HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1984-12-04ntun of tste%arh,Larimer County,Colorado,pemb,çr .84 Minutes of regular meeting of the Boord of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pork,Lorimer County,Colorodo.Meeting held in the Town HoW in sold Town of Estes Pork on the ..4th day of . .çrnJp A,D.19..8.4 at regular meeling hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor jDii.n,çl Present:Mayor H.B.Dannels Trustees:Norbert L.Aldrich, Mark T.Brown, Byron L.Graves, George J.fix, Also Present:Town Administrator Paula L.Laing, Dale G.Hill Richard A.Wood Town Attorney Gregory A.White Absent: Minutes of the regular meeting held November 13,1984 were submitted and approved. Minutes of the Public Works Committee meeting held November 15, 1984 were read.Trustee Wood,Chairman of the Committee,moved the minutes be approved.Trustee fix seconded the motion it passed unanimously. Minutes of the Stanley Park Committing meeting held November 26, 1984 were read.Trustee Wood,Chairman of the Committee,moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Laing seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Minutes of the Board of Adjustment meeting held November 15,1984 were also read. The minutes of the Estes Park Planning Commission meeting held November 20,1984 were submitted. Mr.Gary Brown,representing Judith Normali,was present request ing to allow horses as an accessory use in C—2 Districts.Mr. Brown stated the first discussion with the Town was held in June; at that meeting it was determined the best course of action to address this issue would be an amendment to the Municipal Code. The owner’s first intention was to include C—i districts;howev er,the final request was to allow horses in C—2 districts.The Estes Park Planning Commission,at their meeting held September 18,1984,voted to develop a list of standards and use regu lations which would be combined with a Special Review Process to maintain horses in the C—2 District.There was no communication between the Town and Mr.Brown during the month of October. Stating he was not notified,Mr.Brown did not attend the Novem ber 20,1984 Planning Commission meeting.Mr.Brown was not aware (prior to their meeting held November 20,1984),of the six amendment considerations submitted to the Planning Commission by Planner Stamey.In Mr.Brown’s opinion,he felt the request was approved at the September 18,i984 Planning Commission meeting. The owners were requesting the same consideration in C—2 dis tricts as is given residential districts.Trustee Wood comment ed,that in his opinion,in the September Planning Commission meeting action was taken to enable the proposal to move forward further exploring all options available.When asked if Mr.Brown would address the six considerations of Planner Stamey’s November 15,1984 memorandum,Mr.Brown offered the following: 1.The effect of the proposed amendment to the entire community. We already have zoning for horses;the owner’s are proposing stricter guidelines;there are a limited number of public trails. Board of Trustees —December 4,1984 —Page two 2.Are there changing circumstances in the community which support this change. The owners are not drastically changing the existing zoning. 3.will the amendment correct an improper situation or merely result in the granting of special privileges. The “improper situation”is arbitrary between residen tial and commercial zoning districts;no special privilege is being requested. 4.Should maintenance of livestock/large animals be encouraged in an urban setting. The Municipal Code discusses large animals,not horses; the area in question is not a “downtown location.” 5.Potential for administration/enforcement problems. “Why would this amendment be worse”;licensing would be authorized by Special Review. 6.Potential for future neighborhood conflicts/complaints. Licensing objection would enforce this item. Following further information and discussion,Trustee Brown moved the request to Amend Chapter 7.08 which would allow horses in C-2 Districts not be approved at this time.Trustee Wood seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees Aldrich,Brown,Graves,Laing,and Wood.Those voting “No”Trustee lix. Mr.Tom Reck,Planner,representing the owners,submitted the Mi Casa Planned Unit Development -Final Plat and Site Plan.Mr. Reck stated the planned unit development is designed to provide a community of 18 single—family residences:four 4—plex buildings and one duplex building.Mr.Reck also stated most of the nineteen recommendations placed on the development by the Plan ning Commission November 20,1984 had been met;however,a misinterpretation led to the omission of the Landscape Plan.Mr. Reck requested the Planning Commission staff be allowed to review and ensure that the Landscape Plan is submitted.Town Engineer Widmer requested the developers address Item #10 regarding maintenance of all landscaping and #17 dealing with contacting Public Service Company to determine proper easement locations for gas service: #10.Mr.Neil Rosener,developer,stated their intent was to have the landscaping maintained by the homeowner’s association. #17.A firm decision regarding electric heat or natural gas has not yet been reached.If natural gas is selected, the developer will provide proper easements. Town Engineer Widmer also stated a few minor items need to be resolved prior to recording the final plat and that supplying the Public Service easement was not a P.U.D.requirement. Trustee Wood introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: Board of Trustees —December 4,1984 —Page three RESOLUTION 42—84 WHEREAS,an Application for a Planned Unit Development,Mi Casa Townhomes,a P.U.D.,was filed on the 23rd day of October, 1984;therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: 1.The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the Application,together with all supporting documents, are in substantial compliance with the requirements of Chapter 17.60 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado;that the applicants have substan tially complied with the provisions of said ordinance; and that said Planned Unit Development is in general conformity with the Master Plan of the Town. 2.Mi Casa Townhomes,a P.U.D,is hereby approved and that the Mayor and Town Clerk are authorized and directed to sign the plat. Trustee Aldrich seccnded the motion and it passed by the follow ing votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees Aldrich,Brown,Graves, Hix,Laing,and Wood.Those voting ITN0IT none. Mr.Todd Plummer,representing the owner,presented Prospect Mountain Subdivision,Planned Unit Development,Fifth Filing - Final Plat and Site Plan.Mr.Plummer stated the revised plan had been reviewed and discussed on several occasions.Town Engineer widmer stated all eleven conditions placed on the development by the Planning Commission November 