HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1980-11-24UThiun nf (Esirs jnrk,Larimer County,Colorado .ig...8. Minutes of 0....r.?.gJ33,flr meefing of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Lorimer County,Coloroda Meeting held in the Town HoD in said Town of Estes Pork on the ...24±h...doy of A.D:19..0 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Harry B.Tregent Trustees:Robert E -Burgess,H. Bernerd Dannels,Byron L. Graves,Craig W.Meusel,Also Present.Town Administrator —,,noueru n.vagnerDaleG.HillAbsent: Trustee Margaret Houston Minutes of the regular meeting held November 12,1980 were read and approved as read.- Maurice Worley appeared on behalf of the Hospital Board requesting a $7,200 subsidization of the ambulance service by the Town.Addi tional funding is needed to retain the paramedic who accompanies each ambulance call.The present ambulance income and subsidj from the hospital is not sufficient to support an EMT and a para medic and the operating costs.The Board expressed concern that a subsidy from the Town would constitute double taxation of town residents and felt that the Hospital Board should pursue all other possible avenues of obtaining the funds first.Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels moved the request for $7,200 for the ambulance service be denied.Trustee Wagner seconded the motion and it passed unani mously. Trustee Craig W.Meusel,Chairman of the Code Committee,read the minutes of a meeting held November 13,1980 and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Graves seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Robert E.Wagner,Chairman of the Water Committee,read the minutes of a meeting held November 13,1980 and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Meusel seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Robert E.Wagner also read the minutes of a Water Committee meeting held November 18,1980 and moved the minutes be approved. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Robert E.Wagner,Chairman of the Central Business District Committee,read the minutes of a meeting held November 19,1980 and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Burgess seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels,Chairman of the Public Works Committee, read the minutes of a meeting held November 21,1980 and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Wagner seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Byron L.Graves,Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, read the minutes of a meeting held November 21,1980 and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Burgess seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The minutes of the Estes Park Planning Commission meeting held November 18,1980 were read. Mayor Harry B.Tregent conducted a public hearing on the proposed ordinance extending the compliance date for nonconforming signs from 5 years to 5 years.No persons appeared speaking in favor of or in opposition to the proposed ordinance and no correspondence was received regarding the same.Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared the hearing closed. Board of Trustees —November 24,1980 —Page Two (2) Trustee Robert E.Wagner introduced and the Town Administrator read in full the following entitled ordinance and Trustee Wagner moved it be passed and adopted on first and final reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO,THE SAME PERTAINING TO ZONING. Trustee Burgess seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels,Byron L.Graves,Craig W.Meusel,Robert E.Wagner.Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it numbered #19—80 and published according to law.J Mayor Harry B.Tregent conducted a public hearing on the proposed ordinance specifying dormitories as a permitted use in the R—2 zone and amending the lot area requirements for accommodations and dormitories.Bill Van Horn spoke in favor of the ordinance andLouCanaiycommentedthatalladjoiningpropertyownersshouldreceivepropernotice.No persons appeared speaking in oppositionandnocorrespondencewasreceived.Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared the hearing closed. Trustee Robert E.Burgess introduced and the Town Administrator read in full the following entitled ordinance and Trustee Burgess moved it be passed and adopted on first and final reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO,THE SAME PERTAINING TO ZONING. Trustee Graves seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees H.Bernerd Dannels,Byron L. Graves,Craig W.Meusel,Robert E.Wagner,Robert E.Burgess. Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it numbered #20—80 and published according to law. Bill Van Horn,on behalf of Lynn and Dorothy Kinnie,presented the Amended Plat of Pine River Subdivision which proposes combining Lots 2,3,4,and 5 of the original plat into one lot and vacating a cul—de—sac.Trustee Robert E.Burgess introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Amended Plat of Pine River Subdivision is hereby approved and that the Mayor and Clerk are directed to sign the Certificate of Approval on the final plat. Trustee Wagner seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees Byron L.Graves,Craig W *Meusel, Robert E.Wagner,Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels.Those voting “No”none. Trustee Robert E.Wagner introduced and the Town Administrator read in full the following entitled ordinance vacating a cul—de—sac as proposed in the Amended Plat of Pine River Subdivision andTrusteeWagnermoveditbepassedandadoptedonfirstandfinalreading: AN ORDINANCE VACATING A ROADWAY LOCATED IN THE PINE RIVER SUBDIVISION OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,LARIMER COUNTY,COLORADO. Trustee Meusel seconded the motion and it passed by the followingvotes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees Craig W.Meusel,Robert E.Wagner,Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels,Byron L.Graves. Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Harry B.Tregent declaredsaidordinancedulypassedandadoptedandordereditnumbered#21—80andpublishedaccordingtolaw. Board of Trustees —November 24,1980 —Page Three (3) Mayor Harry B.Tregent conducted a public hearing on the proposed Discontinuance Regulations”regarding discontinuance of electri cal service supplied by the Town of Estes Park.No persons appeared speaking in favor of or in opposition to the proposed ‘Discontin uance Regulations”and no correspondence was received regarding the same.Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared the hearing closed. Trustee Robert E.Burgess introduced and the Town Administrator read the following entitled ordinance and Trustee Burgess moved it be passed and adopted on second and final reading: AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 13.10 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO,THE SAME ADOPTING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR DISCONTINUANCE OF ELECTRI CAL SERVICE. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustee Robert E.Wagner,Robert E. Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels,Byron L.Graves,Craig V.Meusel. Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it numbered #22—80 and published according to law. Trustee Robert E.Wagner moved that the following liquor license renewal applications be approved: Estes Park Inns Inc.dba Holiday Inn of Estes Park Seymour Wheelock dba Black Canyon Restaurant Molly B Inc.dba Surrey Ice Cream &Deli Trustee Graves seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Letters from the President of the Estes Park Woman’s Club dated November 15,1980 and from the President of the Estes Park Library Board dated November 17,1980 were received requesting Edna Green be appointed to the Library Board for a five year term beginning January 1,1981.Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels moved Edna Green be appointed to the Estes Park Library Board.Trustee Wagner seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned. -I - . I Mayor I .Mt4ab (tELdJvSu (j Town Clerk