HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Valley Planning Commission 2009-12-15RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Regular Meeting of the Estes Valley Planning Commission December 15, 2009, 6:00 p.m. Board Room, Estes Park Town Hall Commission: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chair Doug Klink; Commissioners Aian Fraundorf, John Tucker, Betty Huil, Steve Lane, Ron Norris, and Rex Poggenpohl Chair Klink, Commissioners Fraundorf, Lane, Norris, Hull and Poggenpohl Town Attorney Greg White, Planner Dave Shirk, Planner Alison Chilcott, Town Board Liaison Richard Homeier, and Recording Secretary Karen Thompson Commissioner Tucker, Director Joseph; Commissioner Lane was excused from the meeting at 6:50 p.m. The following minutes reflect the order of the agenda and not necessarily the chronological sequence. Chair Klink called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. There were approximately 10 citizens in attendance. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of correction of minutes from November 12, 2009 Special Planning Commission Meeting. b. Approval of minutes from November 17, 2009 Regular Planning Commission meeting. c. Acknowledgment of Joint Study Session minutes from joint study session between Town Board and Planning Commission on November 24, 2009. It was moved and seconded (Norris/Poggenpohl) that Consent Agenda items a and c be accepted as presented, and item b be approved as corrected, and the motion passed unanimously with one absent. 3. AMENDMENT TO ESTES VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CODE - WIND TURBINE REGULATIONS Planner Shirk reviewed the staff report, and stated changes were made based on public comments heard in the November meetings. Changes include a more descriptive method to measure height and a proposed required setback from property lines of five (5) times the structure height; also, the current standards for structures as they relate to setbacks from public and private roads were added. The Ridgeline Protection Area standards were modified with the intent to keep turbines off ridgelines. If the site contains an identified Ridgeline Protection Area, the applicant could demonstrate to the Planning Commission that the location of the proposed system is not on a ridgeline. It was proposed to prohibit lighting of any type on the system or through up-lighting. After conversation between Staff and Utilities Engineer Reuben Bergsten, it was noted the manufacturer’s installation instructions sometimes conflict with the Underwriters Laboratories’ installation standards. Until this is reconciled, it was determined to include a statement concerning the approval of safety standards by the State Electrical Inspector. Swept Area and Micro-Wind were defined, with systems having a swept area of fifteen (15) square feet or less qualifying as a micro-wind system and being exempt from the proposed setback regulations of five times the structure height, but still subject to other zoning district setback requirements. It was proposed to allow multiple micro-wind systems on one parcel, with a cumulative total of fifteen (15) square feet of swept area. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Estes Valley Planning Commission 2 December 15, 2009 Planner Shirk reported the wind turbine moratorium was extended by the Town Board to March 8, 2010. This moratorium is effective only within the Town limits. Public Comment: Paul Brown/Town Resident was concerned about the enforcement of noise ordinances on properties located on the town/county border, knowing the town and county ordinances are not in alignment. Mr. Brown suggested the title of section 5.2.B.2.h(9) be revised to say Performance Noise and Safety Standards. He also offered several changes as related to the International Electrotechnical Commission standards on safety. Mr. Brown recommended including a maximum horizontal limit and/or a maximum swept-area limit in the proposed code. Lastly, he suggested either increasing the swept area for micro-wind systems or removing 5.2.B.2.h(13)b concerning the allowance of multiple units per lot, as he sees no benefit to having multiple units if they cannot generate a practical amount of power. Dave Rusk/County Resident supported wind turbines, and was concerned that property rights would be violated if a government agency was able to restrict property owners from being able to make use of their land. Mr. Rusk did not think that creating regulations for a specific use like wind turbines was appropriate for this Commission. He thought the Renewable Energy Sun/ey provided good information about how the residents view wind turbine regulation. Johanna Darden/Town Resident thought there were a large number of residents against wind turbines in the Estes Valley, herself included. She was concerned about visual impact, and suggested more research on this topic. Commissioner Lane was excused from the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Jim Tawney/Town Resident thought there were too many variables involved, and encouraged the Planning Commission to discontinue discussion on this item and refrain from regulating wind turbines. Celine LeBeau/Town Resident supported wind turbines and thought the setbacks were too restrictive. Tom Bergmann/Town Resident supports the property owner’s right to build wind turbines. He opposes the regulation of wind turbines. Red Palace/Town Resident supported micro-wind turbines and did not think they should be restricted. Bob Clements/County Resident supported wind turbines and thought the focus of wind turbine regulation was visual impact and turbines located in corridors. He thought setbacks should be addressed differently if visual impact was not an issue on an applicant’s property. Paul Brown/Town Resident suggested increasing the wattage levels for micro-wind systems to a higher level to allow turbines that would produce more energy. He thought the setbacks should be reduced, and consideration be given to the future advancements in technology. Bill Darden/Town Resident thought the setbacks were too limiting, though he was somewhat against wind turbines and the potential affect they have on property values. Tom Bergmann/Town Resident proposed a new setback requirement: the existing setback requirement from property lines plus the height of the turbine. Chair Klink closed public comment. Planning Commission and Staff Comment: Discussion occurred concerning the swept area of micro-wind systems. The Commission proposed changing the definition in Section 13.3 to read “with a swept area greater than fifteen (15) square feet and less than 400 square feet. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS llillllll llli Estes Valley Planning Commission 3 December 15, 2009 Commissioner Poggenpohl stated the safety standards in Section 5.2.B.2.h.