20,1984 had been met.Regarding Item Ill —construction of sanitary sewer lines in accordance with Upper Thompson Sanitation District specifica tions,Mr.Plummer stated adequate sewer lines will be installed to provide sewer service for this filing. Trustee Brown moved the Final Plat and Site Plan for Prospect Mountain Subdivision,P.U.D.,Fifth Filing be approved.Trustee Aldrich seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr.Frank Gray,representing the owners,presented the annexation plat for The Storer Ranch Addition.Trustee Wood questioned if the two conditions placed on the plat by the Planning Commission November 20,1984 had been met.Town Engineer Widmer stated, “Yes.”Trustee Wood then introduced,and Town Administrator Hill read in full,the following entitled ordinance approving the annexation of the The Storer Ranch Addition and moved it be passed and adopted: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO,TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE STORER RANCH ADDITION Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees Aldrich,Brown,Graves,Hix, Laing,and Wood.Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Dannels declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it number 26—84 and published according to law. Mayor Dannels opened a public hearing on the zoning for The Storer Ranch Addition.Mr.Frank Gray,representing the owners, stated a great deal of interest had been expressed by potential tenants of the proposed Rocky Mountain Technological Park located on the 35—acre Storer Ranch site.A high quality environment in the park will be maintained.Those speaking in opposition of the Board of Trustees —December 4,1984 —Page four annexation:Mr.Ted Shanks,representing himself and Mr.Billy Shoemaker,both Lone Pine Acres residents.Mr.Shanks questioned a “high tech”use in the midst of a residential area.Mr.Shanks was seeking assurance that all landscaping would be completed. Several terms have been used describing the development such as “think tank”,“industrial park”,“research and development”, “storage and warehousing”;Mr.Shanks asked which term actually applied.Mr.Shanks prepared and submitted a series of newspaper articles relating to accidents involving hazardous gas leaks. Mr.Billy B.Shoemaker’s August 31,1984 letter regarding zoning was read into the record.Mr.Gray stated the setback for one—story buildings will be 75 feet;two—story buildings will be 100 feet.Ms.Benita Ackerman stated she was seeking assurance that the existing quality of air would be retained.Ms.Ackerman was informed items such as restrictive uses would be addressed in the planned unit development stage.Mr.Gray stated the development was not geared toward industrial manufacturing. Mayor Dannels declared the hearing closed.Trustee Brown moved the C—2 Restricted Commercial Zoning be approved with the condition that development occur as a “planned unit development”, and introduced the following entitled ordinance,read in full by Town Administrator Hill,and moved it be passed and adopted: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARX, COLORADO,THE SAME PERTAINING TO ZONING Trustee Aldrich seconded the motion and it passed by the follow ing votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees Aldrich,Brown,Graves, Hix,Laing,and Wood.Those voting “No”none,Whereupon Mayor Dannels declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it numbered 27—84 and published according to law. Dr.James Durward appeared before the Board of Trustees repre senting the Longs Peak Scottish Highland Festival.Dr.Durward was requesting a joint effort between the Town of Estes Park and Larimer County,on a 50—50 financial basis,to place a perimeter fence around the softball fields located at Stanley Field.Mayor Dannels referred the item to the Public Works Committee. Mr.Rick Zuba,representing the Estes Alpine Runners,requested the use of MacGregor Avenue,Park Lane,Virginia Drive,Big Horn Drive,and Devil’s Gulch Road January 27,1985 to host the Sixth Annual “Frost Giant”Race.The event will use the same route as previous years featuring a five—kilometer race beginning at 11:00 A.N.,and a ten-kilometer race beginning at 12:00 Noon.The Municipal Building lobby and a meeting room will be needed for shelter.Police Chief Ault stated two officers will be assigned to monitor the race.Trustee Wood moved the use of MacGregor Avenue,Park Lane,Virginia Drive,Big Horn Drive,and Devil’s Gulch Road January 27,1985 be approved subject to the Estes Alpine Runners being responsible for cleaning the Municipal Building.Trustee Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Board of Trustees reviewed the Community Development Block Grant offer of $20,000.In a letter dated November 6,1984, Forward Estes Park Foundation,Inc.President Alma Hix declined the opportunity to administer the grant.Following discussion, Trustee Hix moved the Town of Estes Park reject the $20,000 Block Grant.Trustee Laing seconded the motion and it passed unani mously. The Board of Trustees also reviewed a request submitted by the Estes Park Area Historical Museum regarding additional funds in 1984.An increase in the insurance premium has necessitated this request.Trustee Laing introduced the following resolution and Board of Trustees —December 4,1984 —Page five moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION 43-84 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: WHEREAS,unforeseen conditions have developed at the Estes Park Historical Museum;and WHEREAS,said conditions will continue unless additional funds are provided in the budget year 1984;and WHEREAS,there are adequate funds available in the General Fund at the Town of Estes Park to fund the additional budget;and WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado believes an emergency exists which could not have reasonably been unforeseen at the time of the adoption of the budget for the year 1984. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado as follows: That the sum of $1,100.00 be expended from the Estes Park Historiaal Museum Fund and that these funds be transferred from the General Fund contingency. Trustee Wood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Estes Park Reclamation Subdivision Sanitation District submitted a requested dated November 21,1984 to have the Town assume the sanitation district.Mayor Dannels referred this item to the Code and Sanitation Committee. Mayor Dannels announced the Town has received a donation in the amount of $12,000 from the Women’s Club.The funds will be entered into the Library Fund. Mayor Dannels stated the next regular Town Board meeting will be held December 11,1984 in lieu of December 25,1984. Those Trustees attending the National League of Cities Conference in Indianapolis stated the conference was very valuable. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned. Mayor Town Clerk