HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Valley Planning Commission 2011-04-19RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
Regular Meeting of the Estes Valley Planning Commission
April 19, 2011,1:30 p.m.
Board Room, Estes Park Town Hall
Also Attending:
Chair Doug Klink, Commissioners Ron Norris, Alan Fraundorf, John
Tucker, Betty Hull, Rex Poggenpohl, Rick Grabish
Chair Klink, Commissioners Norris, Fraundorf, Tucker, Hull, Poggenpohl,
and Grabish
Planner Shirk, Town Attorney White, Town Board Liaison Elrod, and
Recording Secretary Thompson
Interim Director Chilcott
The following minutes reflect the order of the agenda and not necessarily the chronological
Chair Klink called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. There were four people in attendance.
Approval of minutes from March 15, 2011 Planning Commission meeting.
itnwaftmOV!d and sec°nded (Hull/Fraundorf) to approve the minutes as presented
and the motion passed unanimously.
RANGE 73WN’|AN? rt Pt°J^?0N OF THE NE 1/4 0F SECTI0N4. township 4N,
Ame^deJp^r Rled at f334 and 2372 Highway 66 Spur, AKA Taillon-Peyton
Amended Plat - Request to adjust the boundary line between two parcels.
preWsaented°and tah"dmSo,Zded <N°rris/Grabish) «<> approve the amended plat as
presented and the motion passed unanimously.
AMaE!g<£!DoPLAT OF LOTS 4 & 5' VENNERS ranch estates located at 1825
Tot line betaeaenn° twolo AKA “Lee-Tumer Amended Plat” " *o adjust the
as'p^es'ente^4^anddthe ^otfon passed u^nani^ous^y!,0 aPPr°Ve ,he P'at
Planned^fnh'oevdoifmentJ- PuWic^^m^*t^^^ DEVELOPMENT CODE
teenThe mafn steHmemltr'f33 T newcode lan3ua9e- laterim Director Chilcott has
Works^tr&^or Zurn wN|nprovi^r informationt'onnpuDs^Sent ,0day' NeXt m°nth' Pub'i0
Public Comment
A‘ rnmmiLShirk Stated therG Was 3 tyP°3raP}^'oa\ error in the date of the memo to the
Mamri s aoiT00"06""19 ,he EVDC amendmaa'a- The correct datrsho JS b^
B. Staff and Town Attorney White discussed the possibility of bypassing the Plannina
Commission for some amended plat applications. Most tend to be ve9ry benign, bu^
Estes Valley Planning Commission 2
April 19, 2011
some will be more heavily involved. The Planning Commission will continue to
review the more complicated applications.
C. Planner Shirk reported a tentative date has been set for the joint meeting with
Town Board, County Commission, and Planning Commission. The meeting is
scheduled for Thursday, September 29, 2011, from 2:00-5:00 p.m. in the Town
Board Room. Discussion occurred among the Commission as to how to determine
what is placed on the agenda. Suggestions included economic development and
the Comprehensive Plan. It was suggested that possible agenda items be
discussed at the May Planning Commission Study Session. Planner Shirk
suggested possible agenda items be given to staff to be forwarded to the Town
Clerk’s office.
D. Planner Shirk reported the Town Board announced the amendment to the EVDC
concerning solar energy collectors, and it would be listed as an action item on the
agenda for the April 26, 2011 meeting.
E. Planner Shirk reported the Board of County Commissioners approved the Eagles
Crest Resort Preliminary and Final Condominium Maps on March 21 2011
Construction will begin soon.
F. Planner Shirk reported the 2009 International Building
amendments were approved by the Town board on Aoril 12^
July 1,2011. K
Codes and local
and will take effect
G'm fm^rfatoHhirk rePorted tfie Town Board voted to place a moratorium on direct
illuminated ^gns larger than 10 square feet in size to allow further research and
discussion. The moratorium is set to expire September 27, 2011. Items needing
further research included “hold times” and size limits for illuminated signs
Commissioner Grabish suggested using the results from a Colorado Department of
ransportation time-period analysis as a guide. Planner Shirk added that one of the
reasons for sign codes is due to driver distraction.
H‘ Snfnr,S5Mf 'he Park, Soh°o1 District RE-3 enrollment figures are
the Plarml^gaCommisston.rOCeSS °b,ainin9 hard nUmberS t0 giVe an overview t0
'■ reported the Town recently completed and printed a booklet detailing
n0„Tr.n'°Tend pr°Pertles- Copies are available for review in the Community
compSent Department- Planner Sh|rk stated additional analysis was still being
J’ fRL^PA?hRi^ I’npfl^®9 0n theR®li9ioos Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
(HLUIPA). RLUIPA was enacted in 2001. Town Attorney White and Pianner Shirk
lee;enThaerCtwo One'^Mtf”'' th® EVDC t0 d®termi"e an^ P°'entrarcon«s
etween the two. One of the mam concerns is whether or not the EVDC treats
rreTumen^rrMnwid6 SarSe 33 °!|her assemb|y 9rouPs- Religious assembly groups
are currently allowed in all zone districts as other assembly groups. Planner ShirkSumenTite EVoyrWHhi,e 'hfnS P°ten,ial pr0blem may ox^Lfwithprivatrschoo*
hnth olo ’1 n Ey?C d0es n0t dlfferentiate between public and private schools, and
haloH Th 0fWed In any ZOne dlstrict- Frequently, private schools are religion-
cbrd; Th®refore, any proposed code amendments will most likely be focused on
schools. Planner Shirk stated staff will provide additional information to the
Planning Commission in the next month or so.
K. Planner Shirk reported that Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) were reviewed by the
in mJv9 20mmiArth T'r pr°P°sed code amendments heard by the Town board
that.t,me’ thG Town B°ard remanded the proposed code
amendrnents. This spring, there have been several inquiries by the public
concerning improvements to existing ADUs. Currently, the EVDC does not allow
Estes Valley Planning Commission 3
April 19, 2011
expansion of the use of ADUs. Planner Shirk gave three examples of local
inquiries, one of which included a challenge of staff’s interpretation of the code.
There was a code amendment to allow accessory kitchens inside principal dwelling
units, which was a positive change for attached/integrated ADUs, but detached
units are still an issue.
Chair Klink requested that the proposed code amendment remanded to the
Planning Commission be put in the Commissioner’s notebooks for future reference.
This should also include a summary by staff and minutes from the Town Board
meeting where the item was remanded. If the Planning Commission decides to
pursue another proposal, comments from the Town Board prior to drafting new
code language would be appropriate.
L. Planner Shirk reported Kate Rusch, Public Information Officer for the Town, Deni
LaRue, Larimer County’s Community Information Manager, and Neil Gluckman,
Assistant County Manager, would be attending the June Planning Commission
study session to discuss ways to deal with the media, as well as provide
information on Town and County policies for Planning Commissioners. Chair Klink
requested this meeting due to fairly recent and significant turnover of
Commissioners, in addition to the complexities of issues coming before the
Commissioner Poggenpohl reported there are three subcommittees (roads and traffic,
parking, and information) within the Transportation Committee that have been meeting
monthly. As a whole, the group meets weekly. They will be making a presentation to the
Town Board in the near future that may include helpful information for future
Comprehensive Plan discussions.
Commissioner Grabish requested that, when completed, copies of the Town property
maps be provided to the Planning Commissioners. He commended Trustee Elrod for
pursuing the project.
There being no further business, Chair urned the meeting at 2:05 p.m.
oug IOfhk,^air
varen Thompson,^cording Secretary