(9) wouid be more appropriately written into municipal and county ordinances than the EVDC. However, he would like the Planning Commission to formally request that the Town of Estes Park and Larimer County Building Departments incorporate the pending United States standards into their regulations. There was lengthy discussion about setbacks, property rights, and visual impact (location, motion, view obstruction, etc.). There was general consensus among the Commission that it was difficult to effectively address these issues while still creating satisfactory regulations. Town Attorney White explained the existence of aesthetic regulations in land use codes, which include view, that have been upheld in court; however, view alone has not been upheld as a sole, determining factor with regard to land use regulations. Commissioner Norris proposed allowing a Special Review process for applicants to request a smaller setback than five times the height of the structure for large wind turbines. Chair Klink commented that this regulation proposal restricts, at a higher percentage than any other regulation in the development code, a property owner’s ability to build something on their property. Commissioner Poggenpohl urged keeping tight restrictions on large systems and allowing more flexibility with micro-wind systems. Planner Shirk referred to the Setback Illustrations that were presented at the special meeting on November 12, 2009, which gave an indication as to the number of wind turbines that could be allowed in the development code area relative to the proposed setback requirements. Planner Chilcott advised the Commission that some wind turbines are less than the 30-foot height limit; therefore, the setbacks for those units would be less, which could potentially allow wind turbines in more areas. Commissioner Norris stated that, based on the current proposal, a micro-wind system would be allowed on the majority of lots throughout the Estes valley. Commissioner Poggenpohl described that a micro-wind system with a 15 square-foot swept area would have blades approaching 5 feet in diameter. He suggested a 40-50 square-foot cumulative aggregate swept area on any given lot to allow multiple micro­ wind systems. The proposed requirement of a maximum height limit of 30 feet and a 10-foot clearance of moving blades from the ground would still apply. Chair Klink summarized the changes to the proposed regulations. Elimination of Section 5.2.B.2.h(9) referring to safety standards; Section 5.2.B.2.h(13)b., changing fifteen square-feet to forty (40) square-feet; Section 13.3, adding the phrase “...and less than 400 square-feet” after “...with a swept area greater than fifteen (15) square- feet. Also, there were minor grammatical corrections that were discussed and changed in the study session. These changes did not affect the context of the regulations. Commissioner Norris summarized the process of the proposed code amendments, including but not limited to five public meetings, written public comment as well as public input at Planning Commission meetings, study of wind data in Estes Park from Colorado State University’s local research station, and the review of information from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The Planning Commission’s recommendations to the Town Board were based on understanding the effect the code amendment will have on the surrounding area and the community as a whole. They understood that the community did not want to ban wind turbines, but did want to regulate them. From the review of the current technology available for wind turbines, the Commission learned wind turbines would not be a significant source of alternative energy for most locations in the Estes valley. It was also understood there is wind power available to residents of the Estes valley through the Poudre River Power Authority. It was moved and seconded (Poggenpohl/Norris) to recommend to the Larimer County and the Town of Estes Park Building Departments that they adopt the pending AWEA Standard 9.1 on the performance and safety standards for smaii wind turbines, and the motion passed unanimously with two absent. It was moved and seconded (Norris/ Hull) to recommend Approval of the code amendments, with the foilowing revisions, to the Town Board and the motion passed unanimousiy with two absent. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Estes Valley Planning Commission December 15, 2009 Revisions: 1. Grammatical corrections as discussed in the study session 2. §5.2.B.2.h(9) - Delete this statement \ 3. §5.2.B.2.h(13)b. - Change . .fifteen (15) square-feet...” to forty (40) square-feet 4. §13.3 - After “.. .with a swept area greater than fifteen (15) square-feet, ADD the phrase “...and less than 400 square-feet...” REPORTS Planner Shirk reported Kind Coffee had requested a use classification to move their roasting operation to Dunraven Avenue, and two neighbors in the area appealed the staff decision on the use classification. The appeal was withdrawn by the appellants when the owner of Kind Coffee decided not to relocate that portion of the business to Dunraven Avenue. Planner Shirk described the new feature of the Agenda on the Town website. Town Attorney White reported the audit of the Community Development Department by Zucker Systems is being finalized and will become a public document after presentation to the Town Board. Planner Shirk announced the resignation of County Commissioner Kathay Rennels. The Republican Party will name a new commissioner to serve as an interim commissioner until Ms. Rennels’ official term expires. Town Attorney White stated the Inter-Governmental Agreement between the Town of Estes Park and Larimer County expires February 1, 2010. It has been proposed to establish two-year terms for officers of the Estes Valley Planning Commission rather than the current one-year term. ELECTION OF OFFICERS According to the Inter-Governmental Agreement, the position of Chair for the upcoming one-year term shall be a Town resident, while the one-year term of the Vice-Chair position shall be a County resident. Commissioner Norris was the only nominee for the position of Chair, while Commissioner Hull was the sole nominee for the position of Vice-Chair. Commissioner Hull nominated Commissioner Norris for Chair. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Fraundorf. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Norris was elected Chair by acclamation. Commissioner Norris nominated Commissioner Huli for Vice-Chair. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Poggenpohl. There being no further nominations. Commissioner Huil was eiected Vice-Chair by acclamation. It was moved and seconded (Norris/Poggenpohl) to appoint the Community Development Department Secretary or designee as Recording Secretary, and the motion passed unanimousiy with two abset^ There being no further business, p.m. adjourned the meeting at 7:47 oug K^k, Chair Karen Thompson, Recoirdif’fg Secretary