HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Parks Advisory Board 2018-08-16 Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, August 16, 2018 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Parks Advisory Board of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Conference Room of the Estes Park Museum on the 16th day of August, 2018. Present Merle Moore Vicki Papineau Wade Johnston Dewain Lockwood Geoffrey Elliot Also Present: Patrick Martchink, Town Board Liaison Greg Muhonen, Public Works Director Megan Van Hoozer, Public Works Administrative Assistant Absent: Brian Berg, Parks Supervisor Chair Merle Moore called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT Shandria Davis, a community member and potential PAB applicant came to see the PAB operate. She and spouse own music business and a solar home near Long’s Peak. Davis has volunteered for the schools in years past and is a tree enthusiast. She asked questions related to PAB’s involvement with other organizations in the community to better understand the PAB’s role. GENERAL BUSINESS A motion was made and seconded (Papineau/Lockwood) to approve the May meeting minutes and all were in favor. A motion was made and seconded (Johnston/Lockwood) to approve the July meeting minutes and all were in favor. MRS WALSH’S GARDEN (MWG) UPDATE Chair Moore reported that several new plantings have been completed in MWG. Moore expressed concern about the lack of a crosswalk to access MWG from the opposite side of the road. He stressed that safety considerations need to be taken into account rather than basing everything on traffic studies. With more promotion of MWG, there will likely be increased pedestrian traffic. Discussed the possibility of a pedestrian yield sign or an exception granted in this situation for installation of a crosswalk. MWGAC is planning an Open House on August 23 from 5p-8p. The Colorado Native Plants Society, Estes Land Stewardship Association (ELSA), Master Gardners and others will have tables at the event for education about the contents of the garden. MWGAC member is creating a digital map with multiple layers as a guide for the garden. Plant labels have also been placed for easy reference in the garden. Parks Advisory Board – August 16, 2018 – Page 2 The Secretary for the MWGAC resigned her position. The committee is looking to fill the position with an actively interested party. Chair Moore stated he’s not yet received the financial records reflecting expenses paid to date for MWG. OTHER BUSINESS Great Outdoor Colorado (GOCO) and Colorado Green Foundation grants are possible for funding of the needed greenhouse expansion, with grants being made available for amounts up to $75K. Chair Moore would like to meet with Director Muhonen to go over the information. A Letter of Intent to apply for the grant is due August 30 with the full proposal due at the end of October. Determinations on grant recipients will occur in early December and funding will be awarded in early February 2019. Manager McEachern informed the PAB that the greenhouse expansion is on the table via a 2019 funding request submitted. This is a good time to receive the grant information being discussed since it would reduce the funding required by the Town’s General Fund. Utilizing Town staff to complete the grant application could be considered a utility in-kind which would be applied to the local grant match. Manager McEachern asked the PAB if any members would be interested in championing the pursuit of an ordinance requiring 1% of all capital projects to be applied to public art through the AIPP program. Chair Moore has looked at other community art programs and reviewed the associated ordinances. The art should associate to the project location from which it was charged. Moore prefers another PAB member to work with him on this effort. Co-chair Johnston volunteered his time for this effort. Moore will get current copies of ordinances from other communities. Moore stated there’s an organization in Denver that is in charge of all Public Art for the State that can be used as a resource. Trustee Liaison Martchink stated he’s very supportive of this funding mechanism. He went on to mention that the Town’s Utilities Department has many capital projects every year. Member Elliot stated that, throughout town, the invasive plants have been especially bad this year. Elliot asked what role PAB can play, or has played, in addressing the invasive species. He feels more could potentially be done to handle this situation. Member Papineau stated enforcement is key. She also stated that 1,500 noxious weed booklets were printed this year and most all have been distributed. ELSA has also been publishing weekly weed articles in the newspaper. It would be helpful to have a reputable person handle the spraying of the weeds. With no further business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded (Elliot/Lockwood) to adjourn the meeting at 10:22 a.m. and all were in favor.