HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1970-09-28Do tnftm Lu gste l.arimer County,Colorado •28 19.79... Minutes of a re8ular meeting of the Board of trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the ...•5tJ1 day of S.9V1’?Y A.D.i.Zc.at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor 9PJ!.c:. Present:Mayor Ronald C.Brod ie Trustees:Gerald H.Brownfie id,Henry D. Dannels,N.T.Petrocine,Harry B.Tregent,Marvin L.Steele Also Present:Town Administrator &Clerk Dale 0.Hill Absent:Glenn Prosser Minutes of the regular meeting held September 14,1970 were read and approved as read. Trustee Gerald U.Brownfield introduced and the Town Clerk read in full,the following entitled ordinance and Trustee Brownfield moved it be passed on first reading: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO,FOR TUE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN ING ON TUE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY,1971,AND ENDING ON TUE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER,1971;ESTIMATING TUE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY BASED ON THE SAID BUDGET SO ADOPTED;ESTI MATING THE MCUNT OF MONEY TO BE DERIVED FROM OTHER REVENUE SOURCES;AND SETTING FORTH THE TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR EACH FUND. Trustee Henry D.Dannels seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Gerald U.Brown field,Henry D.Dannels,N.T.Petrocine,Harry B.Tregent,Marvin L.Steele. Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Ronald C.Brodie declared said ordinance duly passed on first reading. Trustee N.T.Petrocine introduced and the Town Clerk read in full,the following entitled ordinance and Trustee Petrocine moved it be passed on first reading: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1971,TO DEFRAY TUE COSTS OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,1971,AND ENDING DECEMBER 31,1971. Trustee Marvin L.Steele seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Gerald H.Brown- field,Henry D.Dannels,N.T.Petrocine,Harry B.Tregent,Marvin L.Steele. Those voting “No”none.Whereupon Mayor Ronald C.Brodie declared said ordinance duly passed on first reading. Trustee Henry D.Dannels introduced and the Town Clerk read in full,the following entitled ordinance and Trustee Dannels moved it be passed on first reading: THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE;APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO DEFRAY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF TUE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO,FOR THE TOWN’S FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,1971,AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER,1971. nftnt of stes 3flarh,Larimer County,Colorado.19. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pork,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Na!l in said Town of Estes Pork on the day of ,A.IX 19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor -Th Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: Trustee Gerald H.Brownfield seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Gerald II.Brownfield,Henry D.flannels,N.T.Petrocine,Marvin L. Steele,Harry B.Tregent.Those voting ‘No”none.Whereupon Mayor Ronald C.Brodie declared said ordinance duly passed on first reading. An agreement between The United States of America and the Town of Estes Park for modifications and additions to the Narys Lake Powerplant Gate- house Structure for the purpose of installing a water tap outlet was read in full to the Board of Trustees.Trustee Henry D.flannels moved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized and are hereby directed to sign the above mentioned agreement.Trustee Marvin L.Steele seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. An application to renew the retail fermented malt license for Wayne and Leola Richardson,dba Wayne Richardson Super Food Market,448 W.River side Drive,Estes Park,Colorado,was submitted to the Board of Trustees. Trustee Harry B.Tregent moved the application for renewal be granted. Trustee N.T.Petrocine seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. The Planning Commission minutes of September 15,1970,were read to the Board of Trustees. George L.Mowery,Building Inspector,appeared before the Board of Trustees for the purpose of explaining a request for Mr.John Worst for permission to install a water tight vault.After considerable discussion this request was tabled in order to clarify the Estes Park Sanitation District’s position on sewer service to this property. Trustee Gerald H.Brownfield,Chairman of the Code and Sanitation Com mittee,reported on a Code and Sanitation Committee meeting as itemized in the minutes of September 17,1970,and moved the minutes be accepted. Trustee Marvin L.Steele seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. The Board of Trustees instructed the Town Administrator to acknowledge receipt of the letter,dated September 17,1970,from Mr.0.A.Lienemann regarding sanitation. The Board of Trustees reviewed in detail the legal opinion from the Town Attorney,dated September 15,1970,regarding liquor licenses and taxes and the payment thereof.Trustee Harry B.Tregent moved that the Town’s policy shall be the license fees shall be paid prior to the Board of Trustee’s approval.Trustee Marvin L.Steele seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. U, UftIU 01 gI2 3Jurh,Larimer County.Colorado,September 19.79... Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Lorimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Este5 Park on the 2.)1.day of A.D.19.79.at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor gpp••t•.c .PFP.41.e Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: The Board of Trustees scheduled a study meeting for October 5,1970,at 7:30 P.M. There being no further business,it was regularly moved,seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn. Mayor Attest: Town Administrator and Clerk