HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1984-02-28oftrn uf !z6te6 11arh,Larimer County,Colorado ?.198. Minutes of a ...regular meeting of the Board of Truslees of the Town of Estes Pork,Lorimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hull in said Town of Estes Pork 8th February 84onthedayofA.D.19....ot regular meeting hour. Meeting coIled to order by Mayor .VTY T.c9P.1?t Present:Mayor Harry B.TregentTrustees H.Bernerd Dannels,Byron L.Craves,George J.Hix, Margaret Houston,Robert E.Wagner,Richard A.Wood Also Present:Town Administrator Dale C.Hill Absent: Minutes of the regular meeting held February 14,1984,were submitted and approved. Mayor Harry B.Tregent awarded Certificates of Appointments to the Senior High School students who participated in Municipal Government Day on February 22,1984.Mayor Tregent thanked the the Optimist Club,Lions Club,Elks Club,and the American Legion for sponsoring this annual counterpart program. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels,Chairman of the Public Works Commit tee,read the minutes of a meeting held February 16,1984 and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Margaret Houston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Richard A.Wood introduced,and the Town Administrator read in full,the following entitled ordinance and moved it be passed and adopted on first and final reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO,THE SAME PERTAINING TO STREETS AND SIDEWALKS Trustee George Hix seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees H.Bernerd Dannels, Byron L.Graves,George J.Hix,Margaret Houston,Robert Wagner and Richard A.Wood.Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Tregent declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it numbered #6-84 and published according to law. Trustee Byron L.Graves,Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, read the minutes of a meeting held February 23,1984,and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Richard A.Wood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Robert E.Wagner,Chairman of the Stanley Park Committee, read the minutes of a meeting held February 27,1984 and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Richard A.Wood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Town Board members read the minutes of the Planning Commis sion meeting held on February 21,1984. Mr.Paul Kochevar,representing the owners,presented the annexation plat for Fall River Estates,Third Filing.Mr. Kochevar stated that this plat would complete the whole Fall River Estates annexation.All the conditions placed on the plat by the Planning Commission had been met,including the improve ment guarantee for the road and water main extension.Trustee Margaret Houston introduced,and the Town Administrator read in full,the following entitled ordinance approving the annexation Board of Trustees —February 28,1984 —Page 2 of Fall River Estates Third Addition and moved it be passed andadopted: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO,TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS FALL RIVER ESTATES THIRD FILING Trustee Richard Wood seconded the motion and it passed by thefollowingvotes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees H.Bernerd Dannels,Byron L.Graves,George J.Hix,Margaret Houston,Robert E.Wagner,and Richard A.Wood.Those voting “No”none.WhereuponMayorTregentdeclaredsaidordinancedulypassedandadoptedandordereditnumbered*7—84 and published according to law. Mayor Tregent opened a public hearing on the zoning for FallRiverEstates,Third Filing.Mr.Paul Kochevar,representing theowners,requested C—2 Commercial Zoning.Others speaking for theC—2 zoning,none.Those speaking in opposition to the zoningrequest,none.Mayor Tregent declared the hearing closed.Trustee Margaret Houston introduced,and the Town Administratorreadinfull,the following entitled ordinance and moved it bepassedandadopted: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO,THE SAME PERTAINING TO ZONING Trustee George Hix seconded the motion and it passed by thefollowingvotes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees H.Bernerd Dannels,Byron L.Graves,George J.Hix,Margaret Houston,Robert F.Wagner and Richard A.Wood.Those voting “No”none,WhereuponMayorTregentdeclaredsaidordinancedulypassedandadoptedandordereditnumbered#8—84 and published according to law. Mr.Todd Plummer,representing the owners,presented the boundaryadjustmentplatforElleySubdivision,Lots 13,14,and 15 ThomasResubdivision,which proposes erasing the interior boundary linesinordertohaveonelot.The conditions placed on the plat bythePlanningCommissionhavebeenwet.Trustee H.BernerdDannelsmovedElleySubdivisionboundaryadjustmentbeapproved.Trustee George J.Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr.Todd Plummer,representing the owners,presented Acacia DriveSubdivision,Lots 9,10,11 and 12 Mountain Technological Subdivision,which proposes removing the interior lot lines in ordertomakeonelotofapproximately2.26 acres.The property is tobeusedfora32—unit apartment complex.Trustee Richard WoodmovedforapprovaloftheAcaciaDriveSubdivisionboundaryadjustment.Trustee Margaret Houston seconded the motion and itpassedunanimously. Mr.Todd Plummer,representing the owners,presented Site DevelopmentPlanNo.10 -Park Ridge Apartments,a 32—unit apartmentcomplex,Acacia Drive Subdivision.All the conditions placed ontheplatbythePlanningCommissionhavebeenmet.TrusteeRichardWoodmovedforapprovalofSiteDevelopmentPlanNo.10 —Park Ridge Apartments.Trustee Margaret Houston seconded themotionanditpassedunanimously. Mr.Roger Thorp,architect for the project,presented SiteDevelopmentPlanNo.11 -Aspen Leaf II Condohotel,a 28—unitcondohoteldevelopment,Lot 3,Lake View Tracts.All 11 conditionsplacedontheplatbythePlanningCommissionhavebeenmet.Trustee Richard Wood moved for approval of Site DevelopmentPlanNo.11 —Aspen Leaf II Condohotel.Trustee George J.Hixsecondedthemotionanditpassedunanimously. The Board of Trustees read the minutes of a special PlanningCommissionmeetingheldonFebruary24,1984. Board of Trustees -February 28,1984 -Page 3 In a memorandum dated February 28,1984,Mr.Al Sager,Chairman of the Estes Park Planning Commission,requested the Board of Trustees approve the hiring of Phil Herr of Philip B.Herr & Associates to revise the Zoning Ordinance at a not to exceed cost of $15,000.Trustee H.Bernard Dannels moved the Board of Trustees accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and hire Phil Herr to rewrite the Zoning Ordinance at a not to exceed cost of $15,000.Trustee George Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Robert Wagner moved for approval of the liquor license renewal for Inn at Estes Park.Trustee Margaret Houston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Town Administrator Hill presented the Mutual Aid Agreement for Hazardous Substance Incidents between the Town of Estes Park, Poudre Fire Authority,The City of Loveland,The Loveland Rural Fire Protection District,and the Larimer County Sheriff’s Department.Trustee Richard Wood introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 12—84 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sign the Mutual Aid Agreement between the Town of Estes Park,Poudre Fire Authority,The City of Loveland,The Loveland Rural Fire Protection District,and the Larimer County Sheriff’s Department. Trustee Margaret Houston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. r. The Board of Trustees reviewed a Zoning Change Petition which was submitted by William G.Van Horn requesting an amendment to Title 17 of the Municipal Code by omitting Section 17.60.090—8 concern ing private streets located within a Planned Unit Development. Mr.Todd Plummer,representing Van Horn Engineering,stated that he felt Section 17.60.090—8 is inconsistent with the PUD regu lation and that said paragraph conflicts with Title 16 of the Municipal Code.Trustee Margaret Houston stated that she felt this conflict would be taken care when the Zoning Ordinance is rewritten.A lengthy discussion followed. In a letter dated February 16,1984,Attorney Greg White stated that in reviewing Section 31—4—302,C.R.S.1973 as amended,the voting power of the Mayor will be changed following the election in April,1984.The Town has two options: (1)The Mayor will have a vote just as any other member of the Board of Trustees if the Town does nothing prior to the election. (2)The Town may provided by ordinance,adopted within 60 days preceding the election for Mayor,that the Mayor only vote in the case of a tie. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels moved the ordinance be drawn by the Town Attorney stating the Mayor would only vote in the case of a tie.Trustee Margaret Houston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. In a letter dated February 24,1984,Rex Smith,Larimer County Works Director,requested the Town give consideration to extend ing the utilities to the transfer station and also provide the sewer and water taps for the facility.Administrator Hill stated that the electric extension costs $4,000,the water line extension would cost approximately $15,000,the sewer extension would cost approximately $14,000 for a total of $33,000 for the three utilities.The water tap would cost $2,500 and the sewer tap Board of Trustees -February 28,1984 -Page 4 would cost $1,400.A lengthy discussion followed.Trustee H. Bernerd Dannels moved the Town provide the sewer and water taps at an approximate cost of $3,900.Trustee Richard Wood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Administrator Hill gave a brief report on the bills currently before the legislature. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned. At. Town n