HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1976-12-14N?290 tobn of 59125 1eTr1t,Inrimer County,Colorado .1-4.19.7c... Minutes of a ..meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pork,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Pork on the ...1.4th day of P.e.cnbe A.D.197.Q .at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor ... Present:Mayor Harry B.Tregent Trustees:Robert E.Burgess,N.T. Petrocine,Rollen Sutter, Margaret Houston,Robert E.Wagner,TI.Bernerd Also Present:Town Administrator flannels and Clerk Dale 6.Hill Absent:None Minutes of the regular meeting held November 23,1976 were read and approved as read. Trustee Robert E.Wagner moved the following bills be allowed and paid and the Clerk be authorized to draw warrants for same.(A Certified copy of the bills read and allowed are on file in the office of the Town Clerk under this date and made a part of the record of these proceedings by reference thereto.)Trustee Burgess seconded the motion.Those voting ‘Yes”Trustees Margaret Houston, Robert E.Wagner,Rollen Sutter,N.T.Petrocine,IT.Bernerd flannels, Robert E.Burgess.Those voting “No”none. Trustee N.T.Petrocine,Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, read the minutes of a meeting held December 2,1976 and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee flannels seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee N.T.Petrocine,Chairman of the Administrative Committee, read the minutes of a meeting held December 7,1976 and moved the minutes be approved.Turstee flannels seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee Rollen Sutter,Chairman of the Water Committee,read the minutes of a meeting held December 9,1976 and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee Houston seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. The Board of Trustees reconsidered a request which was tabled at the November 9th meeting from the Park High School Marching Band and “Band parents”for a contribution towards two new band uniforms. An opinion was received from Town Attorney John Phipps stating that the Town would not have the authority to contribute to this cause. Trustee H.Bernerd flannels moved in view of the Town Attorney’s opinion and similar requests in the future that the Board deny the request.Trustee Wagner seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees N.T.Petrocine,Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels,Robert E. Wagner,Rollen Sutter.Those voting “No”Margaret Houston. Dr.James Durward appeared before the Board to discuss the Town’s off—street parking requirements.He referred the Board to the case involving the City of Aspen in which the State Supreme Court declared on March 3,1975 the City’s off—street parking ordinance to be unjust and unreasonable.According to Durward,Estes Park’s off—street parking ordinance is very similar to the Aspen ordinance and,therefore,the Board should reconsider its validity and obtain an opinion from the Town Attorney.Durward also commented that the ordinance penalizes developers and discourages revitalization of the N9 291 LftIn of arh,tanner County,Colrado •j9 76 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Truslees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of A.D.19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present; Absent, downtown area.Greg Rosener also spoke in support of Durward’s position and strongly agreed that the off—street parking require ments severely hamper the developer.Mayor Harry B.Tregent in formed Dr.Durward and Mr.Rosener that he would review an opinion from the former Town Attorney regarding the Towns off—street parking ordinance and then consult the Board members. A request for a 24’curb cut onto Stanley Avenue from the north west corner of the Holiday Inn parking lot was submitted by Stan Pratt.This proposed driveway would provide direct access to the parking he would be leasing from the Holiday Inn for his new com mercial center just north of the parking lot.Roger Thorpe,Archi tect,explained that this leased parking will serve the upper level of the new commercial building and additional parking will be pro vided north of the building to serve the lower level.The proposed curb cut will be 160’north of the existing curb cut into the Holiday Inn parking lot and 136’south of the existing curb cut onto Pratt’s lot.Trustee Robert E.Burgess moved the curb cut be granted.Trustee Sutter seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TIlE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Town Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the November 10,1976 Lease Agreement,in corporating the change in rent from $2.67 per square foot to $3.09 per square foot,by and between the Town of Estes Park and the State of Colorado,Department of Revenue regarding the lease of Room 111 of the Estes Park Municipal Building to the Drivers License Bureau. Trustee Petrocine seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner,N.T.Petrocine,H.Bernerd Dannels, Robert E.Burgess,Margaret houston.Those voting “No”none. N?292 UJUh.rn Uf 6±C9 Lorimer County,Colorado,...Dec,e.mb.r..14.19.76... Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of A.D.19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present; Absent: Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels moved the following liquor license renewal applications be approved: Barbara Lopez dba Jack’s Cottage Inn Brodie’s Super Market Marsh dba Die Alte Delikatessen Stanley Hotel (1)Change in classification to Tavern License (2)Change in corporation name to Normali Co.,Inc. Trustee Wagner seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee Wagner moved the following appointment be made to the Estes Park Library Board: Elva Munsinger Trustee Houston seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee Robert E.Burgess introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Town Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the Cooperative Agreement by and between the Estes Park Sanitation District,The Upper Thompson Sanitation District,The Town of Estes Park,and the Larimer—Weld Regional Council of Governments regarding the 201 Facility Plan. Trustee Wagner seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner,N.T.Petrocine,Margaret Houston,H. Bernerd Dannels,Robert E.Burgess.Those voting “No”none. N?293 oftin of stc5 lUark,Lorimer County,Colorado ..19.7.Q.. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park an the day of A.D.19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present;Mayor Trustees: Also Present, Absent: Trustee 11.Bernerd Dannels introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTI ON BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORAlO: That the Town Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to sign the Agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and Russ Ketehum dated January 1,1977 regarding employment as manager of the Stanley Field Rodeo and Horse Show Grounds. Trustee Sutter seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees N. T.Petrocine,Robert E.Burgess,Rollen Sutter,Margaret Houston, Robert E.Wagner,H.Bernerd Dannels.Those voting “No”none. Trustee Robert E.Wagner introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS,unforeseen conditions have developed with the Estes Park Public Library,and; WHEREAS,said conditions will continue unless additional funds are provided in the budget for the year 1976,and; WHEREAS,sufficient funds for the Estes Park Public Library were not provided in the 1976 budget,and; WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees believes an emergency exists which could not have reasonably been foreseen at the time of the adoption of the budget for the year 1976. N?294 UftUI of tSICS ]ar1t,Larimer County,Colorado 14 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pork,Lorimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of A.D.19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: NOW ThEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the sum of $4,500 for the Estes Park Public Library be expended from the Larimer County Revenue Sharing fund receipts of 1976. Trustee Houston seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees H. Bernerd Dannels,Margaret Houston,Robert E.Burgess,Robert E. Wagner,Rollen Sutter,N.T.Petrocine.Those voting “No”none.LU Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO,That,in accordance with section 17.60.170 of the Municipal Code there is hereby established a processing fee for Planned Unit Developments as follows: 1.All legal expense. 2.All engineering and planning expense both by staff and consultant. The total cost of the processing fee shall not exceed a rate of seventy—five dollars per acre on all lands included within the Planned Unit Development. Trustee Petrocine seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees N.T. Petrocine,II.Bernerd Dannels,Robert E.Burgess,Margaret Houston, Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner.Those voting “No”none. N9 295 O1UU iif *stes ]Iarh,Lorimer County,19. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pork,Larimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Pork on the day of A.D.1 9....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Moyor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: Trustee Robert E.Wagner introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Town Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the Supplement No.1 to contract No.14—06— 704—472 regarding the installation of penstock water tap, buried pipeline,and appurtenances above the Estes Powerplant (which were installed by the Recreation District). Trustee Sutter seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes:Those voting “Yes”Trustees N. T.Petrocine,Robert E.Wagner,H.Bernerd Dannels,Robert E. Burgess,Rollen Sutter,Margaret Houston.Those voting “No” none. The Town Clerk reported that the Policemen’s Liability insurance which had expired and would not be renewed by the same company, has been obtained through the Palmer Agency at a cost of $4,528 per year. In regard to public official and employee liability insurance, the best policy available includes a $2 million coverage with $5,000 deductible at an annual cost of $1,528.Trustee Rollen Sutter moved the Town obtain this insurance coverage.Trustee Dannels seconded the motion and upon roll call the motion unani mously carried. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned. /Mayor Town Administrator and Clerk