HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1977-07-26N9 355 4D1UR of stcs jiarit,larimer County,Colorado,..JJJY.19.77.. Minutes of o meeting of the Boord of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pork,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in sold Town of Estes Pork on the ...day of JJJLy A.D.1977:.at regular meeting hour. Meeting coiled to order by Mayor B Present:Mayor Harry B.Tregent Trustees:H.Bernerd Dannels,N.T. Petrocine,Rollen Sutter, Margaret ilouston,Robert E.Wagner Also Present:Town Administrator and Clerk —Da:le G. Hifl Absent:Trustee Robert F.Burgess Minutes of the regular meeting held July 12,1977 were read and approved as read. Trustee N.T.Petrocine,Chairman of the Estes Park Planning Com mission,read the minutes of a meeting held July 19,1977. Mayor Harry B.Tregent conducted a public hearing on the proposed Estes Park Master Plan dated May 17,1977.Roger Burton,Archi tect and Planner for Lordand Associates,Inc.,discussed the history of land use control and planning,the philosophy behind planning,the development of the Estes Park Master Plan,and then recommended the revised Master Plan be adopted including the fol lowing amendments: 1)A statement to be included on the cover page as follows: This Master Plan is presented pursuant to C.R.S. Section 31—23—106 (1973)and other laws whereby the Town Planning Commission and the Town Board of Trustees have the authority to adopt a Master Plan for the Town of Estes Park and those areas outside of the Town. 2)P.22 —Under the Transportation section,add item #5 which states “Assure that the maximum development within existing road rights—of—way has a higher priority than acquisition of new or additional rights—of—way”. 3)P.29 —Add an objective #ic which states “Improve facilities within existing rights—of—way to the fullest extent’and change the existing #ic,id and le to id, le and if accordingly. 4)P.30 —Add 3a.4 —‘Encourage full utilization of existing rights—of—way”- 5)P.44 —Under Transportation Plan as revised add the fol lowing statement as sentence #2: Full utilization of existing rights—of—way land areas should be a high priority together with a bypass route south of the CBD and i,mprovements to Route 66,Moraine Avenue,south of the CUD to Beaver Point. 6)P.87 —Add the following sentence after the first para graph under “Standards’” There are several immediate steps which could be taken to improve existing facilities in existing rights—of—way.Many of the improvements could potentially provide short term immediate solutions N?356 ‘rowu of zstes arh,Larimer County,Colorodo 26 19 7.7... Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pork,Larimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in sold Town of Estes Park on the day of A.13.19...at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: to traffic congestion as well as generally upgrading the entire transportation system.Some of the im provements which could be made are installation of curb and gutter with designated curb cuts,passing lanes,acceleration and deceleration lanes,the pro visions for bicycles,pedestrians,and/or horse traffic. Giles Gere,representing the EVIA,spoke in opposition to portions of the Master Plan.He stated that the tourist accommodation cor ridors of Fall River and Beaver Point should be restudied in accor dance with the Master Plan on high and low densities.In addition, he said,the Town should follow the policy of the County which en courages Municipalities to form a group composed of the Town,the County and Special Districts concerned in planning for expansion of the area in a more detailed form.Mr.Gere disagreed with the projected seasonal population figures which he thought were low and recommended an accurate population study of the area be under taken by the County.He also felt that because of the increase of summer residents and the greater number of people outside the Town than inside,that more thought should be given to these County residents than has been in the past.Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared the hearing closed. Trustee Robert E.Wagner moved the Master Plan be adopted with the amendments as detailed by Roger Burton and introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK COLORADO: That the Estes Park,Colorado’s Master Plan,dated May 17,1977,together with all corrected maps,plats,charts and descriptive matter included therein,be and the same are hereby adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado,as a Master Plan for the physical development of the Town of Estes Park and the areas outside of its boundaries in cluded within said Master Plan;and the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park recommends to the Board of Commissioners of the County of Larimer,State of Colorado,that it approve said Master Plan together with all maps,plats,charts and descrip tive matter included therein. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes:Those voting ‘Yes’Trustees H. N?357 ?Jobn Of sir%IJark,Iarimer County,Colorado.Jk]Y...?6.19.77... Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pork,Lorimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Pork on the day of A.D.19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: Bernerd Dannels,Margaret Houston,Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner,N.T.Petrocine.Those voting “No”none. Mayor Harry B.Tregent conducted a public hearing on the proposed ordinance repealing and reenacting section 17.36.020 of theMunicipalCoderelatingtothedefinitionandrestrictionof amusements in a C—2 Restricted Commercial zoning district.Therewerenopersonspresentspeakinginfavoroforinoppositionto the proposed ordinance and no correspondence was received regardingthesame.Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared the hearing closed. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels introduced and the Clerk read in fullthefollowingentitledordinanceandbecauseintheopinionof the Board of Trustees an emergency exists,Trustee flannels movedtheordinancebepassedandadoptedonfirstandfinalreading: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING SECTION 17.36.020 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWNOFESTESPARK,COLORADO,RELATING TO PERMITTED USES IN A C-2 RESTRICTED COM.WRCIAL DISTRICT. Trustee Sutter seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motionpassedbythefollowingvotes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees N.T.Petrocine,Robert E.Wagner,Rollen Sutter,Margaret Houston,H.Bernerd Dannels.Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared said ordinance duly passed and adoptedandordereditnumbered20—77 and published according to law. The Board of Trustees considered Special Review Request #13 sub mitted by Richard N.and Florence L.Statham to construct a selfstoragewarehouseonLot8,DeVille Subdivision which is zoned C—2 Restricted Commercial.Trustee Robert E.Wagner moved therequestbegrantedandthatallimprovementsshownonthesite plan be completed by July 26,1978.Trustee Dannels seconded themotionanduponrollcallthemotionunanimouslycarried. Trustee Rollen Sutter,Chairman of the Water Committee,read theminutesofameetingheldJuly14,1977 and moved the minutes beapproved.Trustee Houston seconded the motion.Upon roll callthemotionunanimouslycarried. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels,Chairman of the Public Works Committee,read the minutes of a meeting held July 21,1977 and moved theminutesbeapproved.Trustee Sutter seconded the motion and uponrollcallthemotionunanimouslycarried. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels moved the renewal application for aBeerandWineLicensesubmittedbyMaryandVernonBarrowdbaHeidi’s Hideaway be approved.Trustee Wagner seconded the motionanduponrollcallthemotionunanimouslycarried. N?358 nftrn nf Istcs arft,larimer County,Colorado 19..77.. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Lorimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of A.IX 19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: The Board of Appeals considered a variance request submitted by James A.Durward regarding the Building Inspector’s interpreta tion of the awning type structure installed at 249 West Elkhorn Avenue.Dr.Durward contended that the structure is a canopy which is allowed in a C—i zone.He explained that the canopy is supported by permanent columns and is adequately spaced from the radiant heaters.Also,the thermostats controlling the heaters are covered and locked and,therefore,the entire set up is quite safe.Roger Thorpe,Jim Harvill,and Ron Flory appeared veri fying Dr.Durward’s statements.Clint Fairchild,Building In spector and Zoning Administrator,disagreed with Dr.Durward’s interpretation of the structure and showed that according to the Uniform Building Code (UEC),the structure is defined as a patio covering.Mr.Fairchild also stated that the already installed patio covering does not meet minimum design standards according to the UBC and,therefore,poses a safety and fire hazard. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels moved the variance request be denied. Trustee Petrocine seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That in compliance with Section 3.05.040 (2)of the Municipal Code of the Town of Estes Park,the percentage of rental payments to be refunded to elderly citizens shall be .49 of the rental payments made during 1976. Trustee Wagner seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees H. Bernerd Dannels,Rollen Sutter,Margaret Houston,N.T.Petrocine, Robert E.Wagner.Those voting “No”none. The following bids were received for two park shelters for Tallant Park: Dan Brown $6,996.98 Tom’s Concrete $6,234.00 Colorado Recreation Products $8,364.50 &$8,464.00 Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels moved Tom’s Concrete be awarded the project.Trustee Houston seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. N9 359 obn of tstes 1Jarh,Lorimer County,Colorado.JJ1iY...6.ic.’77... Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Pork on the day of A.0.1 9....a?regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: The Board of Trustees reviewed the preliminary plat of Beaver View Estates located adjacent to Dry Gulch Road between Eagle Rock Ranches and the Lazy B Ranch.The proposed subdivision contains 12 lots,approximately 5 acres in size,which will be served by on—site septic systems and wells.Trustee N.T. Petrocine moved approval of the Beaver View Estates preliminary plat be recommended to the Board of County Commissioners and that the Town Board’s preference of the subdivision procedure over the exemption procedure as a means of subdividing also be expressed to the Commissioners. Ken Estes,owner of the Estes Country Kitchen,complained to the Board of Trustees about the inadequate drain in the parking lot adjacent to his restaurant and requested that the problem be alleviated.Mayor Harry B.Tregent referred the drainage problem to the Public Works Committee. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. Mar Town Administrator and Clerk