HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 21-86ORDINANCE NO.21-86 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13.32 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO,THE SAME PERTAINING To WATER RATES AND CHARGES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: Section 1.That Section 13.32.010 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado is amended as follows: 13.32.010 Tapping charge——Water rights fee.The consumer shall pay the Town for each new water tap a fee which shall be the total sum of the following charges,and for each water tap reconnected after being disconnected from the Town’s water system a reconnection fee which shall be the total sum of the following charges:the actual cost to the Town of the corporation cock, expansion joint,curb box,tapping saddle,and water meter furnished by the Town,to make such tap,and the following sums for each connection to the Town’s water system: Connection Charge (in inches) 5/8 or 3/411 $1,216.00 1”2,160 00 1—¼”3,375.00 4,865.00 2”8,650 00 3”19,460 00 4”34,600 00 6”77,860.00 The size of all connections shall be determined by the Town. If the size of a connection is increased,the consumer shall pay the difference between the fee for the existing connection and the fee for the new connection. In addition to the foregoing water tap fee,the consumer shall pay to the Town a water rights fee in accordance with the following schedule: Water Rights Fee Single—family dwelling having forty fixture values or less $1,730.00 All other water users,except those special users provided for below, not less than $1,730.00 and an additional $43.26 for each fixture value,above 40 fixture values, roughed-in or installed after initial water rights fee has been paid Except those consumers applying for a tap to be used on property for which there has been furnished water,or its money equivalent paid,when the property was annexed to the Town. The consumer shall submit sufficient information,in the form of plans and/or specifications,when an application for a water tap is made for a new connection to enable the Town to determine the number or kind of water—using devices in accordance with the following table: C PLUMBING FIXTURE VALUES Fixture Type Fixture Value Bathtub 8 Drinking fountain (cooler)1 Drinking fountain (public)..2 Kitchen sink,½—inch connection 3 Lavatory,3/8—inch connection 2 Laundry tray,½—inch connection 3 Shower head (shower only)4 Service sink,½—inch connection 3 Urinal,pedestal flush valve 35 Wall or stall 12 Trough (2-foot unit)2 Water closet,flush valve 35 Tank type 3 Dishwasher,½—inch connection ...4 Washing machine,½—inch connection.5 Hose bibs,½—inch connection....6 At the time additional fixtures are installed,the consumer shall pay for such additional units at the above rate of fixture value charges. Should a consumer install a water—using device that is not defined above,or should special use of water be required,the consumer shall submit sufficient information thereon to enable the Town to determine the fixture value weight for such device or use. All necessary pipe,fittings,valves,shutoff,trenching, backfilling and installation of the tap,must be at the expense of the consumer and under the supervision of the water superin tendent.All water service connections and all water service extensions,both within and without the Town limits,are subject to special fees as adopted by the Board of Trustees.Tappinq must be accomplished by the Town,and a standard corporation cock and expansion joint,furnished by the Town,must be used.No water service shall be furnished to the consumer until all tap fees and water rights fees have been paid to the Town. All property for which a connection fee has been paid prior to January 20,1966,must be connected to the Town’s water system and put into service for the improvement it is to serve prior to January 20,1986.After the expiration period,a new application for water service must be made and other connection fee paid at the rate then prevailing for such fees before water service will be furnished to the property for which the application pertains. “Water tap”,as used in this chapter,means the physical connection to a Town water main so as to let out or draw water therefrom to furnish water service to a customer. In addition to the foregoing charges,the consumer shall pay to the Town any charges the Town has agreed to collect for property to be served by the water main to which the consumer’s service line is to be connected. Section 2.That Section 13.32.090 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado be amended as follows: 13.32.090 schedule of water rates and rate proration.There shall be no reduction in rates or charges or any rebates thereof for use for less than a one—month period;except the rates charged consumers making new connections to the Town’s water system,which rates shall be prorated on the basis of the number of days remaining in the one-month billing period in which the new connection is made. —2— 0 0 Section 3.That subsections (C),(D)and (C)of 13.32.110 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado are amended as follows: 13.32.110 Urban gravity and pumped—flow water