, Painting & .ial Louis Hubbell, Wages He.ndrie & Bolthoff Mfg. & Supply Co.., Mater:' 6Cine & Smelter "')wa,pply Cra . , Mrrt.cri.al Seery's Service Station, Oil & Grease Brinkley 7)rug' Gou°rpany, Supplies George R. Wyatt, kti'terial. 4. Labor Estee Park Dreg Store, Supplies Preston's Garage, Garage account W. S. Darley & Company, Stencil The Estee Park Plumbers, Repairs Rocky Mountain Motor Co., Ex,preaa The Estee Park Trail, Publishing 55.00 4.00 1,00�p0.00 VM 51.00 149,0O 7..50 7.5O 96.00 70.84 125.00 100.00 l5,0O 45.00 26.00 1.00 1.00 5.85 171.95 g 9.94 10.10 10.00 1.50 36.35 14.00 a1 5.86 36.88 4.50 1.70 38.55 6.10 29.'76 7.25 24.60 1.85 12.55 81 Coam of elSteff park, Larimer County, Colorado, , 9 Minutes of a ,meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of , A. D. 19 Meeting called to order by Mayor. Present: Mayor at regular meeting hour. Trustees: Lev H. Tallant, Salary 87.50 Lae H, Tallant. Salary 87.50 'Roy undt, Labor 4.00 Riph Fetitt, Salary 37.50 Petty- Caoh—Rovolving Fund 19,92 orge R. Wyatt, Labor & iteris1 90.92 Preston's Garage, Garage ccount 18.37 Estes Pork Trail., Publishing 7.05 Rocky Mountain Meter Co., Express 1.22 Estes Park Plumbers, Labor & Material 73.40 Hendrie rir Boltbuff Mfg. & Supply Go. Materiel. 5.14. Upon roll cali said motion was crried by the followilag vote: Yea, Trustees. Boyd, Caney, .ell, Hurd, and Preston. Nay, none. There being no gurther buainese to come before the beard it eere.ul rly moved, seconded end carried thst meeting adjourn. Clerk