HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1973-05-28obtt uf gSICS lflarh,Larimer County,Colorado,...Y...icR... Minutes of a gç4r meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the .day of ,A.D.19..at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor .NEcY.P:.•9ept Present:Mayorllarry B.Tregent Trustees:Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels,N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner Also Present:Town Administrator and Clerk Dale C.Hill Absent: Minutes of a special meeting held on May 9,1973,were read and approved as read. Member N.T.Petrocine read the minutes of the Estes Park Planning Commission meeting held on May 22,1973. The Board of Trustees proceeded to hold a public hearing to determine if the proposed Fall River annexation complies with Section 139-21-3 and 139-21—4 or such parts as thereof as may be required to establish elgibility to annex under terms of Article 21;whether or not an election is required under Section 139—21-6 (2);whether or not additional terms and conditions are to be imposed. Mr.Joe Jenkins,attorney representing the Henningsen Investment Company, appeared and spoke in opposition to the arxxaticn.A letter,dated May 28, 1973,from the Henningsen Investment Company was entered into the record of the public hearing. The Town Administrator and Town Engineer testified as to the elgibility and compliance with the law of the proposed annexation. The Town Administrator read into the record letters of opposition from the following: Mrs.L.Darwin Stark,Bertha E.Wingo,Byron L.,M.H.and F.K. Adams and R.A.Nassimbene. Mayor Tregent declared the public hearing closed. Trustee Robert E.Wagner introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY ThE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF ThE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, after hearing and considering the evidence presented at a hearing held this 28th day of May,1973,in the Town flaIl,Estes Park,Colorado,and in accordance with the provisions of Section 139—21-9,Colorado Revised Statutes,1963,as amended,makes the following findings of fact and conclusions regarding the annexation of certain territory,to be known as Fall River Addition to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,as more par ticularly described in a Resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 23,1973,which description is hereby incorporated by reference: That the applicable parts of Sections 139—21—3 and 139—21—4 of Colorado Revised Statutes,1963,as amended,have been met because: inftm UI gstc 3,Ztrh,Larimer County,Colorado.19. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of A.D.19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: 1.The area seeking annexation is eligible to be annexed to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,because not less than one-sixth of the perimeter of the area proposed to be annexed is contiguous with the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,and that at least two of the following conditions have been met: (a)More than 50 percent of the adult residents of the area proposed to be annexed use some of the recreation,civic,social,religious,industrial or commercial facilities of t1 municipality and more than 25 percent of its adult residents are employed in the annexing municipality; (b)Less than one-half of the land proposed to be annexed is agricultural or,if it is agri cultural,less than one—half of the landowners of the total area have expressed an intention under oath to devote the land to such agri cultural use for at least five years; (c)It is practical to extend urban services which the municipality normally provides. 2.The following limitations have been complied with: (a)In establishing the boundaries of any territory to be annexed,no land held in identical owner ship,whether consisting of one tract or parcel of real estate of two or more contiguous tracts or parcels of real estate,has been divided into separate parts or parcels without the written consent of the landowner or landowners thereof, unless such tracts or parcels are separated by a dedicated street,road,or other public way. (b)In establishing the boundaries of any territory to be annexed,no land held in identical owner ship,whether consisting of one tract or parcel of real estate or two or more contiguous tracts or parcels of real estate comprising twenty acres or more which,together with the buildings and improvements situated thereon has an assessed value in excess of two hundred thousand dollars for ad valorem tax purposes for the year next preceding the annexation,has been included with out the written consent of the landowner or landowners. (c)That no annexation proceedings have been conunenced for the annexation of part or all of such territory to another municipality. uftnt g±2 Larimer County,Colorado Y•28 19. Minutes of a ...rggqjqr meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the ..?PiJ’...-day of A 0.19..at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor aY.r.X.p:.Treent Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: (d)That the proposed annexation will not result in the detachment of territory from a county or a school district. und e r 3.An election is not required/section 139-21-6 (2))Colorado Revised Statutes,1963,as amended. 4.TInt no additional terms and conditions will be imposed upon the territory to be annexed. 5.That the said territory be annexed by ordinance to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,and that the same be known as Fall River Addition to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado. Trustee Robert B.Burgess seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Robert E. Burgess,II.Bernerd flannels,N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert B.Wagner.Those voting “No”none. Trustee II.Bernerd flannels introduced the following ordinance and moved it be passed and adopted on first and final reading: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO ThE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO,TO BE IU’IOWN AND DESIGNATED As “FALL RIVER ADDITION”TO ThE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO. Trustee Robert E.Wagner seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees II.Bernerd flannels,N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert B.Wagner, Robert E.Burgess.Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Harry B. Tregent declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it numbered 16-73 and published according to law. The Board of Trustees proceeded to conduct a public hearing on the zoning of the property within the Fall River Addition.The following appeared and spoke regarding the zoning: Al Whittaker,manager of the Colonial Motel requested C—2 zoning. George M.Booth requested C—2 zoning. S.Roland Miller requested C—2 zoning. Jack Seybol4 represented by Mr.R.Roland Miller,requested C—2 zoning. Sam Telley,attorney representing Nicholas Kane,requested C—2 zoning. Bill Wyatt,attorney representing Vacationlands,Inc.requested C-2 zoning and would accept R—2 for all except the front 550 feet Attorney David L.Osborn representing the Congressionsi Corpora tion requested C—2 but would accept R-2 for all except the front 500 feet. tuftin of gstc Jark,Larimer County,Colorado.19. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of A.D.19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees; Also Present: Absent: Darold Rohrbaugh requested C—2 but would accept R-2 for all except the front 550 feet. Hosie Gill requested R—2. Cleo Cooprider requested C—2 but would accept R—2 for all except the front 500 feet. The Town Administrator read the following letteis into the record of the public hearing: Florence Selander,Secretary of the Fall River Chalet Condo minium Association -Nay 24,1973. Pieter Hondius —Nay 5,1973. Vacationlands,Inc.-Nay 22,1973. George N.Booth -March 30,1973. Town Planner Van Horn spoke to the Board regarding the various owner ship tracts and their locations and also spoke regarding the recently adopted Master Plan and gave his opinions as to proper zoning for the area. Town Attorney Hartwell reviewed the legal ramifications of zoning in general. Mayor Tregent declared the public hearing closed. Trustee N.T.Petrocine introduced the following ordinance and moved it be passed and adopted on first and final reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 17.16.010,17.24.010, 17.36.010 AND 17.46 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO,RELATING TO ZONING OF TERRITORY INCLImED WITHIN FALL RIVER ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO. H.Bernerd Dannels seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees N.T.Petrocine, Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner,Robert E.Burgess,H. Bernerd Dannels.Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared the ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it numbered -n 17—73 and published according to law. Attorney Richard W.Ball,representing Lloyd N.Hess,Owner of Lot 9, Buenna Vista Subdivision,Town of Estes Park,has requested Board con sideration of his client’s lot split request be continued to June25,1973, Mayor Harry B.Tregent approved the request and scheduled it for the above mentioned meeting. Mr.Lou Canaiy and Mr.Ward Crowley appeared before the Board and requested that the trash bag requirements be eliminated during the summer months. Rollen Sutter,Chairman of the Sanitation Committee,reported on his study of this situation and his conference with Mr.Lee Parker,manager of the land fill.After considerable discussion Trustee Sutter moved that trash bags not be required for those people having their trash collected by a tUjnftnt 81 g61e5 3Jar{t,tarimer County,Colorado .19. Minutes of a ...T.E’14 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Pork on the ...?.8.t.h...day of A.D.19.Z.at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by MQyor ...‘iry.•B,..Tcn Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: compactor truck up until September 15,1973.Trustee Robert E.Wagner seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner, Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels.Those voting “No”Trustees N.T. Petrocine,Glenn Prosser. Trustee Robert S.Burgess,Chairman of the Public Safety Committee,read the minutes of the meeting held on May 18,1973,and moved that the minutes be approved and adopted.Trustee Rollen Sutter seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee Robert S.Burgess introduced the following ordinance and moved it be passed and adopted on first and final reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO,RElATING TO ANIMALS. Trustee N.T.Petrocine seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Robert E. Wagner,Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels,N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter.Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor flarry B.Tregent declared the ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it numbered 18-73 and published according to law. Mayor Harry B.Tregent announced that the planning report for the Federal Revenue sharing for tl first part of 1973 will be considered at the first meeting in June. Trustee 11.Bernerd Dannels introduced the following ordinance and moved it be passed and adopted on first and final reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 13.24.020,13.32.010 AND 13.32.080 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COlORADO,RELATING TO WATER RULES AND REGUlATIONS, RATES AND CHARGES. Trustee Glenn Prosser seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Robert E. Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels,N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner.Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Harry B.Tregent declared the ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it numbered 19-73 and published according to law. The Board of Trustees discussed the scheduledmeeting of all munici palities in larimer and Weld counties regarding the proposed council of governments recently formed by the commissioners.There appeared that four people will attend this meeting representing the Town of Estes Park. tofrn ix!tes lflarh,lorimer County,Colorado.19. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Pork on the day of A.11 19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting coIled to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees:- ..1 Also Present: Absent: Trustee Glenn Prosser introduced the following resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the agreement,dated May 11,1973,by and between the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,and the Colorado Arabian Horse Club,Inc.,be approved and that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby directed to sign the same. Trustee Robert E.Wagner seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion —n passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees H.Bernerd Dannels,N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner, Robert E.Burgess.Those voting “No”none. The Town Administrator was instructed to request an audience at a regular meeting of the Iarimer County Commissioners to discuss the solution to the solid waste program. The Town Administrator reported that the Colorado Municipal League had refunded its contribution in the amount of $39.25 for the 1968 Mountain Bell rate case. There being no further business,it was regularly moved,seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn. Mayor Attest: Town Administrator and Clerk