HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 130-51ORDIITZO iO. —-rn T fl TP.cO ±D±.i L)fl LIIL APO OPPICERS OP T T0hii OP PSTJS PLRP,C0L0RDO, UTBh T B OL P TPCS I YJ .Z PLOVIZiO S OPTITLh II 02 TZS 2DBRL 3CCIL SCTTR1TY ACT,AS .J JJLJD. the 3th General Assembly of the State of Color:do enacted a statute irnown as House Pill Ro.291,which enables the Town of Estes ParR,Colorado to cover its employees and officers under the Old c and Snrvivors Insurance wro— visions of Title II of the Pederal Social Security Act,and witch bill designates t c Depart :ont of Employment Security of the State of Colorado to act as the department to obtain such covoragc; AID hDhZA3,the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes ParR believe that it is beneficial to and for the general welfare of tie Town,and the citizens thereof,to participate in the Social Security system,and to obtain for the eauDiorees and officers o saic Town participation in tme provisions of the Old Age and Survivors Insurance provisions of the Pederal Social Security Act; R02,TIiiZ2FCR,BE IT ORDAIPED BY TTE BOARD OF RSTS OF TiTh TOhT CF SSTES PARR,COLOPADO: Section 1.That it shall be the policy of the Town of Estes ParR,Colorado,to extend to the cmployeos and officers of said Town,and to the dependents aed srv vors of such emoloyces and officers,the basic protccLion accorded to others by the Old ATe and •3nrvivors’Insurance system embodied in the Federal Social Security Act,so far as the Town is enabled o -1— a C • I .ci,•L••a to do by present or future legislation of the State c’Colorado. Section 2.That the :‘ayor and Tova C13r1:of the Town of Estes Parl:are horeby authorlzcd to execute and deliver to the Depart’zent of Employment Security,State of Colorado,a plan or plats and agreement required under Section 5 of said 3rQblItg act and the Social Securtty Act,to obtain coverage for erployees and officers of t’e Town of Estes Par!:,Colorado, and to do all oter nccessary thiass to effectuate coverage of said employees a;:d officers under te Old Age and St’rvivors’ Insurance s:;stem.The plan and agreezent shall be in accordance vdtii house 2111 No.291 and tlth paragraph 213 of tLe Federal Social Security Act. Soction 3.t;e Town Clerl:is hereby authorized to estabii:h a system of payroll deduction froz the salaries and waces of said erployees and cfflcor3,and to make payment thereof into te contribution fund of t.Social Sectrlty Act,through tte Departnert of Employment SecurLty,a:d to make charges t:ereof to ttie fund or funds from whlci.wage or salary pay”ients are made to the employees of the Torn.e Town Clerk is further authorized to pay into the cantribution fund of the Social Security Act,through t’e De1’art:o.S of Employment Security,from finds appro:n’iate’by the Board of 2nstees, an ar2ount equal to that paid to said Departnont from deductions from the rages ant sa1ar.es of the employees aud officers of saId Tmn.S’ich payments shall be zado in accordazce ith the pro7isions of Section 1400 of the Fedora].Insurance Contribution £ct,on all services which constItute employmont rithin the :..:•anin1 of that Act.Payments &afl be made to the Doçartment -2- •I ••sr Q C •,•—•• I • •••••• of Erploymo-it Security,State of Colorado,vrit±n the tine and I:the tannor provided ±n t!.o )lan and agreement to be entered into between the Town a’d the Departrort of Employment Socr!rity and vtilch plan and agreeront nay provIde for intorest on delinquent payments. &ctlon 4.Appropr.%tion is hereby made from the gonoral funds of V e Town of Estes Park,Colorado,in the amount nocessary to pa;-the Town’s share of the contribution fund until the end of the present fiscal yoar,and thoroaftor appropriation of funds for the purposes of this o:dinance a tcll be made in the annual appropriation ordinance. Section .T.e partIcipation of the Town of Zstes Parh in the Social Securit Systen as horoin sot forth,shall become effoctive as of July 1,1951. Section 6.The Board of Trustees,by motion or resolution,nay from tint to tire authorizo such changes in the plan and cgroe’ent,and authc:±ze t’e execution of such instruments as ray bo nocessary and proper to neet canges in locislatlon and such charn;es in cor.ditions,to the end and for tI’e purpose of continuing the coverage of the o2ployees and officers of tle Town of Estes Park under tho Old Age and Survivors’Insurance po7Isions of te Federal Soctal SecurIty Act,and tLe present or ftture legIslatIon of the State of Colorado pertaining t1ereto. Section 7.It is hereby declared t:at t is rrClnence is nocessar;for the im.tediate preservatIon of tLe publIc peace,healtL and safety,atd t:Is :r±nance shall t&te effect and be in force iredlatel:T after its passage and publication. -3- .4.-i0-C5.00‘-I-A-pi70-P>