HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2020-09-08Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,September 8,2020 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall and Virtually in said Town of Estes Park on the 8th day of September,2020. Present:Wendy Koenig,Mayor Patrick Martchink,Mayor Pro Tern Trustees Carlie Bangs Marie Cenac Barbara MacAlpine Scott Webermeier Cindy Younglund Also Present:Travis Machalek,Town Administrator Jason Damweber,Assistant Town Administrator Dan Kramer,Town Attorney Bunny Victoria Beers,Recording Secretary Absent:None. Mayor Koenig called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.and all desiring to do so,recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PROCLAMATION -RECOGNITION OF DR.JAMES DURWARD.Mayor Koenig presented a proclamation recognizing Dr.James Durward and welcomed Susan McMullen to provide sentiment toward the recognition. AGENDA APPROVAL. It was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Martchink)to approve the Agenda as presented,and it passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None. TRUSTEE COMMENTS. Trustee Cenac attended the Visit Estes Park (VEP)meeting where Kyle Patterson,Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP)Public Affairs Officer stated the goal of the timed entry was to decrease park attendance by 40%per day which only reflected a reduction of 25% due to afterhours visitation.The final timed entry date would be October 12,2020.The Beaver Meadow Visitor Center would be closed to replace the HVAC system.The VEP Operating Plan would be presented to the Board at a future meeting for approval.VEP would be working with staff to incorporate virtual participation for Elkfest and expand the event.She encouraged local businesses to contact VEP for masks which are available for resale. Trustee MacAlpine attended the Board of Adjustment meeting where a variance was approved and would be presented to the Board at a future meeting. Mayor Koenig attended the Platte River Power Authority (PRPA)meeting where renewable energy portfolios were discussed.She stated approximately 50 members of the service area provided comments to PRPA related to the presented portfolios. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. Town Administrator Machalek provided an update on the Cameron Peak Fire stating the moisture and temperatures have helped contain the spread of the fire.Fire officials anticipate the fire would remain in the current area for the next eight days.He stated a dedicated incident management team (type 2)has been established in Estes Park working in coordination with staff to manage planning operations,logistics and public information needs for the southern portion of the fire.The fire team would be working on creating defensive lines where the lire has the potential to reach Glen Haven and Estes Board of Trustees —September 8,2020 —Page 2 Park.Fire information,mitigation and evacuation preparation resources can be found on the Estes Valley Fire District website as well as on the Town’s website when available. He presented the policy governance report for Policy 3.8 —Compensation and Benefits Limitations reporting full compliance. 1.CONSENT AGENDA: 1.Bills. 2.Town Board Minutes dated August 25,2020 and Town Board Study Session Minutes dated August 25,2020. 3.Estes Park Board of Adjustment Minutes dated August 4,2020 (Acknowledgement only). 4.Parks Advisory Board Minutes dated February 20,2020 (Acknowledgement only). 5.Transportation Advisory Board Minutes dated May 12,2020 and July 15,2020 (Acknowledgement only). 6.Family Advisory Board Appointment of Chris Douglas for a term expiring April 30, 2023. 7.Acceptance of Town Administrator Policy Governance Monitoring Report. It was moved and seconded (Koenig/Cenac)to remove Consent Agenda Item 6 as an action item,and it passed unanimously. It was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Martchink)to approve Consent Agenda Items 1-5 and 7,and it passed unanimously. Consent Item 6 -Family Advisory Board Appointment of Chris Douglas for a term expiring April 30,2023 Mayor Koenig questioned whether there are dedicated local organization seats for entities such as Estes Valley Investment in Early Childhood Success (EVICS)on the Family Advisory Board (FAB).Discussion was heard regarding the proposed appointment and if it would replace the appointment of Nancy Almond,previous EVICS Director,the effect on weighted vote by EVICS on the Board,and the benefits of representation by local organizations.Staff confirmed FAB has no dedicated seats for local organizations and stated the bylaws speaks to membership consideration for key organizations such as EVICS.It was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Cenac)to approve the appointment of Chris Douglas to the Family Advisory Board for a term expiring April 30,2023,and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: 1.RESOLUTION 55-20 PURCHASE CONTRACT FOR THE THUMB OPEN SPACE. Park Supervisor Berg presented the purchase contact for the Thumb Open Space. The GOCO grant agreement for the Thumb Open Space was approved on April 28, 2020 through Resolution 24-20.He stated the approval of the purchase contract would allow staff to continue with the land acquisition process.The Town contribution would be paid with Larimer County Open Lands funds of $171,700,state lottery Conservation Trust Funds of $70,000,and approximately $6,900 from the General Fund from Streets and Parks division operations for proposed initial trailhead improvements.Ongoing maintenance expenses for the trails are estimated to range from $1,000 to $4,500 and would be addressed in the annual budgeting process. Trustee MacAlpine questioned the timeline for the management plan.Staff responded the plan would be completed within a year of the purchase as outlined in the contract. It was moved and seconded (Younglund/Martchink)to approve Resolution 55-20, and it passed unanimously. 2.ORDINANCE 11-20 PROPOSED ELECTRIC RATE INCREASE.Mayor Koenig reopened the public hearing which was continued at the August 25,2020 meeting. Board of Trustees —September 8,2020 —Page 3 The electric rates have been delayed for a year due to the COVID-1 9 pandemic.Staff highlighted an enrollment and monthly charge for customers who opt out of smart metering which is a new charge to cover the cost of visting those customers’premise to manually read their meters.Director Bergsten provided clarification on potential rate discrepancies between residental and commercial customers.Board questions have been summarized:Questioned the total number of smart meters currently in use and overall customers the Town provides service to;clarification on the rate increase by percentage for residential and commercial customers;whether Estes Park has the highest base rate in the country;whether the intent of the rate increase was to create a surplus;what the effects would be if the increase does not pass,and the decrease in transfer funds since the policy adoption. Connie Phipps/Town citizen shared concerns for the rate increase and encouraged the Board review the expenses which appear to be covered by current rates.She recommended the Board change the budget to reflect the exact need and requirement of the increase to rates.She stated higher fees are a hardship to customers and the rate should be based on the cost associated to serve customers. Additional discussion was held regarding the imbalance to rates if the increase was not approved,bond reserve amount requirements,and the fund transfer amounts to the General Fund.Staff would include the fund transfer trends to the Board during the budget review in October 2020. Mayor Koenig closed the public hearing and it was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Cenac)to approve Ordinance 11-20,and it passed with Mayor Pro Tem Martchink voting “no”. 3.INTERVIEW COMMITTEE FOR THE PARKS ADVISORY BOARD.It was moved and seconded (Martchink/Webermeier)to appoint Mayor Pro Tem Martchink and Trustee Cenac to the Parks Advisory Board interview committee,and it passed unanimously. Whereupon Mayor Koenig adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. // ./ Wendy F’oenig,Mar BurwjVTctoria Beers,Rèdording Secretary