rate. C.Rates.Minimum charge for up to 2,500 gallons of water used in each one—month billing period is $9.88.Addi tional charge for each 1,000 gallons over the first 2,500 gallons used in each one—month billing period is $1.56. D.Payment.Bills for water service will be rendered by the Town to each water customer on or about February 1st of 1987 for the month of January,1987 and every one—month thereafter.All bills shall be due and payable within fifteen (15)days from the date of the bill.Bills shall become delinquent thirty (30)days from the date of the bill. C.Additional Pumped-flow Rates.In addition to the above rates,all consumers within the Town limits who are connected to a Town—owned and Town—maintained pumped—flow water system shall be charged the following additional sums:a minimum charge of $4.54 for each one-month billing period plus $0.10 per one thousand (1,000)gallons of water used in excess of the minimum usages provided for in subsection C of this section. Section 4.That subsections (C),(D)and (C)of Section 13.32.130 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado are amended as follows: 13.32.130 Rural gravity and pumped—flow water rates sched ule. C.Bates.Minimum charge for up to 2,500 gallons of water used in each one—month billing period is $15.99. Additional charge for each 1,000 gallons over the first 2,500 gallons used in each one-month billing period is $2.53. D.Payment.Bills for water service will be rendered by the Town to each water customer on or about February 1st of 1987 for the month of January,1987 and every one—month thereafter.All bills shall be due and payable within fifteen (15)days from the date of the bill. C.Additional Pumped-flow Rates.In addition to the rates provided for in subsections C and F of this section,all consumers outside the Town limits who are connected to a Town—owned and Town—maintained pumped—flow water system shall be charged the following additional sums:a minimum charge of $4.54 for each one-month billing period plus $0.10 per 1,000 gallons of water used in excess of the minimum usages provided for in subsection C of this section. Section 5.That Section 13.32.140 be added to the Municipal Code of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado to read as follows: 13.32.140 Effective date.The tapping charge and water rights fee set forth in Section 13.32.010 are effective as of January 1,1987;the water rates set forth in Sections 13.32.090, 13.32.110 and 13.32.130 shall be effective as of the January 1987 meter reading. —3— 0 Section 6.The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado herewith finds,determines and designates that this Ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace,health and safety,in order to provide for uniform water rates and charges;and whereas,in the opinion of the Board of Trustees,an emergency exists,this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage,adoption and signature of the Mayor. Mayor ATTEST: g Town Clerk I hereby certify that the above Ordinance was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on the /57 day of ______________, 1986 and published in a newspa per of general circulation in the Town of Estes Park,Colorado on the /7’day of ______________, 1986,all as required by the Statutes of the State of Colorado. Town Clerk —4— o•’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE AND CONSENT TO SPECIAL NEETING We,the undersigned members of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,do hereby acknowledge receipt of the notice of the special meeting of September 3,1986,and we hereby waive any and all irregularities,if any,in such notice and in the manner of service thereof upon us,and consent and agree to the holding of such meeting at the time and place specified in said notice,and to the transaction of any and all busi ss which may come before such meeting. 0 _____________ 7/Board of Trustees Estes Park,Colorado NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO COUNTY OF LARIMER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Estes Park,Colorado will be held at the Municipal Building,170 MacGregor Ave.at 2:00 p.m.on Wednesday, September 3,1986 for the purpose of considering the adoption of an ordinance establishing the Estes Valley Public Library District and requesting the appropriate County Boards to submit the question of an increase in the maximum tax levy for said District to the registered qualified electors of said District. Recording SecretarS’ 0 0 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OF LARIMER )55. ) TOWN OF ESTES PARK ) The Board of Trustees of Estes Park,in the County of Larimer,State of Colorado (the “Board”),met in special session at the Municipal Building,170 McGregor Avenue,in Estes Park, Colorado,being one of the regular meeting places of the Board, at 2:00 p.m.on Wednesday,the 3rd day of September,1986. There were present: Mayor:H.Bernerd Dannels Trustees:Norbert L.Aldrich Mark T.Brown David Barker Paula L.Laing David Habecker There were absent:George J.Hix There was also present: Town Clerk Pro—Tern Monte Vavra Thereupon the following proceedings,among others,were had and taken: The Mayor introduced the following ordinance: —1—